The Boy Next Door. Harry Styles love story. Chapter 6.

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It's been 2 weeks since the boys left. I don't talk to Harry everyday. Maybe three times a week?... It's enough though. He always tells me he's sorry and how much he misses and loves me. Hayley is still pretty upset. She's actually stayed at my house the whole time. The press are always following us around now. I keep telling them that Harry and I are just Friends but they won't believe it. So to make the rumors go away, Harry set up a phone interview with Sugarscape for me. As I heard my cell ring I picked it up and went into a private room.


"Hello! Is this Samantha Burke? This is Jessica Kruz from SugarScape!"

"Nice to meet you."

"So may we start the interview? Recording now."

"Sure. Go ahead."

"Ok. You and Harry have been rumored to be dating? True?"

"No. Harry and I are just old friends."

"How long have you known him?"

"Over 10 years."

"Wow! Now, when Harry left you two were getting kinda cozy. You hugging him goodbye and all."

"Well I mean we are best friends. I'm going to miss him."

"Aw. Now do you have details on Zayn's new girl, Hayley?"

"I'm not sure how much I'm aloud to say but I know they are both happy."

"Sweet! Now let's say Harry was always home. Would things be different?"

"I mean. I'm originally from America. I'm visiting family for the summer. So I mean it probably wouldn't be any different. Just best friends."

"Have you guys ever kissed? Be honest!"

I laughed, "When I was like 10!"

"Awwww! In old interviews, Harry used to talk about a girl from his home town he used to love. Know who that is?"

"Haha. No comment."

"Haha ok! Now share us one of Harry's biggest secrets!"

"Hmmm. Let's see here. Oh! Larry Stylinson. Is real," I whispered.

"No way! So are they like together!"

"No no. But they do have a pretty intense bromance."

"Aw! So I'm guessing you've met all of them?"

"Just through phone calls. I have met Zayn in person though."

"Is Zayn nice?"

"Yes! Very sweet!"

"Now are you going to visit them in America?"

"Maybe. We'll see!"

"Ok. One last question! Let's say you and Harry both lived in the same area. And he wasn't famous. Would you guys be together?"

"Well. I mean. It's possible."


"But. Ya know. Just good friends!"

"Well thanks for this interview Samantha!"

"No problem! Thanks for interviewing me."

"Have a good day! Bye!"

"You too."

I hung up and went back into my room with Hayley. She was laying on my bed curled up in a ball.

"You ok?"

"I miss him more than ever Sam!"

"I know how you feel."

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