Chapter 4

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The Highlanders Slave


''Abby ye must awaken''Grace said as she shook me.

''Okay I'm up ''I rumbled with sleep.

''We must bath and go to the kitchen to prepare the breakfast before the man awaken''she said as we went to the stream to wash in cold water.

We made our way to the kitchen .

''Let's see how good ye can prepare food''said the old hateful woman.

"I'm sure that the Master will enjoy the food''mocked one of the maids.

''I will help you''stated Grace.

''I had a very nice time with the Master last night''Grace sister said with a smug look on her face.

''Shut up Amy''Grace told her sister with a disaproving look on her face.

''What its not as if its a secret that the Master don't find her attractive I mean just look at her''she said and the other maids burst off laughing.

''Well at lest I don't go whoring around with married man''i told her with anger.

''What did ye just say''she stated and gave me a slap across the face and I replied with kind ,we started fighting until we were separated.

''What the hell is going on here''ordered my husband.

''She started first ''said Amy with fake tears glinting her eyes.

''That's a lie''I stated.

''Its not a lie even the other maids will agree with me ''she said as the other maids noded their heads except Grace.

With that my husband gave me a very hard slap across my face and caused me to slip and banged my head into an unconsciousness state.



I heard the maids gasp in horror at what I had just done and I guess it was not a very pleasing site seeing my wife unconscious on the floor with blood coming out of her mouth.

''Take her to her room and bring the witch to help bring her to consciousness''I said as the two maids dragged my unconscious wife to their courters.

''And let this be the last time things like this happen''.

''Yes Master''they said in union.

''I want breakfast ready''I told.

I went to join the man outside where they were fixing the stables.

" Blake I don't like the way ye treat ye'r wife'',Alex said,and he is the only close friend I have and the only man who would speak to me like that.

''She is my wife and I will treat her which ever way I please''I told him as I inspected the work the men were doing.

''I just don't think that its right''Alex stated with disaproval.

''Just drop the subject''I told him.

''Fine but I warned ye''.

''She new what she was up against when she married me''i stated .

Alex shook his head and continued with his work and I started helping with the work,the concern for Abby is still in my mind hoping that she is alright by now.

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