Chapter 1: Birthday Girl

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Here it is! The first chappie! Hope you like it! >_< I luv you guuuuys!


You wake up and smell the air. Looks like Luddy is cooking again. You giggle at the nick name you gave him. He always blush when you call him that, that's why you like it. You yawn and gets up, heading downstairs. You hear voices, familiar voices.

You see the trio, sitting, waiting for breakfast. Gilbert turn around and saw you, he grins, making you confused. "____ is here!" That caught Ludwig's attention and he hurriedly put the sweet on the table.

You were confused so you check it out. You saw a cake with candles while the four guys were wearing party hats. You tilt your head and Francis rolled his eyes.

"It's your birthday ma che-" Ludwig glared at Francis and you quickly looked at the calendar. You gasp when you saw today was circled and labeled as '____'s B-Day!' You smile at the four guys and then someone knocked on the door.

You opened the door before Ludwig complains and use the excuse that it's your birthday. "Hello, Lu-" you smile brightly as you see your best friend's face. You tackled her with a hug.

"I thought you wouldn't come to our sleepover!" She rolls her eyes. "Psh. Sorry about that, I decided it would be good to show up in your birthday anyway." You dragged her inside. She blushes as she sees the BTT.

You roll your eyes and they started putting the gift on the table. "So, who did you invite?" You ask Ludwig and he smiles.

"Every country." You almost fell but luckily (best friend's name) caught you. "Thanks, (best friend's nickname)." You sigh and you look at Ludwig. "Luddy! Why all of them?" He frowns.

"I zhought jou liked zhem to go in zere?" You nod and kiss him on the cheek, making your friend squeal. The BTT looked at her weirdly while you and Ludwig just laughed at her excitement.

A knock was heard and you got up, Ludwig letting you answer the door. You open to meet by a hundred of shouts, greeting you. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ______!" Your eyes widened as you see all of the countries.

They came inside and you hug all of them, I mean ALL OF THEM. Italy climbed up a chair and stands up. "SINCE IT'S _____'S BIRTHDAY, WE SHOULD ASK WHAT SHE WANTS TO DO TODAY!" All of them cheered a 'Yeah' and looked at you.

They waited for your answer and you were getting uncomfortable under they're gaze, you spoke. "I want to swim!"

Everybody went to a private room with their swimsuits. You sweat drop, thinking, They're already prepared.


You stretch and saw all the countries laughing and swimming peacefully in the sea. You sigh in happiness and laugh as Italy accidentally splash some water on Ludwig.

You look around and saw (best friend's name) playing beach volleyball with the girl countries. You joined in. "Yay! The birthday girl is joining!" Hungary shouts and all the girls cheered, you smiled.

"So which team am I?" You ask and Belarus shrugged. "How about Hungary's, since we're already many here." She points and you nod, going to Hungary's side.

You got in your position.

The boys looked at the tough battle and cheered ((Even betting XD)). You laugh as England was hit on the head, even though he was not watching the game, poor England.

(Best friend's name) served the ball and it went to Hungary's side. She hits it, flying towards you, you hit it with full force that they didn't hit it at all.

You fist pumped and you felt a pair of arms on your waist. You pant and looked up to see Ludwig, he smiles and you smile back. "Zhat vas a good game, liebe."

You nod while smiling as the other team shakes hands with your team. You plopped down on the sand, tired. Ludwig chuckles and carries you bridal style. "How about we go in for a shower and then eat the cake I made?" He asks and eventually the countries heard.

"Yeah! Then _____-chan will open our gifts!" You sweat drop and groans afterwards. "The gifts are too many!! I'll open them tomorrow!" All the countries laughed at your childish reaction.

All of you went inside to shower ((Imagine Germany's beach house has many rooms with showers! >_<))

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