Chapter 34: November 10th 2016

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True P.O.V

I seriously don't understand why the school forces us to take this class, like who finds Parenting 101 interesting? I mean it might be useful for those slutty girls who can't keep their skirts down but other than that, I don't know. I maybe Bi, but even I'm not as stupid to have sexual contact with a girl and not wear a condom, it's even better if she's on birth control but still. More attracted to guys.

My patience for this teacher is falling thin, he's repeated the same stuff for the past seven weeks, this course was only built to last for that long, maybe they think if they repeat it over and over again that we'll know it by heart. Then again, I think I'd be better at teaching this subject than the teacher who should have honestly be let go of years ago. He's only here for the pay, I can see it in his money thirsty eyes.

But thank god there's only five more minutes of this, this punishment, and I'll finally be free. Since I'm not sticking around for the rest of the day, a small blessing for me. I don't know what to think about with the Ian situation. I know he won't stop bothering me till we have sex but I don't want to, I have no sexual attraction towards him, I like him solely as a friend, but a lot of peopel say that and they still bang each other. I don't really want to use that excuse and I also don't want to lead Ian on, it would hurt my feelings, the dark waste land that they are, to hurt Ian like that. Though I knew Ian only wanted to because I was like a forbidden fruit to him, he simply wanted it for the thrill, to be able to say, I finally got to bang him. He'd never ask again, I promise. Ian knows about the abuse, he's not stupid, and he once told me, when I mentioned my self-consciousness towards the bruises, that it was a turn on for him. The weirdo.

I smiled when the bell rang, and everyone darted, even though the teacher was still talking but hell, even I left as soon as I could. Why would I stay? I hate this class.

I flung everything I owned into my bag and rushed into the hallway but stopped when I saw what was going on.

Out of the whole school, there is always an extremely sarcastic person, and our's is Samantha.

Samantha is a sophomore like me but I don't end up seeing her very often, well, unless she's pissed someone off, which it seems she has. Samantha doesn't know when to shut her mouth and it gets her into trouble, a lot. I honestly don't know a lot about her, I don't really want to know a lot about her, her whole appearance screams trouble.

She has a pretty dark brown colored hair, the tips being a bright vibrate red color. With her blue-grey eyes that contracted the red so much that it could be confusing, she was short being 5"4" but then she opens her mouth and what she says shocks you to no end.

You'd be shocked if you saw her twin sister, Maddy. Maddy is the same height and has the same face but after that nothing is the same. She has a darker hair color, and her hair is dyed a dark blue, which instead of contracting her eyes, it goes with it giving her the more innocent look than her sister, and she's quite shy which is shocking if you meet her twin.

But back to Samantha. She was shouting at our school quarterback, who is over 10 inches taller than her.

"Watch where your fucking going you dumbass pea brain sized moron!!!" She yelled at our quarterback, Kevin. Man, his name . . .

"You bumped into me!" He yelled back, his fists tightening into balls. I saw my brother stopping him from hurting her since it wasn't okay to hurt a girl, like hit her or something, I think it's stupid but whatever.

"Yeah, sure, you tell yourself that." She flipped her hair and walked off, looking badass, but I knew she'd probably back out of a fight, she simply seemed like the person, getting herself into bad situations and then back out of it when things get too rough.

She walked past me, bumping into my shoulder, but I honestly didn't give a fuck, she was simply wanted to piss people off, but that wouldn't work with me because I didn't care, she couldn't make me snap at her.

She frowned when I didn't snap at her, huffing and rushing past everyone and heading towards the cafeteria probably to go meet up with her sister, who was too shy to make any friends, and Samantha was too sarcastic to keep a friend for long.

I shake my head and walk to my locker, kids were already disappearing from the scene, since nothing fun or entertaining was happening, and they all lost interest.

Samantha actually does this often, it's who she picks on and how they react that most people anticipate. I actually don't truly understand why she acts like this but it's none of my business either and I'll continue to mind my own business until the time comes, if the time comes, in which our lives connect some how. Doubt it.

After flinging everything into the locker I wait for everyone to abandon the hallway. I really wanted a way out of this and was surprised when it had already found itself. I walk out of the school quietly only to find Ian, being pushed against the wall, by a bigger boy, one who I don't think actually attends this school, but they sure seemed at it, and I would hate to disturb them, so I walked right by and no one noticed, probably because the only two people who could were too busy making out to even look up to see me.

I let out a sigh of relief at the fact that I was out of the woods and the fact that Ian would probably forget about me with that guy in his life so now I needed to find something to do, because I do not feel like going back to school, so that's probably why I found myself in front of Luckies, a calming aura washed over me when I entered and I instantly saw Keshia behind the bar and when she looked up, she smiled so brightly at me that I almost wanted to fall down. Keshia has such a calming smile and I knew when she smiled that I made the right decision to not continue to attend school.

I walk over to her, and actually smiled.

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