Chapter 16 Abby's P.O.V

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It was as if I was in a trance but could see what was happening around me. I watched horrified as my body stalked towards Aidan and that other girl that currently had his dick in her mouth.

My hand wrapped itself through her hair and ripped her away from Aidan as she let out a high-pitched wail. Aidan’s eyes were all black and he looked at me with a little glint of arousal. I bared my teeth at him and let out a low growl.

Vivian (remember, her wolf) whispered, Aidan’s looking so sexy. Standing there almost all naked. Look at him. How powerful. How sexy. How large his package-

I blocked her out as she began to go into dirty little details about Aidan that my human self was not ready to think about. I turned my head back to the little slut who was whimpering from my hold of her hair. I snarled at her loudly to get her to shut up but that only made her whimper even louder and start bawling her fucking eyes out.

I let go of her hair and hissed, “Will you shut the fuck up now?”

She nodded slightly and then moved away from me. I took a deep breath and tried to retake control of my body. My wolf wanted so badly to just jump Aidan right now and didn’t give a damn who saw. I, however, wanted to run away and hide somewhere. Maybe have my own little pity party. So being the psycho that has two sides to them, I compromised by finding out what happened.

I turned to Aidan and said, “Would you like to explain before I lose it?”

Aidan still hadn’t taken control over his wolf so he ignored me while his eyes trailed over my body, licking his lips. I shuddered lightly and then shook myself to rid my thoughts of the lust.

I turned to the girl and said, “Okay, what about you? What the hell happened?”

She nodded at me and then stood up off her knees. She stuck out her hand to me and said, “I’m Brooklynn.”

I glared at her hand and tried not to slap it as she stubbornly held it out. After a few minutes of no one moving I said, “I’m not touching you so put your hand away.”

Brooklynn rolled her eyes and then said, “Well, Aidan’s in heat.”

I nodded, not really understanding what she was saying. She repeated, “Aidan’s in heat.

I said, “Yeah, I got that.”

Brooklynn ran a hand through her hair and raised her voice slightly, “Clearly you don’t know what in heat means. It’s pretty much he wants to fuck his mate and if he doesn’t then he goes after anything that walks!”

I frowned and then looked back at Aidan who had been staring at my ass so hard I thought his eyeballs would pop out of his head.

I sighed and turned to Bree, who was watching the encounter with a nervous look on her face. I said, “So what do I do?”

Brooklynn shrugged at me and said, like it was the easiest answer in the world, “Fuck him 'til he passes out.”

I glared at her and hissed, “I’m not doing that.”

Brooklynn sighed and said, “Well, then I guess you better do something with him. He’s never going to stop without something.”

I took a deep breath and then turned to Bree, “Any ideas?”

Bree smirked at me and said, “That has nothing to do with Aidan doing the dirty?”

I nodded and she continued, “Oh, let him mark you or I’ll go ask his mom for some of her herbal tea.”

My eyes widened and I screamed, “What are we waiting for? Go, go, go! Get the tea!”

Bree hurried out of the room and so did Brooklynn. I mentally slapped myself as soon as I was shoved face first into the wall with Aidan behind me.

He placed his warm hands on my waist and his mouth on my neck. At first, it was little pecks that were innocent enough and then it began nipping and sucking. I was dying from the feelings Aidan was creating and I let out a quiet moan. His lips moved to my ear where they sucked the lobe and then he blew on it gently. I shuddered at the heat of his body pressed into me more.

Aidan whispered, “Do you like that, Angel?”

I shivered at his nickname for me and then once Aidan pressed his lower anatomy into my ass, I knew if Bree didn’t show up soon I was a goner. My fists were raised above my head by one of Aidan’s hands as the other trailed gently over my stomach. My breath was coming out in fast pants and as Aidan reached the swell of my breast, the door burst open.

 Bree and Brooklynn stumbled in with a cup of tea and practically shoved it at Aidan. He snarled at them and pressed into me more but neither of them moved.

I whispered, “Aidan, drink the tea, please. For me.”

Aidan looked at me for a second before he drank the tea. Once it began to take effect, Aidan started to sway on his feet. Bree looked confused for a second and I was still pinned to the wall when Aidan decided to fall to the ground.

I bent down and looked for obvious reasons as to why he was passed out while saying, “What the hell? Aidan? Can you hear me? Oh, god! He’s not waking up! Bree! What did you put in that drink?”

Bree had the audacity to look a little sheepish before she said, “That’s what the tea is. Major sedative.”

I glared at her and then said, “Help me put him into bed.”

Bree grabbed one of Aidan’s feet, Brooklynn grabbed the other, and I grabbed his shoulders. We pulled him slowly out of the room and into his bedroom, inch by inch.

When we got there we hefted Aidan onto the bed and then I collapsed on the bed next to him saying, “Damn, Aidan. You’re so heavy.”

And it was true. My muscles in my arms were burning and I felt like I was needed to sleep for years. Bree and Brooklynn were panting with their hands on their knees as they nodded their heads, agreeing with me.

Bree grasped Brooklynn’s hand and then said, “We have to go. We’ll see you later?”

I nodded my head and they rushed out of the room like a bat out of hell. I turned to Aidan and whispered, quietly, “What am I getting myself into?”


Hello Everyone! I'm back!

So I had a massive writer's block and I know that this is a crappy chapter but I just got home from my six day vacation (FYI I'm still in school that's why it was so long) and I had nothing else to do so I finished it!

Another thing I learned was one of my besties is reading this book (wink wink, nudge nugde) and at first I was freaking out! I mean, here I am Little Miss Shy Chick writing stuff with curse words and sex crap and I just wanted to thank her for not making it a big deal. There was some definite embarassment but not enough for me to pass out. So thanks!!!!



PS. Vote, comment, blah. Remember first to comment gets the dedication! Love you guys!

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