When Matteo and Natalie met.
Natalie POV : 4 months ago
Today is the day my twin and I turn 20 ! We have been planning our birthday bash for months now. One more year away from 21 !
We rent out a night club that just opened. Midnight club is the best club you can attend. We invited friends, family, we even had to invite the Bustamante boys because of the alliance. Nikolai and Alanni can't make it because of the babies.
Tonight I plan on getting fucked up and making bad decisions. My twin and I are the crazy, lit ones. We are the life of the party. We drink till me drop and we do shit no one would think of during.
" Nat, I've been thinking, what if we add some crazy shit to make our party crazier. We can provide shit that will make everyone more lit and all.
"Twin, are you planning on drugging our guest ? You do know dad and mom will be there, with some other family.
"Dear twin sister, we are adults. I don't get a flying fuck what anyone has to say. It's our birthday bash. Come on, your always down to do crazy shit.
"Fine just keep the drugs away from me. Don't want to do something ima regret later.
"You know I'll never let you out of my sight, even if in getting my dick sucked.
"Eww, your fucking disgusting Nathaniel. Don't forget virgin ears.
"And your staying that way. Till marriage.
"Mm whatever. Just go I need to get ready .
"Natalie, listen to me. The Bustamante boys will be there. Leonardo is married so he won't try anything, Francesco is too old for you but Matteo is not. Stay away from him and his cousins Gerardo and Francisco. They are in town and I don't want anything to happen to you. They will only use you to get what they want . Am I understood ?
"Yes dear brother. Trust me okay.
"Okay, I love you little sister.
"Your only older by one minute and I love you too Nate.
Skipping to the party.....
The party is lit and everyone is enjoying it. Right now Nate and myself are drinking shots !!!!
Nathaniel and me decided to wear same color outfits. I went with a short Burgundy color dress and Nathaniel went with a black suit with a Burgundy blazer.
"Natalie, Nathaniel, when are we gonna start to chug down some tequila? Don't tell me y'all some pussies.
"Sebastian, brother your drunk. Dad is glaring and throwing draggers at you with his eyes.
"I don't care. My twin siblings are 20 today. We'll worry about the problems tomorrow, let's CHUG, CHUG CHUG !!!
" See everyone wants to see the De Romero's party ! BRING OUT THE TEQUILA !! ESTA NOCHE TOMAMOS HAST QUE SALGA EL SOL !! QUE VENGA LA BANDA ! ( Tonight we drink till the son comes out!! Bring the Banda)
From there the banda came out. Shots were pouring like water and everyone was having a blast. Even my mom and dad drank and dance with us.
We drank and finished tequila after tequila, till my brother found his toy for the night. He wasn't going to fuck with anyone tonight but it's his birthday, he shouldn't need to look after me. I can do that, but that didn't stop him from sticking 5 guards to me.It was around 2 am in the morning. People were still drinking, the banda was still here. When Matteo Bustamante decided to come up to me.
" Mi Amor, your looking very beautiful in this short, tight dress. Do you kind showing me what's under in private ?

Bound By The Baby Project
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