Chaper 15

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Abby *

'Ye are going to have a babe My Lady",the witch said with a warm smile.

"Nay, that can't be true",I told the witch with shock waves passing my body.

She looked at me confused,"But it is the truth my I duna lie My Lady''.

I looked up at her and smile for she has told me of news that gave me a reason to live again.I have went back to becoming a maid while grace became the mistress of the house,the village people are still indifferent towards me for they still treat me with distast.Grace is even carry a babe for Blake whom have taken courtesy of flonking her in my face ,it hurt that the man that I love feels nothing for me  but hate.

I looked towards the door making sure that no one overheard our convisation as was done previously.

''Please I begg of you not to anybody of this news'',I pleaded with the witch whom looked at me with sympathy.

''But My Lad.......'

''I begg of you'',I said without letting her finish.

''As you wish My Lady''.With that the witch left the room.

I looked around the maids room which have became my new home with a huge smile on my face,I made a promise to myself that I will keep this news about the babe to myself and I new that I was taking a risk for if Blake found out about this he would skin me alive that I could be sure of.

''Abby where are ya''.Alex asked.He been trying to get me to sleep with him that now Blake did not want me but I have refused countlessly for he is Blake's friend and I would never lower myself as to be unfaithful to my husband even though he had not done that same .

I jumped of the bed,''What are you doing here Alex''.

''I have to have you ,please Abby let me make love to you ''.He said as he came closer to me.

''Please leave Alex''.No one can mistaken the fear in my voice.

He roughly grabbed me and pulled me to him as her force himself on to me.He started tearing at my clothes, I tryed to scream but he snuffled a cloth into my mouth so that my cries could not be heard.


''You come here''.I called to one of the maids

''Yes Master''.

''Where is Abby'',I asked.

''She is still in the maids courters Master,sould I go and call her for you''.

''Nay ,I will go and get her myself'',the bitch does not know that she is nothing but a maid in this house,I will teach her a lesson that she will never forget.

I made my way to the maids courters and saw that the room that she shared with the other maids was slitely opend.

'WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE'',I shouted in shock as Alex was unbuckling his pant as he was on top of a naked Abby.

They both jumped in shock as I apear unexpectedly to them.Alex buckled his pants furiosly while Abby whiskily hide her body with a plaid.

'Blake this is not what it lookes like'',I loooked at him with disgust.

''Ya get out,NOW''.Alex ran out of the door with so much speed as if the devil was at his taile.

I looked at the bitch called my wife as she had fear written evidently on her face,as I came closer she drew back .I took hold of her one leg so that she cold not run further and pulled her by it and brought her to me.I took my hand and slapped her across the face and again as she screamed and tryed to hid her face from my hits.I pulled her by her hair but luckly for her she had the plaid wrapped around her body as I pulled her outside.

''Slake lock her in the dungoen'',I said and threw here roughly to Slake .


''DO IT,where is Alex''.I asked with anger written on my face.

''He ran out master''.

'Waht are ya waiting for lock the bitch in the funking dungoen''.

'NO,please Blake don't do this to ,BLAKE BLAKE,NO NO NO''.The bitch screamed,little does she know that I'm far from done with her.

'James go after Alex and don't come back untill you have found him''.

''Yes Master''.

'GO NOW ,ALL OF YOU,GO''.I watched as they got onto their horses an rode out.

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