Chapter 27: November 1st 2016

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Kyle P.O.V.

Something is definitely wrong. I had texted True last night, though I had been kinda drunk . . .

I know he made it home, or I think he made it home because since he didn't respond I think I passed out after I sent the message, that or had sex with Luke because we bother woke up naked and there was cum all over our blanket and covers. So yeah, something sexual happened, I'm just not sure what exactly.

I woke up with a hangover, but it was slight so I could obviously go to school and not be afraid of a teacher calling me out for smelling like alcohol, because after a shower and drenching myself in Strawberry shampoo and my very own body gel, I knew I smelt like I hadn't partied last night, though I had.

I shake my head as I sit in the kitchen, staring down at my phone, wishing I'd get a message to pop onto the login screen with the contact, True to pop up. But it didn't which worried me more and more by each second. When Alister walking into the kitchen, I didn't even notice, my brain was lost in thought and worrying for my best friend.

I only snapped back when Alister began to wave his large hands in front of my face, which startled me out of my thoughts and I looked at him surprised.

"Are you okay Kyle?" He asked with concern in his voice. Alister could pretend he wasn't used to me being here all the time but honestly, he'd grown used to me being here, he'd grown to like my company. He simply didn't see me as a threat. And thank god for that. I don't think I'd survive if Alister decided I was a threat, especially since he could shoot me at any time, he always has his gun on him.

"Yeah, yeah," I blinked a couple times before realizing that is an unfinished sentence and continued. "I'm fine really just lost in thought that's all," I say with a small smile that didn't really reach my eyes.

He didn't seem to believe me but he didn't push it, he probably realized I didn't feel like talking about it because I didn't. I needed to stop concerning myself about True, he'd probably be at school, he probably let his phone battery die on him or something.

Yeah, probably.

Maybe . . .

Maybe not . . . oh, god.

I don't know anymore, usually True wouldn't forget to charge his phone, but his phone was absolute shit. I mean honestly, I wouldn't buy that phone if I had a choice. I have an I-phone, Luke got it for me, but I don't remember which one, simply that it's new or something, I couldn't care less, it's just a phone, I think Luke got it for me because he wanted me to have a good phone, I don't know.

But that's simply Luke's way, he had to buy the best things, whether I wanted the most expensive thing or not, because every time I got an expensive thing from Luke, I was reminded that True's family is rich but does True get a drop of that money? No, never. It makes me feel bad inside.

Alister grabbed the coffee beaker, that I had made in my lost train of thought, that was something I always did, I made coffee, and Alister said I made the best coffee, and everyone else who tasted it said it was sweet and sugary, which he said made it even better. Never bitter and never too strong, just right. I never ever make black coffee, it simply never happened.

I couldn't even think about making black coffee, it would kill me on the inside.

Alister moaned at the coffee, making me jump and a red color to spread on my cheeks. God, Alister it's just coffee, it's not moaning worthy.

But Alister seemed to think it was. But Alister was very serious about his coffee, he only drank my coffee, saying, "I don't like Starbucks, that stuff is shit!" I laughed out loud when he first told me that, I had fallen to the ground which had absolutely scared Luke making him think I was hurt and his gun and came out, which caused the four guards to yank their guns out as well, it was a fun day!

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