04.Flower before coffee

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Ashley's POV

On the way back from the kitchen, laughing at one of the mad comments Ruth just made about the men that are used for underwear operas. Finally managing to stop my fits of laughter, as soon as we entered into the elevator out of nowhere exactly "Does the boss behave like that, I mean the way he's always so cold and disapproving"? I had to ask and maybe if he did it might be because of some sort of breakdown in his life and also because I think maybe Ruth knows At least a little of information about him so that I'll be out of the loop. I don't know why am actually caring or maybe no am not caring, am just asking because the way he glares at me as if every air I breathe is a sin and talks rather too harshly at me, I know he's my boss that doesn't mean he has to degrade me as not reaching his standards of a PA. And also the fact that he does it without giving a duck of what the person feels.
"Welcome to my world, since I started working here I've always known him to be like that though I rarely experience it because my job doesn't require me to face him directly for anything important, and by the way he treats others I don't wish to experience it anytime soon. But you'll get used to it I know you can, because I'm not ready to fill that space of PA for even one heck of a day" she said keeping a face as if she's just seen a ghost, watching her face makes me crank up and start laughing all over again.
When we finally reached my floor and stepped out into the hallway opening the big door I see broken glasses everywhere and the flowers that were sent to me shattered allover the floor looking like it had been trampled upon by a thousand horses.
Not knowing what I was doing I marched into Michael's office and slamming the door loudly purposely so that he will look up from what he was doing and it did work. Not wasting even a moment I quickly asked rushing stupidly over my words cos the glare he's giving to me is draining me if each drop of my blood "why did you have to do such a thing? It didn't even do a tidbit of anything to you, I know you can't do such a gesture to someone so why do you have to ruin what someone gave to me, for Chris sakes answer me? "Now furious than ever because he's just sitting relaxed on his seat and enjoying the the show I'm probably putting up for him. Tears streaming down my face, now this is one thing I completely disapprove of myself I always seem to cry stupidly, even if am happy, angry, all the time and it's so damn getting on my nerves right down which is causing me to cry the more. Damn this emotions!.
I stare at a coldblooded monster who seats satisfied watching the tears roll off my cheeks and drop to the floor, immediately cleaning my face and getting rid of my shame. In just two strides I see him in front of me our faces just a breath away then he means in to whisper something in my ear
"Miss Brooks if you never knew, there's one rule that if you dare disobey is bound to make you loose your job" he said looking up and smiling devilishly at me, the jerk probably feels he has me in his webs, sorry to dash your hopes sir "And that rule is what Mr Jason if I may ask" I said giving him the same devilish smile he has on his jerk face. Looking away for a few seconds then suddenly moving towards me and at the same time I take fast steps backward till my back comes in contact with the cool glass that separates our office, tho it's not a see through glass.
Leaning in very closely placing both hands on the glass trapping me between the glass and himself, sucking in a very deep breath as he steps even closer and leans to whisper something in my ear AGAIN his mouth grazing the side of my face in the process and his breath on my neck, the contact spreading sparks allover my body.
"Never Miss Brooks will you mix business with pleasure whoever wants to send you flowers or chocolates or gifts in this office will have to go through me first"he said quietly. "Mixing my personal life and business is none of your business and I don't see how it will affect my job in anyway" I said him provoking him than he already is.

"Well we'll see about that Miss Brooks"he said taking a few steps backward, not getting what he meant by those words I immediately rushed out of the office not sparing a second glance back.

Sorry for the short chapter and late update, please forgive me 🙏 🙏. Promise for earlier updates don't give up on me, and please vote and comment thank you. Thank you soooo much for the thumps up and the votes already

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