>Chapter 12<

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Hey Readers! Sorry bout the last few days! Been busy with work and hadn't had the time to write much, so between you and I, let's say the hiatus was for me thinking about this chapter, okay? Anyway, please enjoy this chapter, but be warned it does involve a lot of blood and violence....(I actually think I surprised myself for writing this!)

"Bruce! You just can't sit around here like a bump on a log and do nothing!", shrieked Stephanie. Dick added, "Steph is right, Bruce... You can't do nothing, while Damian is out there, heading back to the League of Assassins. If he gets back there, all the good work we've done to help him become more civilized as a citizen of Gotham, will be quickly destroyed. He'll resort, no, decide he missed his first home, and stay there forever, ridding The Batman of having a Robin for the first time in a long time." Bruce sighed, and looked at all of his 'adopted kids'. He said, "It's impossible now to stop Damian, because when he has something in mind, nothing will tear him away. He is hardheaded enough to be firm in his choices. The only thing we could do, is wait and see if he comes around. If he realizes how much he misses Titus, Alfred, or any of us, it might just cause him to make a better choice." Tim asked, "Wait... Why would Damian 'miss' Titus or Alfred? They're his pets. He loves them, more than any of us." Jason imputed, "Well, maybe, he hates everyone, but Dick. We all know how Damian has had a strange attraction to you, Dick." The acrobat Bird answered, "I think it's just because we have very opposite personalities. If I was more sterner and vengeful, like he is, we'd probably try to kill each other first chance we got." Bruce said, "To get back on track, Damian left Titus and Alfred both here. He even gave strict instructions that Titus is yours, Dick, and Alfred will be taking care of the cat." Jason growled, looking at Dick, "See what I mean? No kid like Damian would ever just give their most beloved animal to just anyone. It has to be someone they trust. I swear, I'm sure that someone is always going to be you." Before any of them could say another word, Jason stomped off, playing with a small trigger on one of his many guns. All eyes watched him leave the room, and Dick said, "I just wish I knew why Damian would leave on the quick. I mean, sure you and he fought, but he's never taken any of your fights this hard, that he would leave and not say anything to us personally. Do you guys think that there's something suspicious going on with him, that he isn't telling us, and it was the reason he left?" "I don't know, Dick. I just don't know.", Bruce replied, growing solemn.


Damian trudged through the snow, the coldness drenching his feet as he walked. Despite having boots that were made to keep snow out, some of it had somehow seeped in, and turned to icy water. Still, he continued on, sloshing and heading for Gotham's port. He knew that if he could catch a boat heading out across the cold, treacherous, icy waters, he could force the captain to take him to where he wanted to go. Even though he knew the rules about how no one was supposed to know of its secret location, Damian still needed to get back somehow. Getting to the port, he saw a lonely, old man with a black sailor suit. His rain boots were muddy and covered in grime. Looking at the man closer, Damian took notice of his pale cheeks and his white, straight haired beard. He knew for a fact that the man wouldn't last the trip, because of his appearance, which surprisingly, was okay with him. All he had to do, was force the man to get the boat going in the right direction, then Damian could do the rest with a compass and the necessary equipment. Pulling his black hood on over his dark hair, Damian walked over to the boat, and slipped onto it, while the man wasn't looking. He climbed into a small chest aboard the boat, and waited. Finally, he heard the sound of the man's heavy footsteps, and heard the motor turn on, as the boat roared to life. He felt the rocking of the boat, as it backed out of the port, turned, and headed out to sea.

For three days, Damian stayed in the chest, only coming out at night, when he could be like the night shadows, and move swiftly to get some food, and only when the man wasn't looking, so he wouldn't have to deal with the socializing he despised. On the fourth day, Damian heard shouts coming from aboard the boat. He slightly opened the top of the chest, and peered at the old man, as he was shot with a bullet by a man with a husky figure and a deep voice. The man said gruffly, when the old man was down, bleeding out, and dead, "Throw this old hag overboard, then load the cargo onto my boat, while we let the coldblooded sharks eat his body. Don't miss a thing. I want this all. And clean up all this blood, will ya?! Geez, didn't think an old hag could bleed out this much, but it doesn't matter. We'll be richer than Bruce Wayne, or his pesky little brat of a kid, when we sell this cargo in Arabia." While Damian waited, he listened the men garbling about the gruff man's behavior. Hours later, the shouts got softer, and Damian felt the chest he was in, being lifted up, and placed carefully onto another hard surface. Then, the area around him fell silent.

Damian slowly lifted up the top of the chest, and saw the burly man talking quietly with a few of his men. Drawing his katana out of his side belt, he quietly opened the chest enough for his short form to get through, while the men were preoccupied, and slipped out onto the now much larger, white boat, then headed for the control room. When he arrived, the young assassin saw a man inside, and quickly killed him, letting the fresh blood drip from his katana. With a smirk, he listened, and heard the dead man's radio, as the burly voice commanded, "Jackson! We're leaving. NOW! Start the engine!" Picking up the radio, Damian threw it out of the window, and let it land in the water with a plunk. He turned on the engine, then slipped into the hall. As he passed different men, he killed each, and the dead body account rose greatly. Coming out onto the deck of the boat, Damian watched all the others draw their guns. Raising his katana, and yelling a battle cry, the assassin slew many more, but left just the burly man and a ton of blood on the deck. After Damian had thrown the last dead body onto a heap he had started, he put his foot atop the pile, and glared at the burly man. The man was shaking furiously, and the hand that held the gun, was quivering like a leaf. He stuttered, his brown pupils filled with fear, "I-I swear I'll give ya anything ya want! A-anything! N-name it, it's yours! Just please d-don't kill me! I've got a wife, and a kid!" Damian growled, "You killed that old innocent man! This is the justice you deserve." With one final stab of his katana's point into the burly man's heart, the man fell dead, and bled out. Damian smirked, and threw the final dead body into the water for the 'coldblooded' sharks to enjoy, as it was the justice the burly man truly deserved, in Damian's opinion.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! If you did, please consider voting for it! What did you like best about it? Least? Please also consider letting me know in the comments below, as I want this to be the best of mine yet...

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