Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 Lucy's P.O.V

I glared, even though it was a perfect sunny day, I had to watch Natsu hanging on to Lisanna every day for the four weeks she's been back from Edolores.

I have no place to be jealous right? Was I maybe just a replacement for people to get over her?

Or was I true nakama?

These are things my brain can't sort out, I'm so confused, all alone.

I ususally would talk to Mira,

Levy, or even Erza about these things, but they haven't been talking to me much, everytime I get close to Mirajane all I hear is Lisanna's voice yell, "Mira-Nee!"

When I try to talk to Levy I hear Lisanna ask, "How's your relationship with Gajeel?"

Then when I try to talk to Erza I hear Lisanna speak, "Erza, you've gotten so much stronger!"

It's like she's trying to push me away from the guild, like she doesn't want me talking to them...

When I try to talk to Natsu, Lisanna always runs up to him and glomps him. Natsu just gives a light chuckle, and ruffles her short white hair. I always feel a pang of jealousy when he does that, he used to do that to me, even Happy hasn't talked to me in a week and that was only to ask if I had fish.

Lisanna is indeed very pretty, naybe even beautiful, with her short white hair, and sparkling blue eyes, but sometimes I ask myself why does everyone fawn over her? I know she just returned "back from the dead" as Natsu, and Happy call it but still.

Pretty much every girl in Fairy Tail is beautiful, with gigantic curves so there's nothing new about her right?

She looks like Mirajane as much as I look like my mother.

I wish I had my mother to talk about these things. My mother was beautiful, and she had long golden blonde hair that was wavy. She had chocolate brown eyes that were so kind... We would look like indentical twins right now if only she was alive... But apparently even if I am as pretty as my mother, Lisanna is so much prettier apperently, I know, Cana told me, she was drunk, but it still hurt.

The only difference bewteen her, and me is that she's been here longer, and apparently that makes her a goddess.

I stare down at my hand, pink, like his hair, the reason I wanted it pink was because it was the color of his hair ... Natsu, my savior, the one who stole me from my imprisonment in pink gowns and diamond tiaras.

Natsu hasn't talked to me in weeks, actually not even Gray, the stripping Ice Mage, even after I comforted him about Ur, wouldn't, couldn't talk to me.

"Lucy!" Natsu yelled running up to me.

I'm sitting on the bar chair and, I guess I was just staring off into space, day dreaming once again.

I felt my heart go faster, and a smile graced my face. It's so refreshing to have him talk to me again!

Despite his pink hair, and dragon- like onyx eyes he has a husky voice, and a muscular body but he can be so oblivious, yet so kind.

"Hi Natsu!" I replied still smiling.

"U-Um Lucy..." Natsu stuttered.

"Yes?" I asked.

"We sorta want Lisanna on the team.." Natsu said.

"Well, I don't have a problem with it, why are you asking me shouldn't you be asking Erza?" I questioned.

Erza came up beside Natsu, and her eyes looked sorrowful.

"Actually Lucy, we're kicking you off of the team.. Maybe you can go on some solo missions, and get stronger so people won't call you the weakest on Team Natsu anymore." Erza suggested.

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