Chapter Ten

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I was in complete shock, I don't know what had happened to Serah. Her and I have been keeping in touch and telling each other everything since we first became friends. There are so many secrets we've told each other and in this moment I couldn't even fathom into why would she keep that secret from me. I felt like I didn't know my friend anymore, all I knew was a total lie and to be fair, this is the worst thing someone could've done to me.  

I set my phone aside and began to find my nicer looking clothing and run myself a bath. I got the bath running, threw my favorite bath bomb and I opened up my favorite Netflix series and began to watch it as I was inside the bath on my laptop, set a few feet away from the bath. I enjoyed my bath time and it was the most relaxing thing I have done since I left to be here in London. I finished my overall bath and began to get ready to meet up with Dan and everyone else in their hotel room. I applied my makeup as Usher was playing in the background, my mood was lifted as my my song began to play. 

 I'm the kind of brotha'
Who been doin' it my way
Gettin' my bread for years
In my career
And every lover
In and out my life
I hear love and left the tears
Without a care
Until I met this girl who turned the tables around
She caught me by surprise
I never thought I'd be the one breaking down
I can't figure it out why  

"I'm so caught up! Got me feelin' it!" I sang along the chorus. 

I was finishing up getting my hair done and I felt so happy. I was going to hang out with Dan and his friends, he really wanted was best for me, just the thought of it made me giggly. 

I picked up my purse and headed towards to their room, and I texted Dan I was on my way. 

He responded with a happy emoji and a thumbs up. 

I arrived at their room and Dan opened up the door with his arms wide open. 

"Hey! It's good to see you here! Phil, Pj and Sophie are inside let me introduce you to them!" He said as he ushered me to their big table. 

At the table was a game board set up that had different types of figurines placed across the table, and Louise was sitting on the end of the table with Sophie next to her. 

"Guys, this is SpilledBubbleTea's friend! Isn't she adorable!" Louise said as she gave me a little squeeze. 

"Dan and Louise told us about what happened, I'm so sorry that happened to you." Pj said with sorrow. 

"I know that wasn't really nice of her! I can order you some comfort snacks if you need!" Phil offered. 

"By the way, we're playing D&D if you haven't already caught on by the game pieces." Sophie chimed in. 

"Oh cool! I'll just watch since I haven't played before! It looks so much fun!" I sat down next to the girls as I watched to boys play. 

"It really is! I'm in the middle of fighting the the main Dragon and trying to revive Dan and Pj!" Phil exclaimed excitedly. 

"But I slowed down the dragon and Pj got to cast a spell against the dragon for it to stay still so you can beat it up." Dan explained.

"That is correct." Sophie nodded. "Now, let's continue." 

We played a long D&D session and in the end they left it on a major cliffhanger. Louise and I were left on the edge of our seats as the story was so well done by Sophie as the guide throughout the story. Then, we began watching a movie and then it was already past 3 am. I felt my eyes get really heavy and sleepy, but I didn't want to leave I was having such a great time with them. 

"Alright kiddos, I have to get back to my room soon since we're all going to be extremely tired the next day." Louise said as she got up. 

"Okay Louise. You should head back too." Dan referred to me. 

"Yeah, you're right. I'm pretty much the most jetlagged person here in this room." I shrugged. 

Louise already went ahead and I put my shoes on, going towards the door. 

"Do you want me to walk you to your room?" Dan asked. 

"Good night!" Phil, Pj, and Sophie shouted. 

"Good night guys!" I shouted back. 

"Um, sure! I feel dazed a little. Haha...I didn't even drink." I giggled. 

"I'm sure you are." Dan said as he began to guided me to the hallway and began to walk ahead.

Silence was between us, and I felt the need to break the ice as we walked. "Hey Dan." I said softly.

"Yeah?" Dan responded.

"Thanks for being so nice to me and stuff. I mean to be honest, I went through a lot today and you've made me feel safer than anyone has done throughout my life." I stopped and walked towards an open balcony in between the hotel rooms. I felt the cool night air blow across my hair and I looked up in the sky. 

Dan followed me and looked up as well. "What I wanted to say earlier is that I've been a fan of your videos for a while especially your liveshows and they've helped me a lot when I have my depressive episodes. You really aren't so different than from who you are in your liveshows and it makes me so happy that I've got to finally tell you about how I feel and-" 

Tears began to overflow my eyes and my vision was blurry. "You telling me everything is okay is what I needed to hear more than anything in the world, right now." I covered my face and quickly I felt his arms wrap around me again. 

"I'm sorry." I said muffled into his arms. 

"It's okay. You can cry as much as you want, it's helping you heal and needing to let go what is hurting you." He responded softly.

I cried into his arms for a very long time and I felt I was drenching his black t-shirt in tears. 

The cool breeze, was the only sound made after my sniffling noises. I let go and so did he, I was still looking at the floor. 

"I appreciate you watching my videos, that means a lot coming from you. I just wished I was a more better creator and talk about these things more often than I do." He said as he looked at the full moon. 

I wiped the rest of my tears away and looked up as well. "You're doing the best that you can and truly everyone in the phandom knows that you've been so active on the subject, especially when you uploaded your videos concerning the subject of depression and anxiety. You're a hero to many Dan, and for me too." I looked back at him and he smiled. 

"I didn't expect this event for it to be so wholesome." He chuckled shyly. 

"I mean things happen for a reason, I believe." I responded still looking at the starlit sky.

"Yeah, me too." He said back and held me close into his chest. 

"Good talk, love." 

Author's Note: Song I referred to was 

Caught Up by Usher 

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