2. Zoro x Reader

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The thousand sunny was docked at an island that seemed rater abandon. You can clearly see bigger village from a mile away only it was no people in sight on top of that it looked like a tornado have destroyed most of the houses and buildings. other then that it was a mix of a jungle and field environment, it was for the most part open but still have the typical trees and plants everywhere that you could find in jungles. Luffy left the sunny to explore with company of Brook, Robin, Fanky and Nami. As Usopp went to see if he could find something to his green pops and Chopper to see if he could find herbs and plants for his medical supplies. Sanji went to find some food supplies. That left you and Zoro alone to guard the sunny.

You have had a huge crush on Zoro from the moment you lay your eyes on him. His fighting spirit, his cocky attitude, the way he use his swords, his body everything about him was just down right sexy. just to be able to see him training got you to cloud nine. But being near him made you always blush like crazy and have like thousands butterflies in your stomach. every time you tried to confess you always fumble with the words and always ended up with you escaping from the awkwardness that builds up  and run in to your room and feel totally worthless. You are able to talk to him normally when you talk of something else but when it comes to love, feelings etc you always screw up. The only one you have talk to about this problem is Nami. Nami as always been your best friend among the crew, even if she always put you in debt.   

You and Zoro are very close thanks to you train pretty much together. Lifting weight together and also challenge each other from time to time. Zoro always fight you with his three swords  technique as you use the six powers (the same powers CP9 had on Enies Lobby arc). 

Now when you and Zoro was alone on the ship you wanted to take this chance to confess to him. you took a deep breath to calm yourself before you left your room and searched for the swordsmen. It was't that hard to find him as he almost always sleeps on deck when he did't have any better to do. you walked toward him and sit next to him. He did't wake up so you shake his shoulder carefully. it did't took much for him to wake and shift his head towards you. "(y/n) what's up?" he said, not bothered that you was sitting next to him. "umhh well it's..something I have wa.wanted to..to tell you for the longest ti..time" You words did't came out as you wanted to as your throat got extremely dry. But Zoro still patiently listen to what you had to say. His expression got more tense and serious as shifted is position and hold his hand over your mouth. "I hear someone.." he lowly whispered so only you could hear. 

Slowly you and Zoro standing up on your feet and listen carefully. Just as Zoro suspected you where't alone as 2 people showing them selves on deck. Both of them was well known bounty hunters that travels in the new world to collect pirates and give them away to the Marines. Both of them well built men. both of them wearing black tuxedo pants and black tank top with print on them with the world government symbol on them. both black hair with dark green  sunglasses. on of them had a tattoo on is left arm "Live to Kill " that cover his whole arm.

Zoro with all three of swords ready to attack took a defensive position in front of you. "Who the hell are you!" Zoro demanded them to tell him. both of them only smirked "My name is Hayato" says he with the tattoo on his arm who also look like to be a swordsmen with a big sword behind his back.

 both of them only smirked "My name is Hayato" says he with the tattoo on his arm who also look like to be a swordsmen with a big sword behind his back

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"and my name is Yuma, and together we are the worlds greatest bounty hunters." Zoro smirked " Finally someone to beat up, I started to think that I would die out of bored dome" and he attacked Hayato. Both of them seemed to be in similar skill level. You did't got more time to observe their battle as Yuma dashed towards you and used his kung fu technique on you. "Kami-e" You shouted and as he tried to land a punch on you but your body got extraordinarily flexible in order to avoid his attacks. Your body moved like a piece of paper. annoyed that he never hit you he used his devil fruit power. "Thunder slash" he shouted and a line of thunder reached to you from his body. It was to fast for you to avoid. Just in time a familiar rubber arm tangled to you and brought you out of danger. Luffy and all the others had come back to the ship just in time. Hayato was taken out by Zoro now.

Chopper, Nami and Robin ran with you to Choppers office. Even if Luffy was in time to save your life you organs open up by little. If he was just a millisecond to late your body would been cut into two pieces. Chopper start to operate you with assisted by Nami and Robin. Chopper was convinced that you live through it.

Outside one the deck the swordsmen was more then furious. "Back off everyone, he is my prey" Zoro said to the crew all of then nodded their heads in understanding. "Like you would be more of a challenge then your girlfriend. It's just pathetic how easy she was to take out" Yuma mockingly replied to Zoro. "Don't you dare talk like that to (y/n) like that, you know nothing about her." Zoro did't wait for a answer as he blink of a eye was right in front of Yuma with his sword pierced right through his heart. The devil fruit user fall down on his knees and then on is face as he lay there, dead. 

Everyone else just stood there pale of the sight what Zoro just did, but no one comment on that.

****************************** 2 days later **************************************

(y/n) woke up, feeling a bit light headed and weak. Memories of what happen two days before 'no wounder I'm look like shit' you thought as you wanted to see how everyone else was.  trying to stand up but was stopped " You should't get out of bed just jet." Looking at the door stood Zoro with what it seemed like breakfast. "I brought some food for you" he putted the food on the table next to your bed. He took a sit by the foot of the bed and you chose to sit next to him. "How are you feeling?" he asked with a concern in his voice "Could been better" you simply answered back with a smile. "Good to know...(y/n) do you remember that you tried to confess something to me before the attack?" he asked with a serious expression. 'better now then never i guess' you thought before taking a deep breath "IMINLOVEWITHYOUZORO" you shouted out really fast. Zoro looked at you with satisfaction. Before you could do anything else he looked tensely into your eyes and slowly closing in to you and locked your lips with his. Your mind whent blank as you did't understand what was happening. Zoro depend the kiss as he put his hand on your waist and pushing you to his body. you closed your eyes and pushed Zoro toward you. He ended the kiss and breathed heavy "You should rest for now" he said. you putted at that and wanted him to stay. Zoro smirked at the sight of you and whisperer in your ear in a husky tone "I will come back tonight and continue where we ended". Zoro left you alone in the room red  as a tomato.  

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