Alanni gets put into an educational program in her school to learn about parnethood. She gets paired up with the popular boy. What happens when they have to live and raise 1 month old twins for a year knowing that the life the are about to live is d...
Fudge noodles! Im going to be late! I get up and hurry into the shower. I have a 5 min shower and get out. I get dressed in my leather jacket, black leggings, black boots and i grab my small black handbag. Its the middle of September and first day of Senior year starts today.
I check my phone to see that I got a message from my best friend. She's downstairs flirting with my brothers, like always. She telling me to rush my ass downstairs or we are late. I walk in to the kitchen and say Good morning to everyone. I go up to my dad and kiss him in the cheek. I kiss my brothers in the cheek as well and i go hug and kiss my mom. After my best friend jumps on me.
We eat waffles and walk out the door. We get into my black jeep that i got for my 17th birth in April. I really don't drive it but since its my Senior year why not. Lupe connects her phone to bluetooth and puts on bodak yellow by Cardi B.
A little background on me My full name is Alanni Love Delilah De Romero Hernandez. Im the middle child, well im the fourth to last. My mom and dad had 6 sons and 3 daughters. My oldest brother is Sebastian (23). Then my other older brother Santiago(22). Then my sister Amelia(21). Then its the twins Nathaniel and Natalie(19) then its me Alanni(17) triplets Grayson, Jayson and Mason(16). Yeah they were busy in their "young years". Yes its 9 kids and my mom and dad are begging my older brothers to have babies already.
But anyways, I go to Pointe Mountain Academy. Which is located in Seattle, WA. I was born in Chicago, Illinois but after I was born my mom wanted us to grow up in a more "healthy environment."
My best friend and I have been friends since i was 4 years old. Since then we have been inseparable.
My mom and dad have been married since my mom was 18. My dad is 3 years older then my mom. My dad and mom's names are Adrian and Maria De Romero Hernandez De Luca. You guessed it, im full mexican and we that we all have long names.
Back to the present
We arrive at school and we go get our new schedules. The triplets are hooking up with their play toys of the day.
We arrive to our lockers and our friends Vanessa, Pedro & Kyle come up to us. "What happened with you guys on Saturday? Y'all just disappeared?" Vanessa said laughing. " Lupe probably got fucked by Nikolai's beat friend Fernando and Alanni well was Alanni." Pedro said laughing " Stfu pedro, for your information i went home sober and by myself." Alanni said defensively. "We know" everyone said.
We still had about 5 mins before the bell rings so we waited for the bell to ring.
We had first hour together and the rest of your classes with my best friend lupe. While you guys were waiting you saw Nikolai and his little squad of fuck boys walk in.
They pass us but not before Fernando flirted with Lupe. The bell rang and we all went to class.
After 5 mins of sitting in your desk, the announcements turned on asking for all of the 80 senior students that are in a New Project to come to the auditorium. Our teacher called Lupe, Vanessa, Pedro and myself. We had no idea what was going on, I called my mom to see if she know what was going on and she said she couldn't say anything.
We reported to the Auditorium and took a seat in the back. After 10 mins it started to get filled with more students. I wonder what is going on?
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