I-pod Challenge

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Okay so this has quite allot of angst and death in it; though there is also fluff, you just need to dig through it.

I'll definetly be doing this again, probably after my finals are after. Though I've had an obsession with Malec recently so I'll probably have another chapter up before then... But eh? Who knows?

So! I put the song on the side of the one that is my favorite, though I'm interested in hearing which one you like the most. So please comment and tell me what you think!




The Used - Kissing You Goodbye

No, Magnus shook his head. He wouldn't do it, he refused! He would not leave his Shadowhunter behind, he would not-! A sob tore through his throat as the blood spread, creating a pool of crimson. It was horribly ironic that one of the colors he had used to love so much would mean the end of his world. Magnus closed his eyes in defeat, the tears finally escaping in a torrent of pain. He wouldn't leave his Shadowhunter behind, but it seemed his Shadowhunter would leave him.


Ashley Tisdale - Me Without You

Alec wondered when he had come to depend on Magnus so desperately? When he had began to need him there when everything fell apart... When he began to need him there when it became too much when he broke down.

Sobs broke though his chest, and he sucked in a choked breath; burying his face into the taller man's chest as he whispered soothing words.

"Hush love," Magnus crooned, "It's alright." He brushed his hand through his matted ebony locks. "I'm right here."


3OH!3 - Streets of Gold

Alec didn't know how Magnus did it. How could he have so much charisma and put him self out there so much? Hell, if Alec tried that he would either die of embarrassment or everyone would laugh in his face. Which was why, when Magnus asked him if he could dress him up with glitter and tight clothes that Alec had said no. It was bad enough that people already thought him plain and boring, he didn't need them thinking he was a laughing stock as well.

Magnus flitted by, turning his head to show a smirk that made Alec's insides twist in on themselves with arousal and almost as if he could read his mind the Warlock winked, shaking his hips as he turned with a laugh leaving Alec with an noticeably bright red blush.

No, he didn't need to be glamorous or charismatic or have people drool over him. All he needed was the Warlock who was currently sauntering away from him towards the door... that led to his bedroom. Alec blinked in confusion and almost as if the Warlock felt his eyes on him -he supposed he did, Magnus seemed to have a knack for embarrassing him by pointing out his stares- he turned, his half lidded green eyes burning into his own blue ones with an hidden amusement as he crooked one of his long ring laden fingers before slipping into the bedroom.

Alec was more than willing to follow.


Avril Lavinge - Naked

When he was with Magnus Alec found himself wondering why he had been so afraid of being who he was; why he still was. With Magnus he didn't have to pretend to be anything. He didn't have to hide his emotions, because Magnus knew. With Magnus he was free to be anyone and anything, and the best part of it all? Magnus didn't want him to be anyone but himself.

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