Chapter 53: January 15th 2017

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Union P.O.V

I woke inside my room, which wasn't a shocker since I lived here. My half-brother was sleeping in his half of the room and knew not to come on my side and there was a piece of tape to make sure he didn't come on this side either. Last time he came on my side of the room, I burned a couple of his books. Damn nerd.

A groan escapes my lips as I climb my ass out of the bed. An ambulance siren was going off in the distance, a normal thing in my part of the city, a baby crying was also normal now as well especially after my step-mother had Kam and Korn, she shouldn't have had them, their just another set of mouths to feed and we don't have the money for that shit. But that didn't stop her, and my dad's too fucking drunk to give a shit about it either.

I nearly fall on my ass when I slip on some girl's underwear, I don't even know who's underwear this is, possibly one of my ex-girlfriends or even better a hookup. It didn't really matter who the underwear belonged too, it was the fact that the damn thing was in the way and the fact that I nearly fell over them. I kicked the pair of underwear under my bed, where multiple pairs of underwear from numerous girls were hidden along with some lube, condoms, and who knows what else.

I kick myself a path out of the room as clothes littered it, and I mean clothes are everywhere and if it isn't clothes, it's something else. The downside of having to share a room with a family member I can't stand. My younger half-brother Jace was a result of my father being unfaithful to my mother, who left him after she found out that my father had not only cheated but got a girl fucking pregnant, she left me with him and when Jace was born his mother left him with dad and was never seen again. Both of them are just great mothers. Not. I haven't seen my actual mother in five years and I don't want to see her bitch ass either. She fucking left me, she has no rights to me anymore, she abanded that right.

I walked out of the room, to hear my step-mother and father having a yelling match, my step-mom Jessica was holding 6-month-old Korn in her arms, he was crying, obviously have no idea why his parents were yelling at each other. Kam the two-year-old toddler baby sister I have was on the floor crying as well but it was obvious nobody was going to pick her up and try to stop her tears and screams. I would have if my parental figures weren't fighting, I wasn't going to step into another one of their fights they always tried to make me pick a side and all that bullshit. That bullshit has become my home life. 24/7. I'm used to it at this point, there isn't anything I can do to stop them from fighting, I gave up trying when I was, oh I don't know, eight? Yeah, eight seemed like the age I gave up and allowed my parents to fight regardless of how it affected my mental health.

I creep back towards my bedroom, ignoring the soft crying sound that came from my sister Lacy's room, she was a whore anyway, she was probably crying about one of her boyfriends dumping her for cheating which was doing since she had like a million boyfriends at one time. It wasn't even remotely shocking that she was dumped, if I had dated her I'd have dumped her whore ass for cheating, she cheats every second of every day. Kind of hard to believe that she's only sixteen.

I walk back to my room, digging another path over to the pill of (hopefully) clean clothes, before heading into the absolutely filthy bathroom, with makeup everywhere and wet clothes not getting any dryer on the floor. I hated using this bathroom, but it was the only one in this damn apartment. I close the door behind me, changing underwear and then putting my school clothes on. I couldn't blame my sister, I'm a cheater too. I have a girlfriend but I sleep with other people, she does the same so it's totally even.

I walked back into my room, waking the pitiful thirteen-year-old half-brother of mine, who shouldn't even be alive so I wake him in the kindest ways possible. By pulling his entire body out of the bed, and let him fall to the ground, ignoring the groan that comes out of Jace's mouth as he opened his eyes and saw me before his scowled at me.

"I hate you so fucking much," Jace said before pulling himself into a sitting position and adjusting his glasses. His glasses are another money drainer. I kick him in the side, getting a loud yelp out of him before I turned away ignored him. He was made to be ignored. Mainly because he shouldn't have been made at all.

I ignore him as I walk out of the room and finally walk into the living room where the family is still arguing, so I decide it's time to pick up the crying Kam off the floor. When Kam saw me she lofted her small hands into the air in my direction, trying to slow her crying, a pout appearing on her face. I walk over and lift the princess off the ground and she then clung to my body, sucking on her thumbs. Cute. I walk into her room, a room she shares with Korn, and put her in her pin, giving her, her binky which she instantly began to suck on.

I leave her light on and give her, her stuffed animals so she had something to play with.

I left home hearing loud drastic yelling and eventually hearing the sound of a plate or glass crashing against a wall, but I ignored it, as it wasn't important to me after I left the house.

I rode the school bus to school, not being able to afford a car but made riding the bus cool because after everyone learned I rode the bus, they began to follow my trend. That or everyone became poor, either one is possible. I was surrounded by kids, all laughing along with me. I had been absent the day before so I missed a day of school, but by the way, everyone was acting, I had to think nothing happened, they were all acting normal, well besides the fact that they all looked happier than normal, like something good happened.

So when I got to school, I didn't expect there to be police and a lot, and I mean a lot of news reporters. I hadn't really understood the news lady from channel three started recording and what she said shocked me, me!

"Yes, Tom I'm here at the high school, that rich businessman Jamion Night's son True Night attends school. Just the other day True attempted to take his life after school." I had been standing there shocked before a weird mix of joy and sadness filled me. Sad because I might never get to have fun with True again the way I did at the dance, but happy that the nuscense was gone. Finally gone. He finally took all our advice and killed himself.

I couldn't be happier. 

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