Chapter 12 ~ Edited

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Adrian POV

Looking at my daughter and the happiness in her eyes is the best thing in the world. She deserves the best and I know Nikolai will give her that. I know he will provide for his family, because that's what they both have a family.

"Baby girl

" Yes dad

" I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I insisted on this alliance. I'm sorry that I forced this upon both of you. Your both old enough to know what to do. I hope both of you guys can forgive me.

They look at each other and then my daughter looks at me smiling.

"Dad there is nothing to forgive, if both families have never agreed to this alliance and forced it upon us, we wouldn't have gotten together and adopted twins that mean the world to us. And we wouldn't be engaged right now. I wouldn't be happy right now. I should thank you both for giving me my happiness.

"Bambina there is nothing to thank for. My son is very lucky to have a great women by his side. Your a great addition to the Bustamante family.  Giovanni says

"Thanks Mr. Bustamante.

"Giovanni bambina, we're family now.

Nikolai POV

Everyone has happy and is celebrating our engagement.

" Bambina

" Yes Amor

" We have to start organizing the introduction party. I know both families will like to give a warning about the children and you. We have to let them know that your with me now. And that I'm planing on making you my wife.

"Baby, why do we have to do that. It's not good to basically threat everyone in the Mafia business.

"Bambina listen to me, this is what we have to do to let everyone know what will happen if they even plan on fucking with you or our children. You have said it yourself, it's not just us anymore, we have twins to think about. I want everyone to know that if they even plan on touching a hair on your head or the twins, I will hunt them down and make them regret it. You guys mean the world to me bambina and if anything were to happen to you guys I would die. Tu mi capisci?

" Si mi Amor, I understand. Just make sure we're all safe. Okay?

" No one will even think of attacking bambina. Said my father.

" And why is that? Asked Alanni

" Every mafia family will be there and we are one of the 5 most power Mafia families. You are too. The Mexicans and Italian together are unstoppable. Your father runs all of Mexico. And I run all of Europe but we like to say we're the Italian Mafia because we don't like to showing off, that's a dangerous game. Your father thinks the same way. This party will be an introduction of you as the future wife the the heir of the Italian Mafia and your friend Lupe, that's with Fernando. And to also introduce the kids.

"Wow. That sounds very important. Did you guys do if for Leonardo when he got engaged?

" Yes we did. But a fight started and ALMOST ended everything because Francesco couldn't keep his damn hands to himself. He fucked the wife of the leader of the Columbian Mafia.


Alanni's older sister Amelia, rolled her eyes, shaking her head.

"The point is that we have hosted a family introduction like this before. This time will be different because two of the most powerful families are united.

"We'll just have to keep Francesco away from the women.

"Don't worry about me dear sister in law. I have a beautiful intelligent women by my side and I don't need anymore worthless one night stands.


" Little brother, I've been seeing this girl for the past 5 months and I have to say she is the one. He says looking at Amelia.

Something is going on with them both. Francesco and Amelia, another marriage between both families will be great.

"NO BROTHER PLEASE NOT YOU TOO. Yelled Matteo in sadness

" Shut it Matteo, it's time for me to settle down. I'm not getting younger. Leonardo is already married, Nikolai is engaged to be married and has kids. I'm the oldest I should of been first.


I swear Matteo is like a girl. Acting like he's in a relationship with us.

" Shut up Matteo Samuele Bustamante Del Monte! Yelled our mother "your a grown ass men, you don't need your brothers, you should learn from them.

" No mama, I'm good. I don't need settlement right now. You have enough weddings for now.

Emma rolled her eyes.
" So who's the women son? Asked Emma excitedly

"All you guys need to know is that she is close and I'll present her to everyone at the introduction party. I think it's time.

"Fine. Said Emma

"When will the party take place. Asked Alanni

"Next weekend sweetheart. Answer Alanni's mother.

"Okay mama.

"Well let's continue the party. Where are my children mama.

" Right here bambino. Said my father.

" Come on Alanni. Let's go to our children.

" Okay baby. Excuse us.

We walked hand in hand towards are children. I can get used to this.


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