Alanni gets put into an educational program in her school to learn about parnethood. She gets paired up with the popular boy. What happens when they have to live and raise 1 month old twins for a year knowing that the life the are about to live is d...
Today is the day I've been waiting for. Today I will walk down the aisle, today I'm walking towards my new life, my husband. Today I will officially become the wife of Nikolai Bustamante. The boys left last night to Matteo's apartment while we stayed here. All the bridesmaids were getting ready and I was waiting for my mom to arrive to help me with my dress.
I was beyond nervous, i felt sick to my stomach. I puked three times this morning. I've tried to eat something but nothing stays down. Eventually, Nat thought I should see Nikolai. I didn't want to since its bad luck to see the bride before the wedding but Nat said "Your going to marry him either way, it not like he's gonna let you run away. Its the mafia sister, you belong to him. "
So here I am waiting in a different room to see him.
"Mi Amor, are you okay? What's wrong ? Just like that I broke down crying. "What's wrong amor ? Talk to me favor . "Im just... I don't even know what's wrong ! I'm scared, nervous, I can't stop puking and crying. I can't eat without vomiting. I don't feel pretty. I'm tired, I don't know what's wrong !!
He looks at me then he smiles, a proud smile .
"Amor, is there a chance that maybe your pregnant? I just look at him and start crying more. He panics and hugs me. "Amor everything will be okay . Just breathe . I'm sorry. I must have forgotten to use a condom last time we had sex, it's okay if.., "No, Amor I'm not crying because of the baby, I'm crying because of the hormones. I should have seen the signs huh ? I started laughing and he grabs my face and kisses me. I felt all the love and passion in the kiss. "I should get back to getting ready can't leave my future husband waiting to long now can I ?
" I will carry you down the aisle, you won't get away from me amor . " Ti amo futura moglie
"I love you too future husband.
I walk back to my room calmer and ready as ever. Everyone looked at me and I just nodded my head. My sisters pushed me down to sit in a chair and the makeup artist continued her work. By the time I was done, I was ready and perfect. I couldn't have imagine my wedding day being better than this.
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My dress was perfect and exactly how I imagine it to be. "Mi niña hermosa, estas perfecta. Nikolai es un hombre con suerte porque se está llevando a una mujer inteligente, bella y fiel. Te pido perdón por todo lo que hecho.
"It's okay daddy. You were doing what you thought was best and I understand now. Todo está bien y muchas gracias a ti por todo lo que has hecho desde que nací, sé que yo no fue una niña fácil de crear y te cause muchos problemas.
" Ali te quiero mucho mi niña y fue un honor verte crecer en una mujer que eres hoy.
"It's time to get going Mrs. Bustamante your wedding ceremony will start in 5 mins. I could hear the wedding planner.