>Chapter 7<

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Heading out to the car awaiting them, Damian didn't distract himself by the other teens watching him with their eyes wide. When he got to the car, with Tim behind him, Damian opened the car door, and threw in his bag, then slid into the car. Noticing that Dick was the one in the driver's seat, he frowned, and stayed silent. "No need to let the most curious Bat brother, know about today's incident.", he thought to himself. He didn't need Dick down his back about something as petty as being pushed around by the taller teens his age. Tim slid in beside him, and shut the door, as Dick stepped on the gas, and drove off, back to the Manor. 

As Dick drove, he asked quickly, "So DamiBird, how was your first day at Gotham Academy? Did it go well? Did you meet people, who you would even consider as friends?" Damian rolled his eyes, as Tim answered for him, "Dick? I don't think it went well for him. I had to break him out of a fight. And he wasn't using soft language at all, during it." Damian grumbled, "I can answer for myself, Drake. I do not need you babying me with everything." After sending a glare of hate at Tim, Damian continued, "It went fine, Grayson. Just fine. Now do not ask me again, or I swear I will..." "You will what, Dami?", Dick asked, truly concerned by the tone in Damian's voice when he answered. Damian rolled his eyes again, and crossed his arms, then said simply, "Nevermind.", and went back to brooding angrily. Dick sighed, then said, "Well lucky for you, we're already back at the Manor. You can go brood to your heart's contend, Dami, and have all the silence you want." 

Dick parked the car, then stepped out, as Tim opened the side door, and slid out. Damian did the same quietly, then stalked through the open front door. Bruce and Alfred watched the young Bird with wide eyes, as he stalked away. When he disappeared, and Dick and Tim entered, Bruce asked, "I'm guessing things didn't go so well for his first day? Maybe I should talk to him." Dick said, "No, first we need to know what happened. Tim said he saw the whole thing start, and broke up a fight between Damian and another kid. Tim, care to share?" The third eldest Bird said, "He punched and forced a boy in his grade, into a headlock and onto the ground. It wasn't pretty at all. I had to break it up, since no one else dared to go near them. Bruce, I think something made him act like that." "Yes, and something, was the League of Assassins.", Bruce stated bluntly, as he continued, "And if I had met him as a kid, and had he come to live with me, he wouldn't be so bloodthirsty, or looking for a battle to engage in." Dick finally said, "I'll go talk to him. I was the one to convince him to go to that school. Maybe I can get him to tell me what happened." "I don't think that we need to talk to him right now, Dick. We just need to let him brood and cool off. If any of us go to talk to him now, one of us could need a trip to the hospital.", Tim suggested. Bruce agreed, "Tim is right. None of us need to make a trip to the emergency room tonight. Not when Gotham needs us tonight. Usually, I would let Damian and you all go with me, but tonight, you all are staying here, some of you for obvious reasons." As he said the last thing, Bruce gestured to Tim's broken arm. He then turned, and left the room, and headed for the Batcave. Dick said, "You should probably go get started on your work, Tim. Work that doesn't include getting yourself nearly killed. I'll talk with Damian." Tim questioned, "But didn't I just say that none of us should go near Damian right now? Who knows what he's going up there." Dick replied, "He's a small teen. And he listens to me. I can get him to not attack me." Tim shrugged his shoulders as he left the room as well, and said with warning, "You're digging your own grave, Dick." The eldest Bird smirked, then went up the stairs, back to Damian's room. He knocked softly on the door, and asked, "Can I come in, please?" "Although I would rather be alone, I guess you may come in, Grayson.", Damian replied, his voice monotone.

Damian watched as Dick opened the door, and came to sit beside him, on his bed. After several minutes of silence, Dick asked kindly, "Is there something you want to tell me, Dami? I'm here to listen. You just have to talk." Damian turned away, and said, "Nothing you would be interesting in learning, Grayson. I am fine. I can do things on my own, and I do not need anyone to baby me. I am thirteen, for your information, and have delivered and seen death more than you ever will." "Dami, it's not a sign of weakness to open up to your family. I know whatever is going on, is making you more angrier than normal, so why not let it come off your shoulders? I promise whatever it is, we can work it out as brothers." Damian forcefully replied, "I do not need to share my personal life with you, Grayson. That is final. Now, if you will excuse me, I have my place, as Robin, to uphold." Damian stood up and left the room, leaving Dick alone. 

As he headed down the stairs, and to the Batcave, Damian decided now would be the perfect time to startle that Marshall kid, into his mother's arms. Dressing into the Robin costume, complete with black leggings, dark green and red boots that complemented his mask, and a black and yellow custom made cape and hood, the young Bird slipped out into the late afternoon hours, in search of Marshall. When he found the taller teen, Damian brought out his katana he had found lying on top of one of the Batcave's tables. It had been a simple swipe to grab the weapon, while his father was busy weightlifting. The Bird leapt down from the ledge he had positioned himself on, and landed on the ground, in front of Marshall, and attacked without thinking straight. With his teeth baring like an angry lion, Damian soon held the katana at Marshall's throat. The taller teen's eyes widened at the sight of the katana, as it neared him, and Damian smirked. The stupid idiot was going to pay, and he was going to experience it painfully hard.

WN: I'm trying to do better at writing more, I swear! Work just takes up a lot more of my time. Luckily, I had a day off today, so I could write this, since I will be unreachable much of tomorrow. 

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