Chapter 7 ~ Edited

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Alanni POV:

We walked into the kitchen leaving all the men in the living room.

"Mija I know your mad at your father and I, but you have to understand we had no other choice but to do this. We have enemies in common and working together will get ruin of them." Said my mom

" I know ma, it just not easy and more because Dad decide to bring it up right now. Nikolai and I understand, we just hope his father and mine will stop bring it up."

" Okay ladies enough, we are all family now. Even if I don't agree with my husband in this, look at the great blessings we got. Two handsome baby boys that my son will raise with a beautiful young lady like you. Let's leave this behind and focus on the present, okay?"

"Okay." we all say

"So sister let me hug my nephews now. I've been dying to hug them since you walk in with them." Said my older sister Amelia

"Of course hermana, I'm glad you came. I missed you so much!"

" I missed you too and don't forget that im here if anything, we all are okay. "

Before my sister Natalie can respond we hear Nikolai shout.
I leave the babies with my mom and head to the living were I see everyone pointing their guns at each other.

Before I can say anything Matteo, Nikolai's brother, shot my brother Mason. Jayson and Grayson attacked Matteo which caused all of Nikolai's brothers and mine to jump in. Our fathers we trying to separate them.

My mom took the kids out. I went for my gun.
I ran back to the living room to see one of my brother on top of Nikolai punching him. I shot a few bullets to the wall next to them and everyone stopped and looked at me. I walk to Nikolai and helped him up before going to my brother Mason to see if the bullet shot that he received was fatal.
I called my mom to fix Mason up. I looked at Matteo and slapped him. Before I could even say anything he grabbed me by my neck and backed me up to the wall.
Sebastian came to my side trying to get him off. Matteo wasn't letting go till Nikolai pointed his gun at him.

" lasciala andare subito fratello o non sarò responsabile di quello che sto per fare
(let her go immediately brother or I will not be responsible for what I'm about to do

"wow, il fratello non ha mai pensato che mi avresti sparato per una puttana meno una puttana di De Romero
(wow, brother never thought you'd shoot me for a whore less a whore that's a De Romero.) Nikolai's brothers said with a smirk.

"Devi contare il numero 3 per lasciarla andare o ti ucciderò, cazzo. Giuro che ti ucciderò
(You have to count the number 3 to let her go or I'll kill you, fuck. I swear I'll kill you.)

Matteo looks at me and laughs before letting me go. Nikolai lowers his gun and grabs me, checking if I'm fine. I just hug him back. Nikolai's mom walks up to Matteo and slaps him.

" I'm so disappointed in you Matteo Samuele Bustamante Del Monte ! Che diavolo stavi pensando ?! Alanni è una famiglia ora! È meglio imparare a rispettarlo, scusarti con lei proprio adesso
(What the hell were you thinking ?! Alanni is a family now! It is better to learn to respect it, go apologize to her right now

He walked to were Nikolai and I were and apologized to me for how he acted. He told me he isn't used to a women hitting him and getting away with it. He also apologized for shooting my brother. I accepted his apologize, He then proceeded to apologize to Nikolai ,which he accepted. Nikolai told him that next time he decided to grab me or disrespect me in any form that there will be no stopping him even if it's his blood. Matteo agreed and said it wouldn't happen again.

My mom came to the living room to check if everyone was okay. She then told the men to go put their guns away, that it wasn't acceptable for any type of guns to be out were they are kids and wives around.

Everyone took the guns to the closet, by the door and locked them in there. Everyone apologize for their action, right when Nikolai's mother was going to say something one of the twins started crying.

Nikolai grabbed Alessandro and rocked him. I went into the kitchen to make his bottle and his brother's.
I walked into the living room to give the bottle to Nikolai to feed Ales ( Alessandro) while I started to feed Alex ( Alexandre ) .

I noticed that it was too quiet when I decided to look up, I saw everyone looking at both of us. Nikolai's father was the first to speak and said that he was in shock because he never thought he would see his son with a family.
I looked at Nikolai and smiled. After a while everyone walked into the kitchen to have lunch. We went upstairs to the nursery to put the babies to sleep.

" I can get used to this. Said Nikolai
" You better, it's to late to back down now babe." I said looking at him.
He grabbed me and pulled me in for a kiss.
" I wouldn't leave you even if it made every enemy I have disappear. "
I grabbed him and kissed him.
" I love you Nikolai. "
" Ti amo mi bambina."

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