Focus On Us Now

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In the dead, empty space of an exterminated universe, there were two beings. Two screaming, shaking beings who held each other until the silence around them sunk in. The frightened beings pulled away from each other and gazed into the vast nothingness.

"Are we...alive?" One asked, looking down at his hands.

"I-I'm not entirely sure." Said the other. He looked at his accomplice. "Well, I don't see a halo. We must be."

"We're alive!" The first man screeched like a child, grabbing his partner who was not yet sharing his excitement. Rather than being excited, he was staring into the nothing with wide, unblinking eyes and a trembling lip.

"I believe you've forgotten something, Zamasu." The one we now know to be Zamasu sat back, joining the other in staring as his smile faded.

"Yeah, that. Surely I can do something about it. Hold on, I'll try to..." His hand began to glow with a sparking aura as he swung his arm out in front of him. The two waited a while, nothing.

"Goddammit!" Zamasu cried, banging his fists on the ground.

"Zamasu! Calm down!" The other one said, pulling him back up.

"No, Black, we're going to be stuck in this...nothing. Nothing!" Zamasu shouted, swinging his arms out, and Black noticed his hands glowing as a landscape slowly appeared.

"Zama-kun! Look at the ground, there's grass! We're sitting on grass, you did it!" Black cried, grinning and shaking Zamasu. The kaioshin's eyes widened as he looked at the ground, and the two watched as the land slowly faded into view the way a Polaroid does as it is shaken. The pair stood up, looking out at the grass. Black was the first one to move, taking a few steps forward on the sod to ensure to himself that it was real. The ground was solid. They were safe.

"You did it!" He cheered, clapping a bit. "Excellent, Zamasu, excellent! But the question did you do it?"

"Before you came along, Gowasu was actually teaching me a bit about creation. I wasn't very good at it, and I'm still not. You must not have gotten to that."

"Interesting. So, did you imagine anything useful for us here? You know, something that would be...useful?" Black grinned, throwing in a wink.

"Black! You naughty man!" Zamasu gasped, his cheeks turning red.

"No, baka, a house. What, did you insist we live on a pile of dildos?" Black pursed his lips, and Zamasu punched him, his cheeks a deep shade of crimson.

"Shut up, you mean saiyan man." Zamasu included 'saiyan' in there because, well, he was noticing a bit of a separation between the two of them. Meaning that Black was thinking up things Zamasu would have never dreamed of, things that hardly made sense to the kaioshin sometimes. Something about Black inhabiting a saiyan body had gradually made them less and less of the exact same person. The kaioshin furrowed his eyebrows in thought. Was it possible that Black would develop completely into his own person, no longer Zamasu in Son Goku's body but instead, just Black?

Zamasu blinked the thought away as to not overwhelm himself with it right now. This certainly wasn't the last time he'd look into it, though. The kaioshin needed to focus on what was important to the moment. Had he imagined them a house? Zamasu doubted it, as in his frustration he hardly believed he could have thought of that.

"Hey, look!" Black suddenly interrupted, pointing towards something in the distance. The dark saiyan quickly lifted himself from the ground and jetted himself over to the figure, Zamasu trailing behind.

"Oh, I knew you would think of it!" Black squealed, clasping his hands together as he ran up to what was now apparent to be a house. He made his way up the stairs. "I mean, why wouldn't you have thought of it? You're so smart, you think of everything."

The house was a small, wooden cabin which Zamasu couldn't help but notice was a bit run down, like it had been here a while. Does that mean someone else built it? Surely there's not other beings living here, it was made up by Zamasu's imagination...wasn't it?

"Are you coming?" Black asked, looking down at Zamasu from the small porch built onto the house. Zamasu snapped out of his trance and nodded, walking up to the door. Black tried it and it was unlocked, so they went in. The house was completely empty, consisting of five rooms. Two bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen, and a living room. Perfect for the two of them.

"Ohh, it's adorable, isn't it?" Black gushed, walking around the room they were in.

"I'm not sure I see how a structure could be cute." Zamasu said, arching a brow. Black rolled his eyes.

"You lack an understanding of imagination. Must be that outdated kaioshin brain of yours." The saiyan smirked, poking Zamasu's face. Zamasu growled.

"I will have you know that a kaoishin mind is the most advanced and enlightened to ever exist! We have a much larger understanding and strategizing ability than some thick-skulled saiyans who just want to ruin our plans and get in our way!" He barked, throwing his hands up. Zamasu covered his face with his hands and let out a long, frustrated groan. "Fucking idiots, ruining everything."

"There, there, Z, I was only joking. It's okay. I know you understand everything about everything. I had the same brain you did at one point, remember? Plus, the longer I'm in this body, the longer you'll have to become a wise kai, while I just stay a thick-skulled saiyan." Black's eyebrows arched upwards as he smiled awkwardly. Zamasu teared up and threw his arms around Black's waist.

"No, no! I didn't mean you! I'm sorry!" He cried, burying his face in the saiyan's shoulder. "I meant those other idiots. The ones who ruined it all for us. How dare they?! It's not fair!!"

Black wrapped his arms around Zamasu, resting his head against the kaioshin's.

"Shh, shhh, now, it's okay. They did what they did because they knew they could not best us. While I agree it was unfair, there is nothing that can be done about it at this point." He pushed Zamasu back an arms length, keeping his hands on his shoulders, so he could look him in the eyes. "Let's focus on us now, alright? We're alive, we're well, and nothing can come between us at this point." He tapped his fingers on Zamasu's shoulders. "What do you say we explore this place a bit, does that sound alright?" Zamasu nodded and stepped back. Black took his hand and guided the kaioshin towards one of the rooms. Zamasu looked down at their intertwined hands, and instantly felt a little better.

Hey, hey, hey, hello, hello, hello! You've reached the end of the first chapter of my first story! I hope you are all enjoying it so far!!

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