Chapter 49: January 10th 2017

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True P.O.V

I willed the school bell to ring, I was begging for this day to end. I really hated this school.

I was currently hiding away in the library as I somehow pissed off three of Union's friends by the names of Harold, Rollon, and Mick. I don't really understand what I did to them this time but right after fifth period they had tried to drag me to the third floor for who knows what, but I had managed to lose them and have been avoiding them since then which has honestly only been few hours. I was kind of hoping that Chris would appear and beat their heads in but I somehow knew my brother well enough that if he wasn't hinted to come save me then his thick headed brother of mine would have no sibling sense to come and save me.

I was currently in the Science Fiction corner, wondering how pitiful I was hiding away with some of the greatest works of life, books. I personally was a big fan of Science Fiction but would prefer to be in Fanasty because it was easier to hide there but atleast I was getting good reading of the Ender Game book again, for the fourth time. I truly love the book and wasn't disappointed when the movie came out. I was on page 143 and didn't want to put the book down but I didn't want to check the book out, especially since I've already read it before. I'm only reading it again now because it's beem a few months since I last read it. I wasn't necessarily happy that I was stuck re-reading a book, but I didn't have time to go to a nice book store and get a book, and even if I did, my siblings would potentionally destroy it. They have before. I found the ripped out papers of my signed copy of The Fault In Our Stars by John Green, and it almost broke my heart to see his signature torn into hundreds of pieces as I had got it when I was thirteen and waited in line for three hours to get it signed. I knew I would never get another copy like that.

I had nearly screamed at my family that day. They had broke my heart that day, I had only wanted to savor that copy and they had destroyed it faster than think able. It was moments like that, that I truly hated my family, as they had no right to destroy my belongings but they do it anyway.

Regardless, I still love them deep down but I don't really know why. All they've ever been to me is mean. They've hated me since day one.

I've loved them since then too.

I look back down at the book in my hands. I sigh, and mentally remember the current page I was on before closing the book, and returning to where I found it. It fit perfectly on the shelf and I got up from my position on the floor seeing we had five minutes of school left and I was going to get everything ready to leave early so I don't bump into Dumb, Dumber, and Dumb Ass.

I seriously hated Union and his many, and I mean many, many friends.

I hurry out of the library, waving at the librarian, who waved back at me. I hurried towards the stairs, passing many active classrooms. I passed a open door and saw Chris hanging with his friends on one of the tables. He didn't see me, and I was thankful about it. I hurried past the classroom and down the stairs quickly and carefully, not wanting to visit Karin today. I loved that Karin was always there to patch me back up, but eventually all the tape and glue failed.

I hurried to my locker, and when I arrived there, opening it quickly, and putting everything inside, since I'd need none of it tonight. I close my locker just as the bell goes off, and I dart out the doors, just as some of the class doors open.

I rushed out of the school feeling the winter air hit me. I didn't stop running, and since I left my bike at home, I was going to have to walk, but that didn't really bother me, at this point walking was kind of relaxing. I hurry onto the concrete and make it across the street by the time the first student pops out.

I start walking and get about half way home when my phone goes off, and I felt like freezing because I had a bad feeling about the text.

From Chris:
Hey Brat! Get me some Reeses!!!

I look at the text in shock. Is he kinding me? I'm already half way home but if I come home without a Reeses he'll kill me.

I stop walking in the direction of home and turn around and begin walking towards the closet gas-station which I know will have a assortment of Reeses.

I seriously hate Chris when he sends me to go get food he should just get by himself.

He's a lazy asshole and should be a girl since he has no balls.

Bet he wouldn't point a gun at Alister who hack into his computers.

I hurry into the gas-station that I found after a couple minutes. I walk in a see it's a poorly maintained but I saw Reeses from here, I hurry in and buy about six packs of them, Chris is lucky I sometimes carry about a hundred bucks.

I sigh as I walk out of the gas station, I look down at the bag, and sigh, thinking about what I'm going to do when I get home, because I realized that I'd probably be whacked on the head for taking this long, it was getting dark outside.

I begin walking home, thankful the place wasn't that far off course and began to get on my way home, and when I was about half way there, suddenly I was yanked to the side, and a hand put right over into a alley way.

When I looked around for who grabbed me, I found Rollon and Mick in front of me, and I instantly knew that Harold was behind me.

"Look at the little punk!" Harold said loudly, which was even louder as his mouth was right next to my ear. "Now we can give you the beating you deserve." And at that a set of fist came charging at me, and landing on my stomach and the other made my head snap to the side and blood began to pour out of the corner.

They kept kicking and punching, I could taste blood in my mouth, the bitter tangy taste of blood would probably be in my mouth for a while. I tried fighting them, I truly struggled but that failed very soon.

"Guy's I gotta go," I heard Rollon say and saw him walk away, rubbing the red blood on his fist onto his red jacket.

"Finally, now we can do what we came to do, Harold." I heard Mick say, and suddenly, I was released from behind and slammed onto the ground, a set of hands pinning mine down, and a hand on my head. I felt a subtle panic begin to fill me as I began to ponder what they were about to do.


I begin to walk away from home, since I didn't want to be at my place of personal tourcher. I somehow ended up outside of the Clenevences estate, and was about to knock when I saw inside the window. Kyle and Luke were curled into a ball together, laughing quietly with a smiling Alister, and I couldn't make myself go to the door and ruin it.

I began walking home, and snuck in and saw my whole family sitting in the living room playing a board game, even Chris who looked like he wanted to pull his phone out. I heard Bryan laugh happily. I quickly hurry up the stairs, as quietly as I can, and as fast as I can without causing pain. I somehow still had the Reeses and I opened Chris's door, sitting it on his bed, and closed the door behind me. I hurry into the bathroom. I close the door quietly behind me and look at the mirror, blood mattered my hair to my head. My lip was pastered in blood.

I sighed.

But a faint smile appeared on my face as I knew I could do one thing. I could die sucessfully.

Everyone was happy without me around, I wasn't needed anymore.

I close my eyes, and begin the shower.

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