Alright let's talk about parents. Every child hates them. Every. Single. One. For stupid or smart reasons it doesn't matter why we just hate them.
And my parents... Ever since I was little they teach me without even realizing it that I can't stand up for myself. They remind me every time I try. I can't stand up for myself to authority. Which makes me feel weak.
And because they teach me that I began to hate myself. Now I will always hate myself. It's all because my parents have to remind me that I'll never be perfect and I can never be good enough for them, for anyone.
Any time I try to complain about the bus ride my dad always shoots me down. Always. So pretty much everyone on the bus talks and yells so much about random crap that's stupid that it makes me want to take out my eardrums and grind them into a paste them eat them!!Then kill them all off slowly.
But all they do is yell. A lot. So when I complain about it my dad asks what they do and of course I say they are loud and annoying but he says stuff like 'Well that's not doing anything!' and 'yeah and what they're not allowed to talk?'
I just want to complain don't tell me I can't do that right either. And oh my god my mom! The other day my mom made me and my brother go on the bus home 'cause she had an appointment.
When I got home I was so mad and annoyed I was on the verge of tears. So I try to talk to my mom about it. But I start yelling about it 'cause I'm so annoyed. And I start to go up to my room so I can write about it to get it off my chest but she calls me back and starts telling me that I'm not allowed to yell at her (which I get but that's not the point)
So I get even more annoyed because she's always telling me to talk about my feelings and tell her what's going on. But apparently my way of talking to her about it isn't allowed!!She's the one who told ME to TALK about MY FEELINGS!!
If she doesn't like the way I express my feelings she shouldn't try to make me talk!! It's her fault I was yelling!! It's not my fault I have emotions okay!!! I don't want feelings I never asked for them!!
but whenever I have sad or angry emotions I get in trouble. I'm so fucking sorry I have emotions!!! Fuck you mom!!
You know my parents know I don't like them. They think it's just a phase and you know what it probably is, but I DON'T CARE!! I just don't care if it's a stage anymore!
And every time me and my family talk about when or if me and my brother get children I always say 'if I have children I'm not letting you near them' ad every time they don't take me seriously. Never.
But I'm not joking nor will I ever be. If I have any children I'm not letting them step even close to my parents. So screw you dad! if I have children you can't get them anything or play with them. NO!! I don't care what you want!!
And you know what dad! I know I'm a bitch you tell me this all the time!!same with mom and Nick!! So I will finally own up to it! I know I'm a bitch and I know I'm annoying and I know people hate me!! I realize that more people hate me than like me!
And I DON'T GIVE A SHIT!!! Fuck this stupid family!!!I hate you all!!! You all make sure I know that I don't matter in this world!!
And none of you notice that I hate myself...none of you. No one will. You are all pathetic you an't even tell mom doesn't like her body. No one see's this.
You pathetic, weak humans. My dad can't spell for shit, my brother can't even cook a good grilled cheese sandwich! And my god my mom is so stupid the only things she can do is make up, hair, and cooking. Hahahahahahahaha!!!
What a pathetic little family. And their daughter. Hahahahahaha!!Don't even get me started on that ugly,fat,weak, little pig!! her parents can't even tel she's practically going insane!! And they know no one likes her and hey don't try to change it.
hahahahahahahaha!!! I love how weak my family is!!How pathetic they are!! It's so funny! They'r reactions to violence!! I love violence with almost every fiber of my being and my mom can't even watch a micky mouse fucking movie!! hahahahaha!!!
Such hideous creatures!!
Who do you hate?
My A: Everyone
Welcome to my mind
Diversoswell the title says it all. This is all about what I think about my rantings. I don't talk to anyone about all my thoughts so this is perfect, I can talk to people-tons of them- about my deepest feelings and I won't have to see them everyday and fee...