Chapter 9: Later

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Hehe XD This is dedicated to @Brazil-chan des~ Thanks for commenting and voting ((first)) Keep being awesome dudes with the awesome me. I sound like America and Prussia there. .-.

XD Well, hope you like this!!


When you got home, you saw Ivannah waiting for you. "What is it, Ivannah?" Her eyes sparkled as she sees you and she holds up 'Amnesia' at your face. You laughed.

"I guess we forgot the game huh?" She nods and you drag her to the PC as she cheers.

-After a few minutes-

"A BRO IS COMING! SHIT! He's here!" You shout

"NO! RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN-WHY DIDN'T YOU RUN?! GAME OVER ALREADY!" Ivannah declares and pant, "Shh!" America says and England glares at you two but both of your ignore it.

You two lean on each other and look at the screen in disappointment. "Another one?" She asks and you pout as you flail your arms in the air. "The fucking barrels didn't want to co-operate!" She nods and didn't say anything anymore.

She restarted as the games goes back to your check point. She urges you to play and you raise your eyebrow at her. "You're not gonna play?" She nervously laughs. "I just really like watching someone play...since I get nervous and hesitant."

You grin mischievously.

"You play then." Her eyes widened but didn't reject the offer. She sighs and then started playing.

"Flip, flip, flip, flip, flip." She mutters as she hears a Bro's noise. She started to throw the barrel out of the way and went in a cabinet. "I feel like Pewds when he played this game.." She whispers and waits for the Bro to find her.

You watch intently and almost fall down as she was found, "They always find you!" You exclaimed as she gets out the cabinet, the Bro at her tail. She stopped and you asked her why she stopped. She didn't answer and grab Stephano.

"Stephano! Lead the f-ing way!" You were surprised she didn't say the actual curse but shrugged it off nonetheless. She was about to run while holding Stephano but the screen went blank.

The two of you shouts, "Noooooooooooooooo!"

England cough and held up the plug. "Sorry, too noisy." All the viewers groaned. "It was getting good!" America whines as England glares at him. "You were the one who was telling them to shut up too!"

America groaned. Egypt frowned. "I wanted to know if Stephano would really lead the way." You laugh and he frowns deeply. "Don't worry. He does." Ivannah answered for you.

All of them walked away. You sigh. "Well, I had enough anyway." She nods, agreeing with you. "Hey, I'm going to hang out with Gil." You raise your eyebrow at her, she raises her hand in defense. "What?" You narrowed your eyes on her.

"You liiiiiiike him, do ya?" She glares at you and you innocently smile. "A matter of fact, he's one of my crushes." She winks and hurried to the albino's side, who was talking to your German boyfriend. You happily walked up to him as he smiles.

"Happy playing, liebe?" You pout. "Arthur being a meanie! He plugged it off!" He chuckles. "Vell, zhat vas fine. Jou had enough right?" You nod. "What were you talking about with Gil?" He smiles and kisses your forehead. "It vas nothing."

You pout again. You really wanted to know what was that. And here it is:


"Hey, bruder." Germany sighs and look back to see his silver-haired brother. "Vhat is it bruder?" Prussia grins, "Got bored und vanted to ask jou if...y'know." Germany sighs yet again. "Ja. I vill. Tonight." The Prussian cheered. "Finally! I thought jou vill vait for another day und another und another und-"

"I get the point bruder!" The older male chuckles at his younger brother. "C'mon. Just teasing ya, Vest." Germany rolls his eyes, a faint smile on his lips. "Vhatever bruder." Prussia smile. "Don't get nervous, surely she vill accept."

He winks, making the blonde-haired man flush in embarrassment. "Bruder! They vill hear!" Prussia rolls his ruby-like eyes and say, "They vill hear if jou keep on shouting." Germany lower down his voice as he says, "Bruder, just get out of here please!"

Prussia chuckles and pat his back. "Ja. Ivannah's done vith zhe game anyvay." He greets Ivannah and they walk away, Germany looking at them as they did.

*flashback ends*

Germany remembered. But how will he propose? Would he just randomly announce and sit on one knee and ask you for your hand? ((Cliché! XD))

He sighs and you frown. "You have been thinking for a few something wrong?" You ask and lead him to the table. You ordered him to sit on the floor and he willingly did. You massage his temples as he sigh in relief.

"Better zhan never." You laugh a little. "Are you really okay though?" He smiles and gently holds your hand, kissing it gently. "Ja. I am. Much, much better." You smile and lean down at him and kiss his forehead.

"Don't stress yourself too much." You whisper. He chuckles and quickly stands up to carry you. "Eh?!" You react and he smiles. "Practice makes perfect." He winks and you roll your eyes. He pouts. "Jou never blush anymore." You smirk.

"Okay, try it." He smirks and carry you bridal-style to your room. Your eyes widened and you flush in embarrassment. "Wh-What! No!" He chuckles and stop. "Finally." You pout. "Whatever. Get me out of here." He smiles. "Alright."

He sets you down just in time to see Prussia and Ivannah approaching you two. You smile at Ivannah and look around for your German boyfriend but he suddenly disappeared with the Prussian. You sigh and comb your hair thoroughly, making it messy.

Ivannah laughs. "Ayie, wanna look sexy around Germany?" You blush and you death glare at her. "Let's just continue our game." You whine and she just kept on stifling a laugh.

-At Ludwig and Prussia-

"When again?"

Germany sighs.

"Later. At night." Prussia chuckles. "Go out vith her und distract her. Ivannah already knows und she'll stay here vith us as ve prepare. Is zhat good vith jou?" He asks, making Germany smile at his brother.

"Bruder, danke.." Prussia smiles and pat his back. "No problem...und ve have 2 hours to prepare so shoo! Go already! Ve can do zhis." Germany chuckles and hug his brother, surprising his brother the least he can do. Prussia laughs afterwards and hugs him back.

"Go already, sheesh." Germany smiles and walks put to you and pulled you. "He-Hey! Where are we going?" You ask and he smiles apologetically. "Sorry, Ve need to go out again."


Wahh. Hope you like this! >~< Almost... >:D Stay tuned! For the next chapter! XD

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