Moving in

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Jordan's POV

I help Emilio get his stuff in my room.

Then we go to bed, cause we're jet lagged.


"Jordan, wake up." Emilio whispers.

"Nooooo." I whisper back.

"Please." He whispered.

"Fine, let me go get ready." I say and sit up then fall back down.

"Ha, you thought." I say.

"C'mon, Jordan." He says.

I cling on to him.

"Please." He says.

"Fineeee." I say and get up. I take a shower and change into...

 I take a shower and change into

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"Emilio." I say.

"EMILIO!" I yell. I walk around the house. Everyone is gone...again. So, I text the gc.


Jordan: Thanks for leaving me at the house AGAIN! Note the sarcasm.

Jake: Yw.

Jordan: Stfu Jake

Emi: Awe, we'll be home soon.


/End of texts/

Welp, I got the house to myself. I go to the kitchen and make Ramon Noodles. I sit on the trampoline and eat my Ramon, the throw the bowl in the sink. 

"OOOHHH." I yell to myself, then lay down and take a nap.

/Like 2 hours later/

"JORDAN GET UP!" Jake yells and shoots merch at me.

"God dammit Jake." I say. I walk upstairs and see Emilio kissing another girl. I look at her and its my ex best friend Mercedes.

I walk out and slam the door. I run downstairs and hug Jake.

"Awww, little sister, whats wrong?" He asks.

Yes, we call each other brother, sister some times.

"Emilio is c..cheating on me." I say.

"It'll be ok." He says rubbing my back.

"Jordan, I'm sorry." I hear Emilio say running to me. I hid behind Jake.

"Emilio, leave me alone." I say.

"Jordan, listen..." He says.

"Emilio, I don't wanna hear it, I can't do this." I say.

"I'm sorry." He says and goes upstairs.

I go to our room and grab some clothes. Emilio, I think, was in the bathroom. I walked in there and grabbed my makeup, toothbrush, and hairbrush.

Roommates//Emilio MartinezWhere stories live. Discover now