1. Luffy x Reader

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This take place on the G-8 arc (right after Skypia) where you are a member of the strawhat pirates.


After the Going Merry fall from the sky and landed in the middle of the marine base G-8, the strawhats was forced to leave the ship and make a run for it. As everyone took their own escape rut you all got separated...for the most part. You are a pretty new to the hole being a pirate thing and a wanted criminal as you where recruited just 3 months back. By instinct you followed your captain as you knew you would be safe with him and...more or less was madly in love with him.

In the begining it was just an attraction but slowly turned into something more. Memories of him playing tag with Chopper and Usopp made you always smile, every time when he faced a dangerous foe or when some of his friends was in danger and putted his life in the line was so admirable to you, and his need for food and his childish behavior made you always laugh. It did't took to long for you to realize that you have fallen for him.

you followed right behind Luffy as he basically run around in circles in the massive building. Every door Luffy past by he open, took a quick glance and close it. Got a little frown every time. "Luffy what are you looking for?" you asked as you did you best to follow his fast pace. He looked at you without slowing down with his typical grin "The kitchen of course, shihi all this running have made me hungry". You mentally face palmed at his answer 'really... now.. Luffy!' you screamed in your mind but did't say anything about it. "should't we look for the others?" you asked as you got worried about them. "Why?" he said bluntly as if he didn't feel a need to search for them. Surprise you stopped running and he as well when he noticed you where not right behind him. standing right in front of him you tried to read him if he really was serious about this or if he just fooled around. "Well for starters we are in a marine ford that is well known for being one of the most heavily defended and armed of the marine bases." Luffy gave you a look that said 'so whats the problem'  you sighed heavily "what i'm trying to say is that we need to focus on finding everyone and Merry and get the hell out of here" I said started to get a bit annoyed. It took a minute to let it sink into Luffys brain as he stood motionless until he understood "ohhhhh..it sounds like a pretty good plan there (y/n)." he said with his typical smile and a thumbs up...before he starts to run off ones again. "Where the hell are you going this time?!?!?" "Well duhh... to the kitchen...I NEED MEAAAAAT!!" he yelled top of his lungs running future away at the same time. Standing there dumbfounded at your captains decision to handle the situation the same thought crossed your mind over and over 'how did I end up falling for this moron?'.

After losing sight of Luffy you wonder around disguised as a marine soldier. In hope to find him and rest of the crew you peek in doors, looked out from every single window in hope to see any of your friends. As it felt like hours you for sure did not have luck on you side. Specially when you open a door that was bigger then the other as well more fancier without notice. As you walked in you looked at your surrounding as you see it was a rater big office. Your skin paled and sweat formed in your fists when you see a man sitting on a chair right in front of you just a few feet away. Your breath started to get unsteady and you're adrenaline kick in as you see his Marine overcoat whit the words "justice" on his back and realize that he's the vice admiral, Jonathan. 'SHIT IM SO F*CKED!!!' you mentally screamed as the tension in the air got thicker. His eyes looked at yours, what felt like ages he broke the silence "What do you want solider?" he said, but something in his eyes told you that he already knew that you where one of the pirates that every Marine was after. By instinct you run as fast you could away from him. All you could hear was your heartbeat speeding  up as your legs pushed as hard they could in a random direction. As you made a left turn in the corridors you was greeted with 10 Marines blocking your way and aiming their guns at you. Hasty you try to turn back but 10 other Marines stood in your way with the vice admiral Jonathan behind them. you where now surrounded and the was no way for you to escape. Realization of being defeated you sighed and stopped to resist. "What should we do whit her? Sir" one of the solider asked Jonathan. He raised his lips to a satisfied smirk  directed to you. "Take her to the prison cells".

2 Marine Soldiers walked in front of you with your hand cuffed that was connected with a chain that one of the soldier who happens to be a very well built man holding it tightly. after 20 minutes walk you arrived at a cave similar surrounding whit a long corridor with cells on both sides. It did't took long when you heard 2 voices that you recognized. Usopp and Zoro was sitting in the same cell. Usopp was  whining about he was not ready to die and Zoro just looked bored. they did't notice you until you was in front of them. You greeted them with "Sup guys!". "oh (y/n) it's you" Zoro  causally said before he went back to his 'bored as hell' state. Usopp started to whine even more then before "OH NO!! (y/n) they took you to!! it's not long until the hole crew is captured!!!". Annoyed you hit him in the head for being so negative and told him to have more faith in the others. mean while you waited to be rescued you told Usopp everything that happen to you and Luffy from when you left the Merry. Usopp face palmed at the fact that Luffy only thought of meat in situation like this. Usopp told you that he was able to find the Marry and was captured right after that. You where happy to hear that your ship was fine and the Marines did't chose to destroy it. To make the time go faster you played Rock Scissor Paper with Usopp. A distance echo was heard "Guys where are you?! Answer me!!" it was without doubt Luffy. "Heeey LUFFY OVER HERE!!! SAVE US!" Usopp yelled top of his lungs. "Usopp the Marines can hear him as well" Zoro added witch made Usopp unsure what to yell.  Luffy and Sanji came to the rescue and beat up all the Marines that waited them. "(y/n)-swaaan don't worry my deer, your prince in shining armor is here to save you." Sanji said with a heart replacing his eyes. In attempt try to kiss your hand  only to be pushed away as Luffy stood before you, worry written on his face "Seriously (y/n) you can't just run away like that you got me worried." "YOU WHERE THE ONE WHO RUN AWAY, MORON!!" you barked at him. But even so you felt a bit touched when he said he was worried . Luffy only laughed at that. "From now on you most stay close to me (y/n)" Luffy said with a serious ton, his hat cast a shadow over one of his eyes. You where in some kind of trance as you and Luffy only stared at one and other without saying anything and shut out everything else that went on, even Zoros and Sanjis bickering wasn't  even heard. you and Luffy started to lean in to each other. as your face closed in your heart started to beat rapidly in your chest. Just inches away from kissing him you softly closed you eyes and was prepared to be in cloud nine...only for Usopp to ruined the moment. "Stop!! With all this lovy dovy crap and Save Us!!". Luffy pulled his head back grinned as he always does and replayed to the sharpshooter not to worry. But you in other hand just wanted to kick him where the sun not shine for ruining your special moment. Usopp sensed the dark aura around you squealing in fear and beg you to have mercy on him. As took few feet distance from you he pick up a impact dail from his pocket and gave it to Sanji. 

A massive explosion was heard in whole G-8, and with no time to waste Zoro, Sanji, Usopp run of with you and Luffy right behind, holding hands. Luffy sure was serious when he wanted you close at all time. You all run off to where the Going Merry was docked. Nami, Chopper and Robin was already waiting on the ship and was ready to leave. a few Marines was lying unconscious on the ground as you ran past them. whit everyone on board the ship made its way from the main building. with help of an octopus and a fire dail the Merry was lifting from the water up to the sky and made a safe escape. The strawhats was cheering over the victory that was made and started to party. A hand on your shoulder made you turn around. facing Luffy with a happy smile he hold your cheek with one hand closed in and gave you a light kiss that got more passionate. Not that surprised you closed your eyes and kissed him back while holding your hands around his neck. The crew started to cheer and in the background. Luffy and you end the kiss to breathe. Luffy looked in your eyes in a lovingly way "(y/n) stay close to me forever". 

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