Chapter 10: Worried and Curious

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Sorry this will be short! And I was wrong about 2 hours. I meant 3 or 4! Or whatevs.


He orders you to go inside the car. He sat on the driver's while you were on the front seat. You pout and look at the window, annoyed at him somehow. He sighs as he notices your frown.

"__-" You cut him off, "Nah." He tilts his head in confusion and sighs again. He didn't know why you were mad. "Why-" You cut him off again. "I'm not mad." You say calmly and jumped as you looked at him. His face was infront of you already. You blush as he kisses your forehead.

You looked at the window again, this time flustered because of his actions. He chuckles. "Ve'll be going somewhere." You roll your (e/c) orbs at him. "Somewhere?" He nods and started driving. You sigh and closed your eyes.

You just wanted to rest but it seemed like doziness captured you.

-After for you don't know how long-

"-___? -ey. Come on, vake up liebe.." You moan in sleepiness as you absent-minded slap the hand that was shaking you. Tried to. You hear a familiar chuckle and you couldn't help but smile. You turn around and started to find his face while your eyes was still closed.

You found his face.

You grin. "Carry me?" You asked for permission. You hear another chuckle. "It seems like jou don't vant to open jour eyes yet. Gut. Not yet." Your eyebrows scrunched together as you pout. You were about to peek but as you opened your eyes, you felt a hand on your eyes.

"Oh come on!" You whine as you were carried bridal style. You blush again. "You're carrying me like that again aren't you?" You felt him smile. "Ja." Was his only reply as you hear his footsteps and the sea, which made you curious where you are.

After for a few minutes, he stopped walking and you grinned. "Can I open my eyes now?" You ask quickly and as he sets you down. You felt the sand drown your feet. You smelt the breeze of the clear sea. You slowly opened your eyes and gasped at what you saw.

It was the beach house.

You smile and quickly ran closer to the sea. You turn around while laughing. You sit down on the sand as you watch the sunset. Ludwig walks up to you and sat beside you. "_________?" You look at him and hug him. "Ahh...I missed this." He chuckles.

"Seems like it." He answers as you two watch the sunset. You yawn and lay your head on his shoulder. You sigh in contentment. "What time is it?" You ask and he looks at his wristwatch to say, "6:00" ((Okay, I know sometimes it's 5:30. But that is sometimes only. Sometimes it can be 5:00, 5:30, 5:45, and 6:00.))

You hear him mutter something but you couldn't hear what he had muttered. You pat his shoulder and he looks at you. You frown in worry. "Are you okay? Is something wrong?" You ask and he sighs. He lay his head on top of your head as he hugs you.

Since he was so big, you were just at his chin. You lean back and place your hand on his cheeks. You kiss him as he kisses back. He gently lay you down on the sand as you two continue to kiss.

He asks for permission by licking your lower lip which you happily granted. You two kissed that seemed like for minutes. ((Can't put here hours. XDDD)) You two break the kiss, both of your breath clashing together.

He smiles while still panting. "You hungry, liebe?" You giggle. "Why not?" He chuckles and carry you to the house. As you two got inside, he sets you down on the dining chair. He started walking to the kitchen.

You grab his arm.

He looks back and smiles. "Vhat is it, liebe?" You blush and mutter a shy, "I'll cook." He was surprised for he heard what you had muttered. He frowns. "Jou may get hurt." You pout. "You don't trust me?" He sighs and comb his hair in distress.

"It's not like zhat. Ich just don't vant jou to get hurt. Understand?" You stand up and he was about to retort until you push him down on the chair. He was quite surprised you had pushed him. You lean and kiss him.

"Don't worry. And besides....this was supposed to be a wife's job." You blush when you said the word 'wife' and thought when he will ask you but you shrug it off as he stays there, worrying about you.


Hope you liked that :3 and thanks for 1K reads and 69 votes. XDDD '69'

Hey, no perverted thoughts...even though...I'm laughing. XD

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