Chapter 5 ~ Edited

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++++++++++++ next day ++++++++++++

Alanni POV:

Today I woke up at 4 in the morning, which caused Nikolai to also wake up. I couldn't keep still, I was excited to meet the twins even though I know it's just for a year that I'm going to have them with me.

Nikolai and I have talked about keeping them after the year is up and he agrees with me. He doesn't think it's a good thing to just drop them like they meant nothing to us, when we know they're going to mean the world to us.

I told him that will mean for us to be together and he said he wouldn't have a problem. That he's willing to change and actually grow up just to keep me and the twins happy. I told him we'll have to see how things go for us and we'll decide from there.

Right now we're heading to the adoption center were the twins are waiting for us to come home. My best friend and Vanessa have their appointments in a few hours so we will be one of the first ones due to Nikolai's last name.

We get out the car and head up to the top floor. I grip on Nikolai's hand due to my nervous state. Nikolai squeezes my hand back and and gives me a smile.

When we get to the top floor we see a lady waiting there for us she asked for the papers that we have for the twins and for our IDs to confirm that we are who we say we are. Nikolai laughed at what the lady said and asked who would want to steal a baby. The woman looked at us and said that it has happened a couple times.

After about 20 minutes she says that we are ready to go to follow her and to the next room.

Nikolai POV:

When we walk into the next room Alanni grabs my hand and looks up at me. I look at her and tell her that everything's going to be fine. The lady let us into a room that is empty besides two chairs a desk and a side small bed.

After a few minutes a nurse walks in with two babies in her arms. As soon as Alanni looks up she starts to cry. I don't understand why she's crying but from what I can tell those are happy tears. She walks up to the nurse and takes the baby on her left then she looks at me. I go up to her a grab the other baby. The nurse excuses herself to give us a minute with the twins.

I look at Alanni and see that she is adoring and admiring the baby she has. I look down at the baby I have and his big Hazel-greenish eyes look up at me and he smiles. That melted my heart in many ways I'll never ever have or understand.

I feel a hand in my shoulder. I look up to see Alanni. She asked me what we should name the twins. I tell her that baby A should be named on Alessandro Xander Bustamante De Romero and baby B should be named Alexandre Xavier Bustamante De Romero.

Alanni POV:

The moment the nurse walked in with the twins in her arms my world stopped. Even though they aren't my biological kids it felt right to have them with me. I look up to Nikolai to see the admiring our son.

Saying our son feels weird coming out of my mouth but then at the same time it feels right, it feels like this is what it's meant to be right now at this moment. I can't be mad at my parents or think about anything else or that stupid project that we are here to do. I only look at those Hazel greenish eyes are looking right into me into my soul.
I asked Nikolai what we should name the kids, our twins, the name he said were the most perfect precious names ever. The social worker walks into the room two write down the names on the birth certificate.

I asked her what the newborn twin boys are doing at a adoption facility and she said that their mother had passed away giving birth to them and their father wanted nothing to do with them he gave all the rights to the city.

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