Chapter 18 Aidan's POV

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I was in the middle of arguing with my stepmother when I felt pure distress flood me from head to toe. Before Talia could figure out where my mind went I was screaming through the mind link, Sax! Get up to my room! NOW!  

I ran up to my room as well and tried to open the door when it would not open, my shoulder slammed into it making it fall while I bent down into a crouch.

There on the corner of my bed kneeled Abby with an unfamiliar tall man holding onto her hair, tilting her head to the side in a submissive position. I let a snarl rip its way out of my throat at the sight.

Abby was only supposed to be showing submission to me and this asshole knew it too. He was flaunting the fact that with this simple act he had me riled up and Abby crying her eyes out.

Sax appeared behind me with ten of our best fighters trailing behind him. My wolf was screaming in my mind, Get mate! Get mate now! He’s hurting her!

I growled at the man, “Let go of my mate now before you regret it.”

The man simply smiled at me and turned his attention back to Abby who had a petrified look on her face. He ran his nose over her cheek and my body began to shake from the need to shift to attack the motherfucker that decided to touch my mate. Abby whimpered slightly as he placed a kiss on her cheek before turning back to me.

He tilted his head to the side and sighed. “You should learn, pup, whom you’re messing with when you take something that’s not yours.”

 I snarled at him and demanded, “Who the fuck do you think you are?”

He grimaced slightly and said, “Oh, the little pup has a naughty mouth. I’m shuddering in my boots.”

I rolled my eyes and pointed out, “You’re not wearing boots, dickface.”

Abby let out a little giggle at that and then the guy roughly grasped her chin in his hand. He wrenched her face so she was looking only at him and then hissed, “Watch what you laugh at, little bitch. It’ll come back to bite you in the ass later.”

His grip on her chin must have been tight because Abby’s jaw popped and I snarled at him. He looked at me again and said, “Will you shut the hell up? I’m having a conversation with her.”

 I snorted and said, “Let go of her.”

The man tisked me and then said, “Pup, you’re treading on thin ice. One more word and I’ll snap her pretty finger off her hand.”

I winced when my wolf roared in my head and then told him to shut up.

The man huffed and said, “I’m getting bored with all these empty threats. Listen, I’ve come to give you a warning. Give back what you’ve taken or else.”

I frowned and said, exasperated, “No one has taken anything from you!”

The man bared his teeth at me and then said, “Oh it seems to me that you need some incentive to remember. Hm. Fine by me.”

With that, he tilted Abby’s neck to the side and I watched petrified as he sunk his teeth into her neck and ripped his head away from her, causing it to bleed profusely.

My ears were greeted by a loud, tormenting scream as the pain hit Abby full force. I wanted nothing more to kill the bastard in front of me but knowing he could still kill Abby had me pausing in my steps forward. The man smiled at me with his blood-covered lips and said, “You have three days.”

Then he kissed Abby on the forehead, smearing blood on her pale skin before twisting her neck so a snap resonated in the room.


Sorry for the cliff hanger!!! I had to do it though! So did anyone like the last chapter or no? If not, sorry!!!! Anyways, Sax is in the external link and crazy neck-snapping asshole is over there ---------->



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