5. Franky x Reader

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After a huge storm (y/n) was wash up on the island known for it's shipswrights, water 7. After what felt like days she drowsy woke up. Feeling a slight headache she groaned. Looking around she sees that she is in a small room with very little light to see any smaller details. (Y/n) sat up in the king size bed. She looked around and started to question if she really what to stay in this room or not. 'geez whoever live sure is no fancy pants' she thought with a unsure feeling. Except for the bed it was a sofa at the corner of the other side of the room whit lots and lots of empty  bottles of cola. With a small table and a tv  on the wall.

Outside the door she could hear footsteps approaching. As the door slammed open and very weird looking man steps in the room. Feeling frightened (y/n) covered her body with her hands  in a protecting manner. He easily towered over her as he was about two heads taller than her and his muscle made in very obvious that he was very strong. The most fascinating....or weird about him was his arms, as they both was really huge and got a blue star on both.

"I see you have woke up, took you long enough." He said a he sit down on the foot of the bed. "How are you Feeling?" He reached to feel your forehead. Feeling a bit intimidated you spoke "I..im fine" blushing of his touch. "SUPER! Come out and meet the others" he said as he got up from the bed and reached the door. "ohh by the way..." He turned his face looking at you " welcome to the Franky family."

After 3 days you have got to known everyone on the Franky family. Every one was so friendly to you. Zambai showed  you around and introduced you to Sodom and Gomorrah with permission of Franky. Kiwi and Mozu became like sisters to you. you felt like you have found the perfect family for you. But even how friendly everyone was Franky was always protective when it comes to you. Even when he was of to the black market or in to the city he didn't what you to leave out of his sight. Not sure if how you should take it you decided to ask him about his behavior.

Right now everyone was gathered in the main hall in Franky house and celebrated Frankys birthday. Booze and food was seen in everyone's grasps as they eat and drink til their heart content. Well everyone expect (Y/n) as she still thinking what's up with Franky. Looking at his direction you see him sit in his chair that more or less looked like a chair for a king as Kiwi and Mozu was sitting beside him. Seeing him this happy made your heart skip a beat and small smile tugged on your lips. Not able to enjoy fully of this feast you raised from your chair and walked up to Franky. With confidence you stepped right in front of him reaching with your eyes after his attention. Just few seconds took for Franky to look at you with questioning face. "What is it (Y/n) not enjoying the party?" He asked as he took a huge chug from his booze. You try to hold you composure even if you did get nervous around him. Taking a deep breath "can I speak with you in private?" you asked feel you just want to shrink at his gaze. With a cooky smirk he put away his mug and meat raised from his seat and took your hand leading you another room. It was the same room you had woke up in just a few days ago. Still holding your hand he sit down on the bed and you sit beside him. "So what do you want?" He asked as he looked at you. Again you got nervous of how close his was as well looking at you. You try to shake this feeling off as you spoke "Well I just wondered why you have been so protective with me?". Franky mentally thanked God for it was so dark in this room as his blush decided to appear in a bright red tone. "Well..I..you see.." you raise one of your eyebrow at his sudden shyness. Franky suddenly took a deep breath and almost yelled at in frustration "BECAUSE I LIKE YOU!". Taken by surprise that the man that have saved you when you wash up and gave you a home also saw you a bit more then just a friend and family. Franky not looking at was taking by surprise when you took both off your hand on each side of is head turned it to you and smashed your lips against his. A lovingly and gentle kiss at the start become more needed and sloppy as you both feel adrenaline rush trough your bodies. After ages of making out you pushed away from him, taking heavy breaths. Franky not having normal human lungs just sit there in a bit chock for a few seconds. His cooky attitude apeerd again "I guess it means yes to you becoming my woman" he whisper seductively against your hear. Blushing madly at his ton you just nodded. "The shy side of your is just super cute" he pressed his lips against yours in a light gentle kiss

I'm thinking to do a second part....an *blushing* 😶 lemon xD Please comment of you think if it's a good idea. Have a good day!!

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