>Chapter 28<

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A/N: Guys, sorry about the extended few days off this book. I've been working sm and dealing with a few personal issues. However, I was finally able to get this typed up! Please enjoy this chapter!

Seeing the blade flash out quickly, Damian retrieved his own katana, and swung. The two sides of the metal weapons clashed loudly, when they made contact. Damian leapt up into the air, to avoid a second swing, and half flew over the traitor. He growled, as the katanas touched again, "You are the one that betrayed my Grandfather! You are working for Slade, even after his demise. Did he not inform you from beyond the grave, that I was the one that he saw last? That I was the one responsible for his timely death?" Larenson snarled back, turning suddenly, "Why you little.... Deathstroke did what needed to be done to wipe you and your kind out!" "My kind! You are part of that group, you imbecile! If that is what he meant, he also meant you were to die!", Damian snapped, as his katana touched flesh and cut away on the traitor's shoulder. Larenson let out an ear shrieking scream, but threw his katana at Damian. The katana snagged onto the assassin's cape, and quickly, Damian weighed the risks. He tore off the cape, and kept on fighting. 

Strike after strike was thrown, and there seemed to be no end. Larenson cornered Damian, and smirked, saying, "You're dead, Ra." Looking around him, Damian saw a loose nail in the floorboard, about a foot away. "No, you are dead, traitor!", he shouted, giving back a smirk. Damian quickly threw his short body into a ball shape, and rammed Larenson backwards. The traitor stepped on the nail, and fell to the ground. Retrieving his katana, Damian let the sharp blade scratch across the floor, making a screeching sound. He stopped in front of Larenson, and smirked on last time, a dangerous, deadly look burning in his eyes, and he growled, "You're a fool, Larenson. Had to know I would one day find out your secret life, away from the League? Your brother thought he could kill me and so could you. His death was swift, but yours will be excruciating." Aiming the katana just right, Damian thrust it into the man's gut. Blood started to pool under him, but Larenson was still alive, and cringing. Looking at him with distaste, Damian punched the traitor, and knocked him out with one swing. 

Damian dragged Larenson's unconscious form into a prison chamber, and locked the door. He chained the traitor up, and left the room, to retrieve some smelling salts and his katana. When he returned, he set the items down, and hid the key in the straw. Taking the smelling salts, he placed one under Larenson's nose, and the man quickly awoke. He banged his head on the brick wall in alarm, and asked, "Wha-What am I doing in here?" Damian frowned, and said, "These chambers haven't been used since my Grandfather was alive. He used to use them for torture. To retrieve information, before he killed the person he had in his grasp. You are here... to pay with your blood and life, for my Grandfather. You are going to tell me everything about the day Deathstroke attacked. And you are going to admit that you have been planning on killing every Ra, until you get the role yourself. Explain. NOW!" Larenson let out a small chuckle, then said slyly, "And what if I don't, Damian? Are you going to throw a pity party? How old are you... like seven?" Damian snapped, "That's none of your utter concern, fool! Now tell me what I want to know!" "You have no idea, Damian, of what you are getting yourself into, as Ra, nor do you know what your 'beloved' Grandfather, was into. You don't even know who you are. You are not aware of your past, as I, your mother, your grandfather, and even Deathstroke do. You do not know what you are." "I believe I know more than you do, about my grandfather. I was taught by him.", Damian snarled wittingly. "That may be so, but he was never an honest man. Did you know that you are what people that live off this death trap of a so called paradise, call a 'test tube child'? That you were merely created to be a weapon? That you were created for nothing more than this life you live? Oh wait, you were never told that, because your grandfather feared that you'd revolt. And your mother never has informed you, because she fears of you leaving. You wanted honesty, Damian? This is it. This is you. Take a good look at yourself, and realize that you are not meant to be Robin. Your blood runs deep with darkness, perfection, and death, and you will never be anything more, than a vicious assassin created and genetically born to be deadly and perfect.", Larenson told the young teen. 

Damian listened to the words, and they flooded his mind. He was so angry with everyone. His mother betrayed his trust by not admitting anything to him. His grandfather, whom he had admired until his demise, had thought to use and treat him as a weapon, not a human being. The only people who actually understood him were his own father and Dick! They were his real family, not like the liars in the League of Assassins! His father had shown him there was more to be, than just an assassin. Dick had shown him how to enjoy life without having to be deadly. They both had shown him that he belonged there, and not with the League! However, he was still on the land, as Ra al Ghul. He had found the idiot who had betrayed his own people. He could return to Gotham, as soon as he cleaned up the evidence. Damian picked up his katana, and without any concern or regret, slit Larenson's throat, and watched him start to die right in front of him. A few seconds later, after the man had stopped twitching, Damian reached over, and felt the man's wrist. There was no pulse. He was dead. Damian smirked, and said, "Slow and excruciating... What a way to die for the way my Grandfather was murdered." 

Leaving the chamber, Damian went outside. He had a bit of unfinished business to attend to. Walking up to Talia, he demanded, "Tell me about Grandfather's plans for me! Tell me why you lied to me! Tell me everything!" Talia looked into his fierce eyes with a glare of her own, and said, "You are too young to understand, Damian. You don't deserve the information. I cannot do anything about what will happen to you. Your grandfather is owed all the credit." Without another word, Damian stomped off. He returned to his room, and pulled out his suitcase. He gently placed his beloved katana back into it, and locked it tightly. As much as he hated to admit it, Damian surprisingly missed his father telling him not to kill. He missed Dick laughing during a combat training exercise with him. He missed Jason's strict hatred for the Joker and all other criminals. He even missed teasing Tim and his addictive coffee habits. The girls...not so much. He still disliked them dreadfully so. Even more than the rest of his brothers and father, Damian missed his pets. He hoped Titus would be thrilled to be back with him. He hoped Alfred's claws had gotten sharper, and more painful with every scratch he did from his kitten scratching post, or more appropriately said, the drapes in the library. Damian was definitely ready to go home.

A/N: And there we are, Chapter 28 is complete! As I think I may have mentioned, and if it seems obvious, I will be ending this book in a few chapters. I have had so much fun writing this piece for you all! And I thank you for all the reads, support, and constant votes! This is by far one of the most liked I think of my newer books. If I'm asked or requested to by you all, I may do a second book, to answer some of the questions probably brewing in your minds! Stay tuned, and let me know if you want a sequel!

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