The Boy Next Door. Harry Styles love story. Chapter 7.

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"Sam! Are you hurt?" My mom asked.

"My ankle! Help Harry! Not me!"

People surrounded him. Harry was just laying there... Not moving at all. I saw my dad check his pulse... Please please please.

"No," he whispered.

By that point an ambulance had arrived. The cops took the shooter.

"Dad," I yelled.

"I'm sorry," he said back.


"Sam c'mon. We need to get you to the hospital!"

"No! Harry!"


"NO! STOP!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

I looked around and saw Hayley and the rest of the boys run in. A cop took Zayn aside and told him something. He fell on his knees crying. The rest of the guys stood there. Too shocked to do anything.

"Sam! We need to go!"

"NO! Please stop! Harry!"

"Harry will be taken care of! Let's go!"

It took two guys to carry me to the ambulance. I fought them the whole way. They eventually had to drug me. I started having more flashbacks..


"We are going to be friends until the day we die right?" I asked little Harry.


"What if one of us dies early?"

"That won't happen Sam!"


"Yes! Besides! I'm a superhero! Superheroes don't die!"


My eyes shot open. I was in a dimmed room.. Machines around me. A hospital.

"Hey. She's awake," I heard Liam say.

I looked around. I saw all the boys except Harry...

"Where's Harry?"

"Hey baby."

I looked to my right and saw Harry walk through the door.

"Your ok!" I said with tears forming in my eyes.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Wait what?"

"You're the one who passed out at your brothers wedding yesterday!"


I hit his arm really hard.

"Ow! Babe!"

"Just tell me what happened!"

"I was about to ask you a very important question. And you just passed out on me! Very rude Samantha."

"I must have been dreaming then! Oh my god!"

"What happened?"

"You got shot at the wedding and like died! Harry I thought you freaking died!"

"Aw well babe I'm here now!"

He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight.

"Ugh gross. Guys can we go to the foot court? Leave these two nasties alone!" Niall begged.

"Sure let go Nialler."

The four of them started walking out the door.

"Wait Zayn!"


"Where's Hayley?"

"At the hotel."


"She'll explain later."

After that he left and Harry and I were alone.

"So Hazza. What were you going to ask me before I passed out?"

His cheeks started turning red.

"There's something I need to change about you SJ."

"What's that?"

"Your last name."



What will Sam say?


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