Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Normal Normal POV, Fairy Tail

It has been one year, 264 days, 23 hours, 14 minutes, and 36 seconds since Lucy Heartfilia left, Team Natsu knew they were counting. The first week Lucy disappeared from Fairy Tail, the whole guild was in a major state of dismay, everybody was depressed. Cana, even stopped drinking, her abandoned kegs gathering dust in a forgotten corner, Levy, she was hit hard, Lucy was her best friend and novel was in a state of dismay, his paintings didn't have the same shine, the same sparkle as they did before, with the leaving of the Stellar Mage, the painters inspiration had left too.


Most of the guild, the ones who knew Lucy but didn't really talk to her, had stayed relatively calm, they still worried, bit they held on to the desperate hope that she would just walk in, ruffle Natsu's hair, sit at the bar with Levy an talk about literature.


But out of Lucy's closest friends there were three mages that were hit the hardest, Gray, Natsu, and Erza.

Natsu mainly stayed at home, cooped up, in his house, occasionally going to the guild to get high paying jobs alone, he worked, and slaved so that he could get the rent for his and Lucy's living spaces. The only reason they kicked Lucy off was that he was blinded, blinded by the white hair of a childhood crush.

If Natsu beat himself up over Lucy's disappearance, Erza was always silent she stopped critizing others and sulked because it was her responsibility to make sure everything was going well, she should of stopped herself from being blinded by having Lisanna on the team.

Gray wasn't even aware that Lucy had been kicked out until he came back with Juvia, arm in arm after a romantic date, to be met by a stone cold, deathly silenced guild.


Lisanna couldn't understand, why was one girl more special? Every day like clockwork she would ask a pink haired dragon slayer to train with her, to be alone, to catch up. All the dragon slayer thought about was his best friend, EX-best friend if Lisanna got her way and how he regretted every action every move.


"Hey Natsu!" Lisanna chirped practically bouncing on the soles o her feet, today was the day, she knew it. " Do you wanna come to my apartment and train, I have a really really big back yard."

"No." Natsu replied plainly, his head in his hands, staring mournfully at a picture on the bar counter of something that Lisanna couldn't make out behind Natsu's pink hair.

"Why Natsu?"

Natsu's reply was simple, one word,

" Lucy,"

"Again, why Natsu? Ever since that damned Lucy left all you can think about is her, I mean what's so great about her, I mean she's weak!" Lisanna bursts out, she had stayed sort of quiet for the time and watched the once lively guild fall into depression, right when she said this, she knew it was the wrong thing, the whole guild fell in to a deathly silence.

Finally Natsu looked up meeting Lisanna's eyes, Lisanna's hopes flew, he was going to say yes.

"Happy let's go."

"Aye, sir" Happy said sending one last glare at Lisanna, she recoiled away.

"Happy, I'm your mother..."

"Aye but Lucy's nicer!"

Happy followed Natsu in pursuit and Lisanna was staring at Natsu in shock, why would they reject her? She looked closer at the picture, it was a portrait of a busty blonde surrounded by the guild, everyone laughing, but Lisanna looked closer, she was on Natsu's shoulders while talking to Erza, who was polishing a sword, while trying to stab a stripping Gray. They all looked so happy, Erza rarely smiled, Gray rarely angered Erza now, but apparently he did it a lot, and Natsu NEVER gave anyone piggy back rides. Things had changed.

As Natsu, and Happy walked out of the guild doors, Lisanna ran sobbing to her sister.

"M-Mira-Nee.." Lisanna sobbed.

Mirajane dropped her glass she was cleaning, and the beautiful bartender gasped.

"Lisanna! Are you okay? Is anyone hurt? Are you hurt?" Mira stressed, her voice doing the perfect imatation of a mother, but since the Strauss' parents left she was their mother.

"It's Natsu... He's still thinking about that dumb blonde Lucy." Lisanna pouted.

Mirajane frowned, "That's not a good way to talk about Lucy Lisanna, she's not dumb, she's one of the smartest in the guild, she evens really nice, she's a rich heiress and she isn't a stuck up brat, she's might be one of the most innocent people we have here even, even though how Natsu loves Lucy so much." Mirajane scolded.

"L-Loves?" Lisanna asked.

"Well of course! Did you know Natsu sneaks in her bed, he's even seen her in her underwear!" Mirajane said with a grin " Every one knows it, their the best in-denial couple since Bisca and Alzack, here I'll show you a picture,"

Mira pulled out a photo album entitled NaLu, flipping through it for a while and pulled out a picture.


Lisanna looked at it, it was set at one of Fairy Tail's famous parties, the blonde girl, Lucy was kissing Natsu, her hands wrapped around his neck, Natsu was bending down, and his hands wrapped around her slim waist.

Lisanna drew in a shaky breath, but then remembered that it was at a party,

"It's at a party, they were drunk... right?" Lisanna asked not awaiting the answer very much,

Her hopes were crushed,

"No," Mira said, "Both completely sober, if you ask them though they'll deny it and tell Erza you stole her cake,"

"Wait, Erza likes cake,"

"Well yes, she loves it, everyone knows that,"

"Lucy too?"

"Lucy too probbobly the best, she's Erza's best friend, hey Lisanna do you want to look at the rest of the album?" Mira asked, her delicate hands indicating the leather bound book.(2)

"Sure" Lisanna said depressed taking the heavy book.

" Oh Lisanna, some of the events are painted because we had to hear about them."


Lisanna was laying on her white and blue bed flipping through the photo album. So far what she had seen was seriously depressing her.

There was a painting of Lucy falling of a high building, her eyes were closed and she was falling gracefully, like an angel, Natsu was in the corner of the frame his arms outstretched, sprinting towards the falling girl. The caption read ' Lucy escapes from Hades' by Reamus.

One picture was the fiery dragon-slayer an unpleasant shade of green resting his head on the celestial mages lap. Lucy was apparently softly stroking Natsu's hair. Picture by Happy and caption entitled 'She liiiikes him.'

And another, the one that broke Lisanna's heart the most, more than the one of the kiss, was a beautiful picture of Lucy and Natsu together at a ball. Natsu was dashing in a crumpled suit and a neat red silk

tie tossed carelessly over his shoulder. But it was Lucy that looked like a goddess, her blonde hair was in carefully arranged curls all piled around her head in an elaborate bun with a draping black, lace hair clip. She was wearing a floor length red dress, so form fitting and so encrusted in shiny beads, that it looked like a second skin, in short, she was dazzling. But Lisanna did wonder why she had a black ribbon tied at her hips with sparkling keys on it. The caption read 'Natsu and Lucy go undercover (we think) at a millionaires ball, (Natsu's a total slob) (What you expect from squinty eyes?)'by Erza Scarlet and Gray Fullbuster.

Lisanna put the book away she couldn't take anymore.



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