The Highlanders Slave

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Her parents seemed to despise her after the death of her twin-sister. They were playing and loved claiming up the trees and this one day her sister claimed too far off, she had warned her not to climb too far off that she struggled coming down as she was struggling she plead with her sister to wait so that she could call someone to assist her with climbing down the tree since she was struggling ,but she never listened to her and in results of that she slipped and fell off the tree and exact that same fall killed her.Gabby was the favourite daughter for she was the beautiful twin and I on the other hand was merely attractive,my parents hate for me seemed to grow like vicious poison passing through the body, I was constantly blamed for her death since I had not made effort enough to stop her and at times I wished that Gabby and I could her swiped our faith. The hurt that I feel of being blamed is like daggers being jabed into my soul and I had no need for them to cut the wound deeper because I had already blamed myself self.

"Abby...the Master would like to have a word with you",Lina the maid said. Lina is the only person who cared about me and she is like a mother to me.

"Okay",I replied, but was looking forward to going to my fathers study."Do you know what he is calling me for".

"No sweet pie I don't", Lina said with a sad look expression on her face.

After the death of Gabby my mother gave birth to another sets of twins and this time it was a boy and another girl ,they were told not to speak to me because I was the cause of my sisters death and I was moved to the servants courters.Today is my 17th birthday and I new that my father was not asking for me so that we could celebrate like we used to when my sister was still alive even though I didn't get any presents but it still felt good being sang happy birthday to. Lina always sings to me happy birthday and she always bakes me a cake but I just can't help it wishing that my parents were there or that one day they will come to love me if I did what ever they wanted .

I went out of the servants courters and to the big house my family lived in and made my way to my fathers study,I opened the door and entered in to find my father sitting in his big chair and I made my way to his desk,his study looked neat and full of business papers and books, there are two paintings in the wall and one of them is of my dead sister and the other was of my other two siblings and it broke my heart that I was being excluded from the family.

"Tomorrow you will be getting married" he said as if I was waiting my whole life for the news.

"M-married" I stumbled through the word.

"I don't repeat myself" he told me going back to the slashed papers that were on his desk.

" To whom if I may ask father"

"Don't you ever call me by that name do you hear"he threatened .

"Ye sir"I said nervously.

" Better and since you have asks you will be marrying to the McCarthy clan" my father said,the McCarthy clan who are known to be dangerous and they hated our clan because my father and the McCarthy's were at war together and the only way to bring peace was to join the two clans together.

"T-the M-McCarty"I asked with fear slicing through my heart and hoping that this was just a big misunderstanding.

"I don't find it attractive to repeat myself "my father told me.

"I apologise sir"I told him.

"Tomorrow I will finally get rid of you out off our lives forever"he said and I felt tears threatening to spill but held them back."You will be married to their chief Blake".

"B-but"word were stuck in my throat.

"I hope he gives you life of misery that you had brought upon us"he said while giving me a looks of hatred that I was used seeing.

"Daddy when will we be going to the supermarket because I saw this beautiful dress I would like to buy"my younger sister Mandy who is 14 years old came in the room."ohh I didn't see you standing there Abby ".

"Hello"I said as she'd made he way into the study.

"Its good day my Lady",she said while giving me a look of disgust.

"'I apologise my Lady".I told her feeling like an intruder.

"Very good"she said.

"I just informed her of her soon upcoming wedding to Blake of the McCarthy clan"My father said.

"Well I hope you get what you deserve for killing my beautiful sister"she said as I held my tears in.

"Yes my beauty she will"he agreed with her.

"May I be excused Sir"I asked him as I felt a tear run down my cheek.

" Yes you are excused" he told me.

As turned to the door my sister stopped me and said"Make sure that my room is clean".

"I shall my Lady"and with that I left closing the door behind me.

I went to my sisters room which looked the same way as my older dead twin sisters when we were little and I would always wish that my room could look that pretty but she told me that Ma said my room was ugly because I looked ugly and that her room looked beautiful because she was beautiful ,I cleaned the house as I always did when she tryed to mock me about my uglyness.

"What did the Master say"Lina asked as I was about to finished cleaning.

"He informed me that I were to marry Blake from the McCarthy"I informed her feeling like death was better than marrying a man like him.

"Ohh my sweet pie"she said giving me a tight hug of comfort.

"Why didn't she listen to me Lina why"I asked her as I sobbed into her arms.

"Shh, my sweet it was not your fault" she said as she wiped my tears."I have a present for you in the kitchen".

I smiled as we made our way to the kitchen and I saw the beautiful cake."It looks beautiful Lina"

"Just like you"she said but I didn't believe her.

"You don't have to say that Lina" I told her feeling flushed.

"But it is the truth my sweet pie"she said as she pinched my cheeks.

" Thank you Lina"I said with gratitude.

I spent the whole day thinking of my marriage to Blake who had a reputation off being ruthless to women and rumor said that here hated my clan ,and that he had lots of women .

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