Chapter 29: November 3rd 2016

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True P.O.V

When I woke up, a sense of dread, I had detention this afternoon.

My father had beaten me with a belt after Mr. Clenevence, aka Alister had left. I had to face my father's belt.

My back hurts still from the belt, but I'm not one to complain. Especially about the abuse, I get from my family.

I walked down the narrow hallways heading towards my Reading class, with my teacher Mrs. Parson, who simply doesn't like me, but I know she loves my brother. Can't explain why I'm not too sure myself.

I mean, there is literally nothing to admire about my brother, though I used to be my brother's biggest admirer, those days are long, long gone.

I used to think that maybe one day I'd wake up and feel like the world is perfect, and I'd be accepted and no longer bullied and my family would care, I guess that was just my subconscious talking there. I mean it was obviously never going to happen.

We don't get what we want, we what we deserve.

When I make it to Mrs. Parson's room I walk all the way to the back of the room, where bookshelf covered the walls, books like the Hunger Games saga and Vampire Diaries series. Most of them I've either read or don't want to read.

I sat in the back corner, the chair furthest down the row but closed row of desks to the door, so I'd simply have to get up and walk out of the room, instead of walking around a maze of desks and kids who stayed at there desks for way too long, procrastinators is what they are.

I lay my head against the desk, looking out the double sized windows, this was once a science classroom, so there was also a glass door between the two windows, and the door leads to a balcony for experiments, or what was once of experiments, it's now where Mrs. Parson has her morning coffee, she has a little deck like thing set up out there.

I saw the small flecks of rain as it fell from the sky, heard the tiny patter of what could be mistaken for little children running land against the windows and ceiling, it was almost peaceful. Almost.

Then the teacher walked in. Along with a new student. She was tall and had dyed hair in a lilac color, which on her looked very nice.

She stayed next to the teacher, obviously waiting to be introduced by Mrs. Parson. When the bell rang, Tommy Lee, one of our exchange students closed the door for Mrs. Parson, like he did every day, without any exception.

Mrs. Parson slammed a book onto her desk which stopped the talking, it also startled the new girl. Oh, shit she's going to become a popular girl, that much is very clear.

"Class!" Mrs. Parson crocked out in her old woman voice. "I want you to welcome our new student, Amilee Stening, who came all the way from England to attend school here for a couple semesters." Mrs. Parson gestured for Amilee to continue and describe herself a little bit.

"Hello!" She said cheerfully in a slight British accent that very few would actually hear. "My name is Amilee, I was originally born in France, which is a language I can speak, I have a small family, my sister's name is Hailee, but she's off somewhere in L.A. probably partying!" She remained cheerful throughout her whole talk.

I don't like her.

I don't like her at all, and I can't figure out why. Something about her makes me want to stop and run away.

I have a fight or flight instinct, and since Amilee started talking, the urge to 'flight' was getting stronger.

"Okay Amilee, find a seat." Mrs. Parson smiled at her, oh no, Mrs. Parson likes her. Of course, she does. I keep my eyes out and towards the window, to avoid the girl that was giving me chills.

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