9. Kid x Reader (Part 1)

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Being a soldier in the marines was't a dance on roses...at all. Always have to make tough decisions, always have to chose duty before your own emotions and always be prepared to die for 'justice'. Even if you where proud to be a marine there where many time you just wanna run away from it and be free. And right now was one of those moments you wish you never had anything to do with the marines.

A few hours ago:

You was scrubbing  the deck on the ship in wait on other orders from your captain . The weather was lovely  and you was in rather happy mood for no spacial reason.  Missing your friends Coby and Helmepoo who's right now in the headquarters and trained used to send letter to each other when you where apart. Being your only friends you ever had was also probably the only real reason to why you stay with the marines. Sighing lightly to yourself  you hear the guy that was currently on look out yelling  "Enemy ship!". 

As you run to the captains that was looking his telescope at the directions of the ship. Standing in attention next to him "what's your order sir?" you asked. A satisfied smirk on his face he told you "those are the kid pirates...a bunch of rookies so will attack of course" he said as if that was the most obvious thing in the world. "But sir they are know for they cruelty and hunger for killing, we are a too small crew to take them out" you said sweat dropped from your forehead  as you see your captain turning angry at you. "Are you claiming that you have higher authority than me?" he asked as he got closer with his face. Scared of what would happen if you said against him you simply shook your head. "Thought so.." leaving you he spoke up to the rest of the crew to sail straight against them and attack. Hearing them scream in approval made your heart sink really low 'they don't even know who they are up against' tears escaped your eyes as you where well a where that most of this people will be dead in a very short time. 

You ran to your own cabin you had on the ship and switch the horrible sword you got from the marines to the sword you got from your dad before he died. 

You looked in amaze at your broad sword that you have never used before

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You looked in amaze at your broad sword that you have never used before. it's  pitch black sword with trims of gray and is evenly balanced and quite powerful. Taking off you marines clothes you lay out a black shorts and a white tank top 'while i'm at it I might change bra as well' you thought and took of your white one that now had sweat mark to a black one. now fully change you felt you had much more flexibility. 'Screw what the captain says he have sent us to our graves anyway'. "10 more minutes until we reach them" was heard from above. Feeling very nervous and scared about it you took a deep breath 'I might have a chance to survive with my sword and my busoshoku haki'. Boosting yourself up you walked to the deck when it only was 1-2 minutes left to reach them. Questioning looks was sent to your way but you ignored them. 

From where you stood you could see the man himself Eustass Captain Kid standing on his ship smirking evilly as he stretched out his arm towards your ship "attract" and the ship was pulled to them in much faster speed. Only Kids  closest men Killer, Heat and Wire came on board and started to have their fun. It did't even take the marines a minute to realize that they made a big mistake as the most of the crew tried to flee for their lives. The captain was of course to proud to run away even you could tell he was shiting in his pants right now. You tried to stay away from them as long as possible to observe them and their ability. Watch the people you had worked with in such long time die in front of your eyes did truly hurts but you keep to your plan and waited to the right moment to come out. now when it only was your captain and a another soldier standing to face the kid pirates you chose to step forward as they all five was all observing each other. They all looked at a bit dumbfounded as you did't have a single scratch on you. Now standing beside the captain and the other soldier you where standing in front of Killer knowing he gonna be the one you fight against. 

In a blink of an eye Killer, Heat and Wire ran to their prayer. pointing you sword and activated your armor haki you blocked his scythe-blads . The two of you keep going forever with your fight both have received hits and slashes from each other. The captain and the other guy was dead long time by now and you where the only one left. Rest of the kid pirates have gather around you and Killer to watch the fight. Even Kid have chose to come to the other ship and watch. He watched amused at you both as it was a while ago some of them got a real challenge. Your use of haki have made you tired and felt you where the bring of  losing consciousness. But you chose to keep pushing it. By accident you tripped you feet and fall back. Killer took this chance to strike his final blow but stopped in the midair as Kid walked towards you clapping his hands sarcastically. Bent down on his knees to watch you right into your eyes. "Well what a fight...it's been a while I got a chance to enjoy see one of my men fight little for his kill. But it would also be a big loss if we killed you now  when you have so  much information about the navy to tell us". Not having any energy left you just lay there just thankful that you are alive and did't bother to answer. Kid stood up turning to his men "Take this girl to our 'guestroom' and lock her in there". Two of the men dragged you to Kids ship and down to their lower level of the ship. 

You have been in this 'guestroom' witch was like a prison cell with iron bars holding you to your small space, only a torch as light. Crying over your loss for hours you eventually fall sleep on the coldly floor. Not noticing the door to the prison cells open.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2018 ⏰

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