>Chapter 26<

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A/N: Chapter 26 is here, my readers! Thanks for the support, and enjoy this Damian bloodthirsty filled chapter! Also, more of the Dick/Jason argument to come!

Hearing a noise, Damian shot up in bed, and listened. He heard the sounds of faint whispers outside of his room. Climbing off the bed, he crept slowly to the door, and put his ear against it, then listened. A voice said, "So, you know the plan, right? Go in, pretend to care, and hide. When that spoiled, little twerp of an al Ghul falls asleep, you sneak out, and slice him right in the heart. With that, there will be no second chances for him to rise. He will already be dead." A second voice joined in, and whispered back, "Of course I know the plan, brother. We have gone over it a million times." The first voice whispered again, "Then what happens after you kill that gnat?" The second replied, "Simple. You swoop in to mourn with Talia over her son's unfortunate death, then become the next Ra al Ghul, since you will be marrying her." The first responded, "Good. Now go. I will wait here for you to finish. This is the last time anyone tries to take the role of Ra, from me. I swore to Wilson to take control, and I will not let that fall down." Damian quickly, after hearing the plot, went to his katana case, and withdrew his sharp weapon. He laid it behind the second pillow on the other side of the bed, and recovered it with the feathered item, then laid down, and stayed still, pretended to be asleep. Hearing the door open, Damian closed his eyes and was silent. He listened as the footsteps got louder, until they stopped. The second voice he had heard outside of his door, said, "Ra, your mother was concerned that you need a drink of water. She requested I bring you some." Damian mumbled, "Just leave it on the table.", then listened for the clunk of the glass.

Upon hearing it, he slipped his hand under the second pillow, and with one sweep, removed his katana, and slashed it fiercely into the older assassin's chest, just barely missing his heart. Damian sat up, and glared at the man, his green eyes blazing with hatred. As the assassin backed away, holding his chest, Damian saw blood leeching from the wound, and saw fear and surprise in the man's grey eyes. Standing up on the bed, Damian held the now bloodied katana's edge at the man's throat, and said, dangerously, "That is for plotting against The Demon's Head. Now tell me, who else is in on the plot?" The assassin shook in his black boots, and uttered, "I-it was my brother, Larenson, and I only. H-he made a deal with Deathstroke to kill your grandfather, in return for the control of the entire League." Damian snarled, "And what else, you filthy defector!?" "There is nothing else, I swear!", the assassin gasped, as he took his last few breaths, before falling to the ground in a lump. Damian, standing above the bed, watched as the assassin bled out, in the dark. He growled, "No one dishonors The Demon's Head, without paying with their life."

Jumping down in a quick motion, Damian went to the body, and removed the mask from over his face. He saw dark hair, almost black, and the grey eyes staring back at him, lifeless. Damian closed the dead assassin's eyes, then stepped over the body, and went to the door. He opened it, and looking around, saw two other assassins. He commanded, "Come here, now.", and the two came rushing to his side. Damian pointed to the body, and said, "Bury the body in the forest. The rat deserves to be eaten by wolves for his disloyalty. Second, spread the word that this is what will happen to all those who dishonor The Demon's Head. No mercy." The assassins stared at the body of their fallen compatriot, then did as Damian had commanded. He watched as they dragged the body away, and to the gates, surrounding the hideout. With a smirk on his face, Damian said, "I am coming next for you, Larenson, and as such, there will be more pain to your name than your dear brother endured. His death was quick, but yours will be steady." Going back to his bed, Damian got in, and stayed awake all night, preparing for the traitor to fall to his knees in agony and suffering.


Dick frowned, as he looked Jason, then at Bruce. The man's dark features made it seem as if he were actually a bug about to be squashed, under a microscope. Bruce asked, his voice dark, "Dick, I raised you to be a man about things, and not to be petty. Why in the world, did Alfred find you arguing and on top of Jason? I thought you of all people in this house would know better." Dick said, "I'm sorry, Bruce, but Jason just pulled my last nerve. I promise it won't happen again." Bruce glared at Jason, as the redhead replied, "Yeah, sure. Sorry. Won't happen again." "It most certainly will not. Until Damian returns, I am sentencing you both to work alongside Alfred in cleaning up the Mansion's windows, rooms, and while you are at it, the Batcave could use a good sweep as well." Dick remarked, "Aww! Bruce, that's not fair!" Jason added, "Yeah, especially the part about me. You do remember I was the victim, Bruce! ON BOTH TIMES!!!!" Bruce frowned at his two sons, as Dick said, "Um, excuse me?! I wasn't the one who became psychotic with killing that clown, Jason! You did!" Jason argued back, "Yeah, well at least I have a steady girlfriend. You have so many exes it's hard to know anymore if the girl you're bringing by here is an ex or a newbie!" Dick yelled, "Yeah? Well-" "Stop it, both of you! Now! Alfred was right. You two are acting like a bunch of children! I WON'T have it in my house!", Bruce yelled back.

From far off, Alfred was pinching his nose bone, and shaking his head, saying, "Will they ever learn to agree?" He looked down, and found both Titus and Alfred looking at the arguing people. Rubbing Titus' ear, Alfred said, "At least Master Damian is not here to be involved, for if he was, we would have to make a detour to the emergency room." Titus gave a growl, then got up, and moved into the center of the room. He stopped right in front of Dick, who looked ticked off again, and seemed about ready to lunge at Jason again. The fight came to a standstill, as Alfred joined Titus in the center. It was quiet...all too quiet...

A/N: And here ya go! More Batfam shenanigans and fights. Who knew it was this much fun to make them all mad at each other? Anyway, please comment or vote, depending on your like or dislike of this chapter!

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