Target Practice

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"Come back here!" Blackbeard called from his ship. I was kidnapped by one of this 'fine crew mates' not too long ago. I think it has been like three months, I think. Its hard keeping track of the days when you are on a ship full of idiot.

It was finally my time to escape. I jumped in the water when I first saw the island on the horizon. There was no chance that I would spend another moment with any of the nasty pirates. The only good thing that ever came out of my experince on the boat was my new talent with the bow-and-arrow.

I swam and swam as far as I possibly could. Luckily the mysterious island was not so much farther away. Soon enough, I could feel the cold sand in between my toes. Those damn pirates never let me wear any shoes.

The sun was about to set when I finally stepped on dry land. Fanastic. I bearly have an hour to find a shelter before the moon comes out and the sun sleeps again. Dumping the water out of the pouch that held all of my arrows, I ventured my way into the forest that was bordering the shore.

This is going to be a long night. The trees were large and provided absolutly no covering. Well, if you count the leaves, then I guess covering is fine. I just have never been on such a remote island before, I don't know what to expect. How was I supposed to tell if there was a carvinous noctural monster lurking in the shadows trying to find food, but finds me instead.

The sun has offically set and I am still waundering the island. I couple of rebelious twigs and rocks have scatched up my legs and feet. After a couple of more minutes, I just can't take it any longer. I practically collapse on a tree. Getting fed a portion of pirate food a day does not provide much energy.

I slowly sink to the ground and pray that no animal will maim me in my sleep. Just when I was about to shut my tired, tried eyes, I heard a twig snap in the distance.

"Fantastic," I mumured to myself. I am starving, hopefuly what ever it is will provide lots of energy.

The twigs kept snapping as I rose from the ground and slipped an arrow in its correct place on the bow. The steps were louder than I had expected, no animal I have heard of can create these heavy yet swift step, that sound almost human.

Maybe it is human. I mean it would be practically impossible that one single human can live here on their own. Maybe there is more of them. Maybe they can accept me into there little gang or whatever.

"Hello?" I called. My voice echoed within the trees. It was then when the footsteps stopped. I slowly drew back on my arrow, getting prepared for anything.

Someone snapped their finger and a fire started to the left of me. A boy, about my age, with chocolate brown hair stood against a tree. I only slightly loosened my grip on the arrow. He might mean me harm. His all green attire was slightly comforting, but I've learned that I can't trust anyone.

"What exactly do you think you can do with that, love?" He spoke and his british accent rung through my ears. I remained silent, still a little worried about the boy. He seems arrogent. "What? You can't speak english? No habla ingles?" The boy teased.

"I can speak english just fine," I muttered inbetween my clenched teeth.

"The lassie talks," He played and raised his fine eyebrow slightly. "Now put down the bow-and-arrow before you hurt yourself."

I rolled my eyes and shot the arrow so that it barely grazed the top of his head. He laughed a little.

"See, you can't even shoot a weapon as simple as a bow-and-arrow. Do us both a favor and drop that toy." He said.

I shot again, this time snagging a piece of his clothing and attaching it to the tree.

"Miss," he said and widened is eyes and the word. I shot again, snagging the piece of clothing on his right shoulder. Another on his inner theigh. Again and again I shot my arrow. He was getting more and more amused, I don't think he quite knows what I am doing to him.

"You are truly one of the worest archers I have ever seen," he laughes. "You didn't even leave a scratch on me. Girls can be so useless sometimes."

I dropped my bow and started to walk toward the mysterious boy. He smirked and one of his eyebrows rose.

"You are so adorable, do you know that? Now come over here and give me a hug before I do something to hurt you, love," The boy said and tried to stand away from the tree, when my arrows restrained him. He went from flirtatious to furious in less than a second. My glorious plan was working.

"What the hell did you do? You never hit me!" He yelled.

"It was never about hitting you. This was all target practice," I smirked.

"You've got fire. I like fire," the boys chuckles.

I roll my eyes at the immaturity that this boy contains. Just when I was about to walk away I heard him ask me something.

"What is your name?" He smiles.

"Y/N," I stated and he smiles. Boy he must love smiling.

"What a beautiful name, love."

"What whom do I have the unpleasure of meeting," I tease.

"Oh, did I forget to introduce myself? I'm Peter, Peter Pan," Peter says. "Now, If you could I would like to be unhooked from this tree and lead to you my home."

I pulled all of the arrows from the tree and set him free. Peter hooked his arm from mine.

"Welcome to Neverland, love."

'I hope you enjoyed the first imagine! If you want an imagine PM this account!! Please vote and comment!


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