Chapter 11- October 21st 2016

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True P.O.V

I walked into the hallway, people casting me looks of hate and dislike. I sigh. I've never once done anything to them, in fact, most of the kids in my grade had once been my friends. Not anymore. Friends often meant they would stab you in the back faster than you could blink. Popularity meant everything to most of the students.

Claire walked beside me. She had most of the same classes as me so we'd usually walk together, in a comfortable silence. It usually freaked other kids out when the person they were waking with didn't talk but me and Claire are so used to the silence that the silence is peaceful, more so than the noise.

That's what liked about Claire the most. She didn't ask if he was ok when she knew he wasn't, no, "Oh yeah, I'll be fine . . ." or, "Geez just drop it!" Me and Claire were straightforward. If I wanted her to know something then I told her it. No, if, then, or buts. I wouldn't pester her asking If she was ok because honestly she probably wouldn't tell me, it's a trust thing that I'll never understand.

So walking down the hallway we said nothing to each other, but people still knew we were walking together. People in this school assume me and Claire are dating but in all honesty, I think Claire is a lesbian. I'm bi but I only ever saw Claire as a friend.

We walked our way towards Mrs. Troy's room. Yes, Mr. Troy's wife was a teacher, and she knew what her husband was doing; she approved and allowed it. She and him have three kids, all younger than 9. I've seen pictures, they're cute. I think that's one of the reasons no one's said anything about Mr. Troy because they don't think Mrs. Troy knows, she does. I think she points out kids to Mr. Troy. That twisted bitch.

Sadly I had her for Social Studies 3, the advanced group of advanced groups, we were studying the college material, that's how advanced we are. Me and Claire are in a lot of the advanced classes. And because of that there is a lot of classes together which neither of them seems to mind since they don't fight with each other. They sat in their normal seats and started with small talk.

That's when the bitch walked in. She scanned the room, that's when she looked at me. What's with this family and staring at me? She walked over to her desk looking back at the board.

I look up, hearing loud chatter. Luke Clenevence, mafia prince, and my best friends boyfriend.

I had nothing against Luke, only his position. Growing up in a family that does illegal work can change you, it makes you paranoid. Kyle wasn't in the mafia until after he started dating Luke.

I would have preferred if my best friend had stayed out of the mafia. Growing up in it, I literally would have given anything to have had a normal family. And to make it even worse, Kyle thinks I don't know about the mafia. He thinks I'm ignorant. It's him that's ignorant for not noticing I have two hand-held pistols, one hidden in my room under the floorboards and the other under the seat of my motorcycle. It was only for protection . . . or if someone from the mafia assaulted me, then I'm going to pop them, when my gun.

Throughout the whole class, Mrs. Troy wrote down names on a special pad of paper. A unique journal, one I've never seen her write in. She'd look up every once and a while to hush us or to look at certain students, like me and Quinn, whose a nerdy kid who I occasionally talk to. What? There's nothing wrong with talking to a nerd, they're people too. I could technically be called a nerd since I talk advanced classes and actually care about school, unlike most of my siblings. I've been pushing Bryan to care about his grades, his future. He's been down recently, got to keep him from stooping as low as I have, or lower.

I've seen it, and I think my families beginning to notice Bryan's depression. I've seen it for a while. Probably because I'm left out so much and ignored that all I can do is watch. I noticed the slight and subtle changes that most people wouldn't have picked up on, I, on the other hand, did.

I took all the notes for the project that we'll be starting soon, and I finished early. I noticed Claire still writing. I was a quick writer for someone who had broken four of the fingers on the hand he wrote with. They ached sometimes but otherwise, I ignore the pain. I was good at ignoring the pain.

To good.

The bell rang before long, thankful cause I was tired of doing absolutely nothing. The loud group, Luke's group of friends, walked out surrounding their leader, Luke. Though Luke was bi, like me, they treated him as normal, probably because there dad's told them to, afraid of pissing off the mafia prince and getting killed. Ha.

I literally didn't care if they tried to kill me, not much point in living anymore anyways. Hasn't been in a long time. Maybe I should live for Kyle and Bryan. Maybe even Claire but not for the other members of my family. I sure hope my sibling's kids don't treat one of there siblings like mine treat me. I don't see myself having kids. One because I don't see myself living past 18 and because I'm bi I sort of sway towards boys less than girls but some girls are attractive. I just think guys are hotter than some, most girls.

After the popular leave me and Claire do, we left after the preppy popular not wanting to be trampled to our deaths, since we are skinny.

In the hallways, a big crowd had formed. Me and Claire go around it but as we pass I see two people fighting that I never thought would.

Union Graves v.s. Chris Night.

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