Chapter 9 ~ Edited

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Nikolai POV:

"Baby do we need to go. Like do we really need to go?!"

"Alanni stop playing around and get ready we have to go to the family party. You haven't been out of the house since the twins. We are going and that's final .

"Papi do we really?
I swear Alanni acts like a little girl, just to not go see her father .

"Baby girl get ready please, I promise we won't stay long. "

"fine. You owe me!"

Finally she left to the bathroom to get ready. I was trying to fix my bowtie. I hate wearing suits. I would wear a leather jacket and jeans any day.
I gave up on the tie and went to check on my babies.

Alanni POV:

I don't even know why I have to go. I hate attending these parties. We stay in a ballroom with other mafia families, sometimes it ends in a war and a huge fight. But no Nikolai wants to risk my damn life and our babies. No matter how many blowjobs I bribed him with he won't change his mind. Just because I love this men.

I start to do my hair in a updo messy bun and i chose a long dark blue dress.
I finished getting ready and went to go check on Nikolai and my babies.

I walk in to see him holding one of the babies and talking to him quietly.

I also noticed he doesn't have his suit in anymore.
"Yes bambina
"We have to get going, go put your suit on, I'll get the twins ready.
"The boys are ready, let me put him down and I'll get ready.
He walked towards me
"And you babygirl look amazing and very beautiful in this dress. Don't you think it a little revealing though? Men will want what's mine.
"No I don't you silly men. Every men can see and wish they can touch me but only you can have me. Do you understand mi amor.
"Yes, I do mi tesoro.

He left to get ready and I walk to see the twins. I swear I have the most armature boyfriend ever.
I walk back into the room and see him trying to tie his bowtie.
"Mi amor, want me to help you?
"Babe it's not me it's these ties, they make it impossible for me to tie them.
"I know, I know baby. Come to Momma.
"Stop playing bambina and help me  mia regina. (My queen)
I fix his bowtie and help him put his suit jacket on.
He walks to the mirror and pulls me with him. We looked at each other in the mirror.
"ti amo
" I love you too baby .

"Are you almost done getting ready Mio amore.
"Yes baby. Go gets the twins in the car, I'll meet you downstairs.
I get up and go put my heels on and head downstairs were Nikolai is waiting.
We get in the car and head to the mansion. I grab his hand.
"Please promise me that nothing will happen. And if it does promise me they will be safe. I don't care about me, I need them to be safe if something happens okay?
"Mi amor nothing is going to happen. And if it does I'll have you guys out of there right away. Our guards will lead you to the safe house and I'll meet you there.
"No, I'll stay with you. They will take the twins and protect them. I'll stay with you and I'm not arguing with you. I'm not leaving you I'll rather they be distracted by us then targeting our babies. We're a family now. And this is want a wife will do.
"Okay Mio amore, just stay with me at all times okay.

Nikolai POV:
We have been here for an hour. Everything is fine so far. Both families sat together. Even my brother Matteo hugged Alanni and is holding Alessandro.

"Nikolai what a pleasant surprise.
I look up to see the Russian Mafia leader.
"Viktor wish i could say the same. Where is your dad, he shouldn't leave a brat to deal or represent the Russian mafia.
"You fucking bitch
"Okay let's calm down before something happens, we have children and wives here. We never put them in harms way. Said Alanni's dad
All the men from both families were standing up, ready to attack.
"Baby calm down Mio amore, it's fine.
I looked down at Ali and relaxed. I nodded and took a seat.
Viktor looked a Alanni with lustful eyes. I could practically hear what's he's thinking.
"If I was you I would look somewhere else Viktor, my brother loves that women your staring at like if she's a damn meal. And if im being honest that makes her family, they have twins together. Said Matteo
"Wow Nikolai didn't think we're a one women men but she's probably a whore, so when your done with her send her my way.

Alanni POV:
Are you serious! We were fine without any drama but this boy decides to ruin it.
Nikolai moves his hand to my thigh, he feels the knifes on my thigh holster and smirks.

He gets up and holds his gun at Viktor because of what he said. Before I know it all the women and children are being lead by their guards to their safe houses. I see my mom holding the twins and following her guards and Nikaloi's guards.
Nikolai pulls me behind him. I grab my gun and point it at Viktor's right hand.

"Sure you wanna do this Viktor, I mean your out numbered. No one likes you here. Nikolai said to Viktor
"I mean why not. If I take you with me. Viktor answered

" Nice try, but to get to him you have to get through me and to get through me you have to get through them. So its a no winning turn out. I say pointing at our families. But please try.

When I finished saying that a bullet went off and everyone ran for cover. Everyone is reloading their guns rounds after rounds.

"Baby are you okay,
"Si bambina. I looked at Nikolai to see that he had a bullet in his arm.
"Nikolai your shot
"Nothing serious bambina.
I got mad and reloaded my guns.
I got up and started to shoot. Nikolai grabs me and follows right next to me.

I got away from Nikolai and started shooting at Viktor's men.
"ALANNI STOP!  I hear everyone yelling at me but I was on the roll.
My brothers and Nikolai's brothers came up to were I was and started to shoot at them.

"Alanni for fucks sakes your a mother now. Back off. Yelled Sebastian at me. I felt an arm go around my waist and pull me back.

"Baby are you okay amor. Are you hurt, shot anywhere.
"No baby. I'm fine. Are you?
"I'm fine amor. Don't do that again okay. I can't lose you .
"Sorry baby I just got mad that he shot you.
"I love you bambina.
"Ti amo mi amor.

"I'll see you really soon Nikolai, Alanni.

"Where are our babies?
"They're home with our moms and the girls. Everyone let's go home.

I felt Nikolai put his arm around me and lead me to the car, where we drove off to Nikolai's mom's house to see our babies and family.


Praying for Guatemala ❣️

Praying for Guatemala ❣️

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