>Chapter 20<

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A/N: Sorry, this chapter is a little messy. I'm trying to get the story moving faster, and constantly changing characters is difficult, when you have one concept that needs to be spread out to other characters for depth and detail. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

Once everyone was awake, or at least pretending to be, Bruce said, "It has been made obvious to me, that Damian has been missed in this house. Last night, I took on the task of looking for clues, as to how he left Gotham, and realized the only way he could get to the League of Assassins at this time of year, was by boat." Hearing a meowing below, Bruce looked down, and noticed the small, charcoal colored kitten, Alfred, sitting below the table, his huge green eyes gazing up at him, practically begging for his breakfast. He added, "However, this all was after Alfred was able to terminate an enemy from nearly killing me, by using his claws. If it hadn't been for-" Dick snickered, "Wait... Bruce, so you were saved by the kitten? Damian's little, innocent looking kitten saved the Dark Knight? Hahaha, that's hilarious!" "Richard, this isn't the time for fooling off.", Bruce reminded. Dick answered, going serious, "Oh, sorry. Please, continue." Bruce cleared his throat, and continued, "As I was saying, after Alfred saved me, we came back to the Batcave, where I did some research early this morning. It appeared that there was only one ship that left on the same day as Damian ran off. I believe he may have stowed away on that ship, to get to where the League of Assassins are." "And if we figure out where the League of Assassins is, then we can get Damian back, right?", Dick asked, his voice hopeful. Bruce nodded, and said, "I, as well as one of you, will go to get him. The reason why it would only be two of us, is to make things less chaotic, when we get there. The less people we have, the faster we can move on foot. That's why I called this meeting. So I could pick the right person to go with me to get the youngest Wayne back. Now the question remains... Who wants to go with me?"

Dick pulled up his hand, and jumped happily, like a child, as he exclaimed, "Oh! Can I come, Bruce? I promise I'll be quiet! And I'm Dami's favorite! He'll listen to me!" Bruce rolled his eyes, as he added, "Is there anyone else willing to go?" The truth was, Bruce didn't want Dick going, because he knew it was difficult to keep the eldest Bird quiet. No matter what Dick said, he was born to be a circus star, and outshine on a stage. He was not born to be silent. When no one else said anything, and they all turned their eyes away, Bruce sighed. He knew he was going to regret the decision, but what could he do? It wasn't like he had a choice. If he needed backup, he had to have one of the Birds with him, and no one liked Damian as much as Dick, and none of the others had the type of connection the two shared. Finally, Bruce relented, and said, "Alright, Dick. You can come. But there are a few rules. One, we will be in gear, so no 'Dick-like circusy moves', only Nightwing moves. Two, you have to promise to stay quiet. Three, whatever I say, goes. Don't go running off and disappearing like you used to without a heads up first." The eldest raven haired Bird grinned, and said, "You got it, Bruce! I won't let you down!" 

|||Time Skip-Approximately 2 hours|||

"Bruce! Are we there yet? I want to see Dami.", Dick asked, in a whiny tone. "Dick. The plane hasn't even gotten off the ground yet. Of course we're not there yet. We literally just boarded.", Bruce answered, his anger bringing in some gruffness to his tone. Bruce rolled his eyes again, and thought about the last two hours of pure torture, it seemed. For a guy who was supposed to be twenty three, Dick acted more like a child than Damian did. The youngest kid was more centered and acted older than the oldest, making it more odder. What was worse, was the last two hours straight, ever since Dick had been told he could go, he had been singing about seeing Damian, and not exactly caring about the others' ears at all. As for the sudden change in plans, Tim had to be taken to school by Barbara instead of Dick. Bruce groaned, and said, "This is going to be a long trip.", then he pulled out a newspaper, and began to read.


Seeing the seat belt light come on, Dick settled into place, and looked around. He noticed Bruce reading the paper. The pilot, Mr. Langstrum, said over the intercom, "Bruce, we will be leaving soon. I have gotten clearance that we can leave. Hopefully there won't be a snowstorm, during the flight." Dick looked at Bruce to see his reply. The dark haired man replied, "Alright, Langstrum. When things are ready to go, just start. If there is a snowstorm though, you are free to land anywhere as long as there is land." The intercom voice chuckled, and replied, "Sure thing!" Within a few minutes, the plane had rolled down the track, and had lifted off with no issues. 

Once they were midair, Dick asked, "So Bruce, where are we flying to? I thought the place where the League of Assassins is located, was surrounded by water, and there's no airport in the area itself." "It is, Dick. We're flying to the nearest location to the area. Sure, it'll still be one heck of a walk to the spot, but it should be fine.", Bruce answered pointedly. He pulled out his phone, and Dick noticed Bruce begin to text one of the remaining family members about remembering Titus and Alfred. He leaned back in the huge plane chair, and pulled out a magazine, then began to look at the pictures, being bored as heck. 'Why did he want to come anyway?", he wondered. 'Oh yeah,' , he concluded, 'he was going for his little brother, to get him back'. As much as Damian hated being called little, it was true. He truly was the Baby Bat everyone felt they hate to protect. Dick just happened to be the most protective of the Bat family, towards him.

A/N: Finally, we are getting somewhere! Dick and Bruce are on their way to get Dami. Will he return or stay in his place? What kinds of things will they encounter, to get to him? I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, and how the plot is thickening with details! If you enjoyed, feel free to leave a comment, or just vote! Either will let me know your opinions!

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