The Boy Next Door. Harry Styles love story. Chapter 9.

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The perfect summer has officially ended. Harry is back in England recording their new album. I'm starting my junior year in high school today. We have pushed back the wedding until I finish school. Harry and I are back to being thousands of miles apart. He visits me and I visit him though. You are probably wondering what happened to Hayley right?


Hayley is going to be a mom in 7 months. Surprising?.. Not really. She moved in with Zayn because her parents kicked her out. But for the next few months she's here in America with me. She's going to be going to school with me and everything! Which should be... Interesting. Everybody knows about her pregnancy. Zayn has actually lost a lot of fans because of it... But he wont let it get in the way of things. Nobody knows about my engagement yet. People still think Harry and I are just dating. But whatever. Anyways, school should be normal... Except for the fact that I have fans now... And they follow me everywhere... And girls at school are probably gonna want to murder me... Oh well. Oh I almost forgot! Ana! You're never going to believe this but... Ana and Niall are dating now! Isn't that great? Well I mean... All the boys are taken now but... Whatever. Did I mention that I recorded a song with Harry! Well it's going to be on their next album! Cool right? Yeah i sing a little. Anyways... Enough about that!

"Sam! Can I borrow this skirt?"

I went into my room and Hayley was digging through my closet.

"Sure to ahead."

I watched her slip on the skirt. She got it all the way up but couldn't button the belt.

"God damnit! I'm too fat!"

"Hayley you're only 3 months pregnant. You aren't THAT big."

"Ugh forget it! I'm just going to go to school in sweat pants and a sweat shirt!"

She plopped down in my bed.

"Here. Wear this sundress."

I threw the dress at her.

"No. Why did I even come here! I'm just gonna be the strange new girl. And on top of that. The fat PREGNANT. New girl!"

"Hayley just put on the dress. We are running late. Ana will be here in 15 minutes! Let's go!"

"Ugh! Fine!"

"You're so moody," I said with a little smile.

She smiled back and slipped on the dress.

"There perfect. Now go do makeup or whatever."

"Ok ok."

I started looking through my closet at my clothes. What to wear! First day back at school. Want to look nice! I picked out a really cute, short, baby pink, skirt with a white tank top. I put my hair in a side braid and did my makeup. I slipped on my sandals.

"Ready?" I asked Hayley.

"I guess."

We walked outside of my apartment and onto the streets of New York City. Ana was waiting outside.

"Hey girls."


"Excited for school?"

"No," we both mumbled.

"Well I'm sure Sam here is excited to see all her old stoner friends."

Oh shoot.... I forgot about them.... See before I went to England I used to smoke and drink and party all the time... I haven't talked to my friends all summer... I've changed completely. New look. New attitude. New Samantha.

"Yeah sure," I said.

We walked a while and then finally arrived at our school. There were already a few fans waiting for us. They were the normal group that followed us pretty much everywhere.

"Sam! Ana! Hayley!"

"Hey guys," I said.

"Samantha! I got this new magazine and there was a poster of you and Harry in it! Will you sign it for me?"

There are posters of me now?!? Holy crap!


I signed her poster and we headed inside.

And boy you should have seen the looks I got from all the girls.... They stared at Hayley like she was a slut. Starred at me like I was the devil. And stared at Ana like she was crazy. Everyone in the world must know about us three dating the boys...

The three of us went to the main office to get out schedules. (We arranged to have the same schedules because Hayley is new). Our lockers were even next to each other!

"Let's go put our stuff away."


As we walked down the halls girls snickered. Guys just stared.

I opened my locker and started to put my stuff away. Before I knew it, the door slammed.


I looked over and saw a guy and girl... Skylar and Danny... My old friends...

"Well look who it is! Little Sammy."

"What do you want guys?"

"You're coming to the party tonight. Right?"


"Why not?"

"I don't want to. Can you just leave me alone now?"

"Woah. Sam goes away for the summer and gets a little attitude!"

"Shut up Danny."

"C'mon Danny. Let's just leave her alone," Sky said.

"No hold on. Now Sam. Remember you promised me a date when you got back."

"No I didn't."

"Yes you did. Right after we made out at that kids party."

"Danny. Let's go!" Sky yelled.

"Yeah Danny. It's not happening. I have a boyfriend."

"Oh so that's what you were doing all summer! I though I saw your face on a magazine! Hooking up with famous guys now huh?"

I rolled my eyes at him.

"And was that you singing with him?"

"Yes Danny."

"Hah! Sam turned into a total loser!"

"Danny leave my friend alone," Hayley yelled.

"Shut up fat ass."

"Hey! Make fun of me all you want! But DON'T make fun of my friends! Now get out of here! I don't want anything to do with you or your stupid drugs! Ok?"

"Wow. Lame," he said before walking away.

I turned around to Hayley.

"I so sorry he did that!"

"It's cool. I mean look at me."

"Hayley you're pregnant. Not fat. Ignore that loser," Ana said.

"Can we just go to class?"


We got to English class and sat in our seats. The teacher wrote her name on the board. Mrs. Plate.

She turned around and looked at all of us.

"Welcome back students!"

Her eyes traveled to me.

"Samantha Burke!"

"Uh yeah?"

"My daughter is a HUGE fan! May I get your autograph?"

I heard the other kids in the class start laughing. Great... Is this what my life has come to?...

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