Chapter Six

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I turned around in pure shock in seeing the young man I saw before me, the same one in the airport and in my dreams was right here before me. 

"Who? What? How am I...? Here???" I asked frantically, as I pushed him away from me. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I just wanted to hug you and say hello again. How are you?" He asked me. 

"I'm..." I tried to remember the events that happened. "I was falling, drowning, then my chest began to hurt." I felt my chest and my heart was throbbing uncontrollably. 

The young man looked at me with such worry and nodded. "There is so much that I need to explain to you, however, I feel like the best way is for me to introduce myself." He got off the bed and stood next to me. 

"My name is..." 

A loud ringing noise began to screech into my ears and I bolted up from my slumber.  I gasped for air and then I saw the paramedics surround me on the hospital bed. 

"She's alright. Everyone clean up and clear the room." The main doctor said. 

All of the nurses scrambled around and began clearing my room quickly. The doctor looked over me and walked next to me. "You gave us quite a scare there young lady. If it wasn't for your friend calling us, I don't know what would've happened to ya." He said as he put his hand over my shoulder. 

"Where is she? Is she outside?" I asked. 

"Yes, and I believe she's covering for your hospital expenses at the moment." He explained. 

"What...happened to me?" I asked. 

"You lost oxygen for a moment and it even went towards your brain. Thus you needing resuscitation and your heart slowly began to pump slowly." The doctor took a deep breath. 

"Am I going to stay here for a while?" I asked in shock. 

"Just overnight, and you'll be off in the morning if you don't have any other problems." The doctor said. 

"Oh, alright. Do you know the cause of this?" I asked. 

"I don't know, however, your medical records say you had problems with asthma in the past." The doctor said as he looked through your medical paperwork. 

"The last time I had an asthma attack was when I was four." I said in disbelief. 

"It might seem something might've triggered it back." The doctor finished and put the paper work back on the little table next to my bed. He left the room and closed the door. 

I felt really exhausted after what happened today so I decided to close my eyes once more. 

"Hey." I heard the young man call to me. 

I opened my eyes and I was back at the room. "Okay, why am I here again?" I asked. 

"You fell asleep after I introduced myself." He chuckled. 

I took a deep breath. "I was, at the hospital and now I'm here? Is this a different dimension or something?" I asked.

"No. It's your mind palace." He responded. 

"My...what?" I asked. 

"It's kinda hard for you to understand firsthand, but I can tell you this..." He placed his hand up. 

"Our lives are now intertwined with each others." He showed his red ribbon on his finger. 

"Didn't you tie the red ribbon in the first place?" I asked. 

"Yes, because you wished for it." He smiled. 

"I didn't wish for you! I wished for a better life, what does that have to do with you?" I asked. 

He chuckled. "I mean, this is already the beginning." 

"What do you mean?" I looked around and then got off the bed. 

The young man was standing in front of me. He looked down and smiled. "You'll just have to wait and see." 

I woke up and I heard the birds chirping on my window. I saw that the setting has changed and I wasn't in my smaller hospital bed. I was in my own, I was home. Did Serah bring me home? I got off the bed and then I saw my friend asleep soundly on my floor. She brought some blankets and pillows to make her own bed and even brought some of her own. 

I smiled at her funny sleeping position and walked out of my room and headed towards my kitchen. I started to make breakfast for the both of us and pulled out plates, setting up the table. The sizzling sound of onions was when Serah walked into the kitchen, rubbing her eyes. 

"Good morning, bud." I said, like if I was a dad. 

"Hey Dad." She responded with a giggle. 

She walked and hugged me. "I'm glad you're okay." She smiled. 

"Of course I am. I wasn't going to let this little asthma thing get to me. I ain't weak you know." I said confidently. 

"Right!" She whiffed the pan. "Oh! Are you making omelets?" She then grabbed the ingredients and quickly started preparing them. 

When breakfast was finished, I sat down and Serah excitedly sat down on hers. 

"Hey Serah thanks for paying for my hospital bills, it means a lot-" 

"Tell me what did you want to tell me at the airport about Dan." She cut me off. 

"Well jeez okay, somebody doesn't appreciate my thank you." I scoffed. 

She laughed. "I know dude, just tell me what happened." She plopped her hands under her chin as a stand. She was smiling from eat to ear waiting my response. 

"Alright." I breathed. 

"This is what happened." 

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