3. Sanji x Reader

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Last time you where in the sabaody archipelago you and rest of the crew was send flying in different directions of the world. After training in the mountains by some nomads that was former marine admirals, you travel back with confident that you will be able to help protect the crew. Now after 2 years of training you have arrived at  Shakky's rip-off bar in grove 13.

Inside was Shakky leaning over the bar and talked to Rayleigh, their eyes retched to you as both when silent. "(y/n) is't you? oh my you have grown" said Shakky as Rayleigh looked at you with a approving smile. "I can see that your 2 years training have in proven your physical strength (y/n)" he said as he took a closer look. And it sure has, last time he saw you were very slim and did't have much muscles to brag about. You still was small but now you had a lot of visible muscles. your (h/c) have gotten longer and you looked more grown up. (*cough* bigger boobs *cough*). "thank you Shakky Rayleigh it's nice to see you to as well. May I ask if any of the other have already arrived jet?". "Yes everyone except Luffy as arrived just a few days ago". You nodded your head towards them and made your way out of the bar and to the sunny.

While walking to grove 42 a lot of thoughts came up to your mind. How much have everyone changed? where was everyone send 2 years ago? etc. But mostly your mind drifted of to a certain blonde pervert cook. A blush coated your cheeks just the thought to see him again. His blonde hair that cover his one eye his twirly eyebrows and his long slender handsome body was just...perfect. Without notice it you had arrived to the sunny. A bubble coating cover the hole ship. "(y/n) it's SUUUPER to see you". Turning around Fanky did his pose whit his arm. Happy to see one of the member of the crew you ran up to him and gave the cyborg a tight hug around his waist. A light blush spread at the shipwright face. Letting go of the hug you smiled up to him "It's really good to also see you Franky" "By the way where is the others? Shakky and Rayleigh told me that almost everyone was here". "Well everyone walked to the shopping district so everyone is probably do some shopping before we depart to fishman island". You stared to walk away as you waved to Franky before you were  out of sight. 

Walking around the lively area you made some shopping while you searched after your friends. You walked i the first clothes store you saw. A beautiful strawberry blonde woman standing at the counter  arguing with the cashier. A small chuckle escaped your lips as you easily recognized her. "Long time no see Nami" you said just loud enough for her to hear. Turned around to face the opposite direction her smile grow as she saw you. "Oh My God (y/n)!!!" she ran towards you with wide open arms ready to hug you to death. After catching up with her she left to head to sunny and you  keep looking once again. One after another you find them randomly. Chopper in the amusement park with Usopp and Brook fooling around, Robin in some bookstore, Zoro being lost in the crowd of people. 

Feeling a bit sad to not find Sanji you sighed. 'well maybe he is at sunny by now' you thought  as you turned around. A muffled sound of battle cries was heard behind you, turning you r head just enough to  see what approaching you from behind. Your face losses is color as you see marines about 30-40 of them running towards you. Running for your life even if your not sure if it's you they are after. As your heart pumped much harder you started to feel more tired for every step you took. "Hey it's one of the strawhats" "Don't let her escape" was heard from the marines 'SHITSHITSHITSHIT' you mentally screamed as you keep getting more tired and more slow. Without seeing it a stone was in you way and tripped you. It was nothing you could do now the marines was to close to even try to run away again. Closing your eyes as they was just a few feet away, preparing for the worst. "Moonwalk" was heard from distance before you got carried away from the ground. Opening  your eyes you see Sanji holding you bridal style and was jumping in the sky to the sunny. You where a blushing mess as your body was pressed against his "th..thank you Sanji" you whispered. "Anything for you my love" he said before he  got closer to your face and kissed you.      

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