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"Alec, darling." Magnus murmured worriedly, squeezing the boy's shaking hand in his own. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

The black-haired blue-eyed Shadowhunter took a breath, nodding in a few quick jerks. "I-I'm sure."

Magnus gave him an unsure look, not convinced at all but excepting the answer when Alec refused to look up. He heaved a heavy sigh, looking up at the building they were approaching, giving the Shadowhunter one last squeeze before with a simple twitch of his fingers the door now in front of them, flew open.

The Warlock led Alec up the stairs and to another mahogany wooden door, making that door fly open as well. The door closed behind them as the taller of the two walked straight to a bedroom full of splashes of color where he proceeded to push the boy gently onto the edge of the bed.

Leaving Alec there, Magnus walked over to his shockingly lime green vanity, opening a drawer and pulling out a small clear packet that held several indentations before moving back to the boy, letting his knees bend to kneel in front of his fearful love. "Last chance to back out." He whispered, gently brushing back the hair on the Shadowhunter's face.

"No." Alec whispered, eyeing the packet with apprehension. "I can do this."

Magnus ripped the packet open, pulling out a needle, what looked like a skull with a spear protruding out of the back and a silver backing. He grasped the needle in his fingers, letting magic gather in his hand until flames dance across the sharp object, heating it up and dispersing all the germs. He tilted the boys head to the side, brushing the hair off of his left ear as he grasped the needle in one hand, the other reaching for the skull.

"Alright, love. You can hold onto me if you need too alright?"

The boy nodded shakily, muscular arms immediately wrapping around the Warlock and pulling him close as Alec rested his head on Magnus' shoulder, shaking as he felt the heat of the needle coming closer and closer.

"It's alright, darling." Magnus murmured, feeling the boy's shudders before changing the topic abruptly in an effort to distract him.. "Do you know what we should do after this?"

Alec squeezed his eyes shut, gasping as he felt the sharp tip poke into his earlobe. "What?" He gasped.

"We should go to that Ice cream place I was telling you about, they have the best double chocolate swirl and since I'll have you with me I wont have to worry about that annoying pouka flirting with the Magnificent Bane." He could feel the Shadowhunter's shaky laughter and smiled dimly, knowing he had accomplished his task as he struggled to push the needle in faster.

Alec whimpered at the feel of the needle slowly moving into his skin, his hands clutching at the other man's body as he struggled not to jerk away. It wasn't the pain that bothered him, no he was used to that. It was the needle. The torture devices created by man in order to well... Torture. Whoever had invented the damn things, Alec thought with a wince, should have them shoved under his skin and see how he likes it.

Magnus smiled in relief as the tip finally poked through the other side, raising his other hand to slide the skull into place, taking the needle away and clicking the back onto the tip of the spear that went through Alec's ear.

"There!" Magnus said cheerfully, banishing the needle and the packet to a garbage near by. "All done!" He quickly kissed the Shadowhunter's ear before pulling back to look at the shaking boy worriedly.

"It's all done, love." He murmured, holding his hands up with a grin. "See?"

Alec opened his eyes fearfully, the whites of his eyes showing as he gazed at the Warlock in terror before finally finding his voice. "R-Really? It's... Done?"


The Shadowhunter gaze a sigh of relief, relieved tears pooling into his eyes before he quickly pushed them away, leaning back to lay fully on the bed, pulling the Warlock down with him.

Magnus laid there in Alec's arms, stroking his hand across his hip as he stared off into the distance. "You know..." He murmured. "It's kind of ironic how, you're not afraid of demons and yet a teensy weensy needle scares you to the point of falling apart."

"It's not funny!" Alec complained, glaring at the ceiling as he felt the Warlock's laughter.

"It actually kind of is, love."

The Shadowhunter pouted before a wicked grin pulled his lips up into a non-Alec-like smirk. In fact it was more of a Magnus-type I'm-gonna-wish-you-never-said-that type of smirk. Either that or it was the I'm-gonna-fuck-you-till-you-can't-walk smirk. But eh. It's hard to tell.

"Says the one who's afraid of thrift stores."

The Warlock stiffened before sitting up, leaning over the still-smirking boy. "You promised never to mention that again."

Alec shrugged looking as innocent as possible. "Really? I don't remember that..."

Magnus gave an exasperated sigh, letting his head fall back onto his Shadowhunter's chest as he waved his manicured hands around. "I can't help it! I mean have you seen those places?! They're always so so..."

"Not designer? Not new? Not so-expensive-it'll-take-my-entire-years-paycheck-to-buy?"

Magnus nodded seriously. "Exactly."

The Shadowhunter laughed, shoulders silently shaking and Magnus raised his head to stare at the boy solemnly.

"Promise never to speak of this again."

Alec nodded, still struggling to stop his laughter. "Deal."

They sealed it with a kiss.


Cheesy ending I know. *sigh*

This was basically me pushing my fears onto poor defenseless Alec. And before you ask, no I'm not afraid to get my ears pierced, (I've had them pierced for over four years) what I'm scared of are needles. They terrify me to the point of having a panic attack. *grimace* Not. Fun. Let me tell you.

I'm due to get a shot sometime this week or the following and since I usually get really jumpy before that time I'm venting everything out here.

God I wish I could have a Magnus to cling to when I get shots. *sighs dreamily before Alec shows up and glares menacingly at me. Eh ha ha... Just kidding! *cough* Not. *cough*

So anyways, review and all that jazz!



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