The Boy Next Door. Harry Styles love story. Chapter 11.

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One week left until the big day.... I've gone absolutely crazy. Trying to juggle interviews about the tour. And planning for the wedding. I'm under so much stress. We leave for the north American tour two days after the wedding. Rehearsals start the day after the wedding. Harry and the boys are here in America now. Hayley and Ana have been a huge help though. Even Eleanor and Danielle are coming!

"Sam! I just got a call from the cake people. Pink ribbons? Or blue?" Hayley asked.


"Samantha! You have an interview today! We need to go!" Harry shouted.

"I'm coming! Hayley. Ana. Can you finish the decorations?"

"Yeah of course."

"Ok thanks. Ill be back later!"

"Sam! Let's go!"

"I'm coming!"

Harry and I rushed out the door and down to the lobby of my apartment. My new manager, Emily, was waiting for us with my security guard, Dan. Ever since my fame exploded I've been mobbed by fans so it's gotten a little out of hand and dangerous.

"Sam you're late!"

"I know I'm sorry."

"Cars waiting out front. Let's go."

I signed some autographs before getting in the car.

When we arrived at the interview place my stylist took me to my dressing room.

"Ok. Here are some outfits. Choose one. Get dressed. Then we will do your hair an makeup. Then start vocal warm ups. Singing the song with Harry is first on the list. Ok?"


I picked out a cute purple dress and silver heels.

The left my hair down and wavy. My makeup simple.

Harry and I took our spots on the small stage.

"Ready?" he asked.


"Please welcome Harry Styles from One Direction and his girlfriend Samantha Burke, as they sing their hit song, Us Against the World!"

The music started and Harry and I started singing. Our voices blending together perfectly. This is really what I love. Being on stage. Performing for fans. This is my life now.

When Harry and I finished our song we sat down on the couch in front of the interviewer, Molly.

"Welcome guys! Nice to see you!"

"You too," Harry and I both said.

"So. You guys are starting off your north American tour in about a week. How does that feel?"

"Amazing! It's brilliant to know we get to perform for fans all over the world," harry said.

"Ah. Now Sam. You have just signed onto a contract. Correct?"

"Yes I have."

"Wow! Now that's a pretty ring you got there. For something special?"

Uh oh..... This is the first time I've been asked about the ring.

"Yeah kinda," Harry said.


"Well... Basically..."


"We got engaged a long time ago."


I just sat there and blushed.

"Well this is amazing! Congrats! Now how is Zayn and Hayley? They had the baby right?"

"Yes. A beautiful baby girl. Arabella."


Harry and I laughed.

"Anyways. Sam. Are you recording an album soon?"

"Who knows. We'll see."

"Ok so. When did you realize you wanted to be a singer?"

"Actually only a couple months ago when Harry asked me to record the song with him."

"Well some people think you are using Harry for fame?"

"No! Of course not! I've known Harry since I was like 3!"

"Good point. Are you enjoying the fame though?"

"Yeah of course. I mean I didn't really ask for all of this. It just kinda happened."

"Now all the fans are probably wondering. What took you so long to fall in love with this boy?"

"Well I mean. Deep down I always kinda knew. I just had to grow up a little to realize it."

"Same with me," Harry added.

"Now Harry. Are you proud of her? With all the fame and stuff?"

"Extremely. Like she said. She didn't really ask for the fame. It just came along with dating me. Sure she got hate but we overcame that together. Now she is recording songs and stuff. I'm really proud of her."

He gave my hand a squeeze.

"So what's next after the tour? Are you going to settle down? Start a family?"

"Since we are so young. Probably not. But definitely stay grounded and not let the fame get to our heads. Because I know that happens to a lot of young artists and couples. I don't want to be the next headlining breakup. Ya know?" I said.

"And you're relationship comes first?"

"Always," Harry said.

"Now when are you guys actually getting married?"


"What! Why so soon?"

"Because we wanted to do it before the tour."

"Wow! That's great guys! Harry you better treat this girl right!"

"No worries. I will."

"Well good luck with your careers and marriage guys!"

"Thank you!"

"And CLEAR!" the camera man shouted.

"Well thanks for coming guys. I enjoyed this!" Molly said.

"Thanks for having us!"

Harry and I both gave her a hug goodbye and we headed outside to go home.

As soon as we walked out the door the screaming started.

"Harry! Sam!"

I waved to all the fans. One girl was even crying.

"Hey don't cry!" I said.

I threw her one of my bracelets and she screamed at the top of her lungs.

"C'mon Sam. Gotta go!" Emily shouted.

"Calm down. I'm just saying hi."

She rolled her eyes and got in the car.

"See you guys later! Love you all!"

I waved one last time before getting in the car. Man I love my life now....

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