I packed some of my things and stuffed in my handbag, and left my home. After some time I reached his house. I pressed the doorbell he opened it. I went inside without looking at him.
Won't you just inform me I asked him crossing my arms? Sorry, I forgot to inform you he said casually. Yesterday I came to your house and waited like 1 hour I said angrily. I am so sorry he apologized.
His sad face melted my heart. I went near him and hugged him. He hugged me back. I love you I said. He kissed my forehead.
You look so beautiful he complimented me. That made me smile. We thought to watch some movies together. We were talking so much that night I felt so happy. Happiest day in my life.Morning 4 a.m:
He was started getting ready to go to the airport. We got ready in 10 minutes. We reached the airport in 30 minutes. His parents were also with us. He came to me and kissed my lips before he goes inside. Tears were rolling down on my cheeks. He hugged me tightly. I was holding his hands not letting him go. He smiled at me. I looked at him sadly. I love you he said and left my hand. He started moving forward. My heart is aching so much. He stood and turned one last time to see me. I smiled at him while tears were rolling down. I can't control my tears. He went inside. I wiped my tears. I booked a taxi and hopped on it.
I already started missing him. I reached my home. I went straight to my bedroom. I can't able to sleep. I want to him so badly but I know I can't do that. I slowly fell asleep.
Next day morning I woke up with a headache.10 a.m:
I did my morning routine. I thought to go out so I called Ayesha number. Can we go somewhere I asked Ayesha without even saying hello. Yes, she agreed. I will there in 10 minutes I said and hung up.
I took a quick shower and had my breakfast. I went to Ayesha house. She was already waiting for me. We thought to go shopping. We entered our favourite shop and purchased some clothes. We reached our home in few minutes. I sat on my couch and called his number. I know he would have reached there by now but he is not picking up. It always makes me angry when he is not answering my calls. I texted him to call me when you are free.
I went to my room. I thought to read a book. I started reading my book.
It's already been 3 p.m. there is no calls or texts on my phone. I thought to call him again. I just wanna make sure he is safe. I called his number. Finally, he picked up. Hello, I said. Hi, he replied. Busy? I asked him to doubt fully. No, he said. Why you didn't text me I asked him. Sorry, I didn't see it he said. I know he is lying to me but I don't want to fight with him. Okay, I said. Anything else he asked me. No way are you going somewhere I asked him. No, I am just feeling sleepy he replied. Oh okay then sleep I told. Okay, he said and hung up.
I started feeling that he is avoiding me. But I calmed myself by saying maybe he would have been tired. I let out a long sign. I am feeling so lonely. I want to talk to him. I want to be with him but he is ignoring me that made me so sad and lonely.
I thought to go for a walk. I got ready and left my house. I went to the park which was near my house. I sat on the bench enjoying the view. One couple sat on another bench which was in opposition to me.
They seem so happy. They are holding their hands. I started missing farick so badly. I want to hold him. I looked at them. I left that place before I start crying.8 p.m:
I texted him.
Farick:" yes. Sorry I couldn't talk to you properly today".
Me:"I miss you so much".
Farick:"I miss you too".
Me:"can we do a video call?".
Farick:"actually I am outside. Maybe later".
There is no reply after that. I waited for him for so long but there is no response.After one week:
Since farick went there he is totally avoiding me. He is not at all spending time with me. I always used to cry at night. I can't sleep properly. I don't know maybe he is busy at work or something. Wherever I call he says that he is busy. I need him but I don't think he is missing me.
I want to talk to someone about this. The only person who can help me is Ayesha. I called her. She will be here any time soon.She knocked my door. I opened it. She sat on my bed. What is the problem? she asked me. Everything is, I replied. Tears were started to fill my eyes. What happened why are you crying she asked me. I said her everything about farick's behaviour. Her face turned red out of anger. How dare he is? How can he avoid you like that she said angrily?
Ayesha I want him. I miss him so much. He is the best thing ever happened to me. I can't lose him I said while crying. She hugged me.
We will do something about it don't worry she calmed me. I can't stop crying. My eyes were turned to red.
Please don't cry baby she said wiping my tears. I love him so much Ayesha I said. I know she replied.
Tell me his Facebook id she asked me. Why I asked her. Just give me I need to do some research she said. I gave his id. Okay now go to sleep I will meet you tomorrow she said and left my room.
She gave me a little bit confidence. But I can't stop thinking about him. I was still crying. Slowly my eyes shut down I drifted off to sleep.Thanks for reading friends: