Imagine #1

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Hey! So this imagine is for @Abbym1776 ! I hope you like it! :) gah and sorry for taking a long time! I was caught up in everything!!

I looked into the mirror from the bathroom contemplating whether I look okay or not. My heart was beating super fast, it felt as if It was a race-car getting ready to take off! I was in the Curtis' house getting ready for a date.
A date with Dallas Winston.
I didn't really get why people was scared of him. He was such a sweetheart, and so funny and Just wonderful. I could get lost into his caramel eyes anytime and oh gosh.... I could just go on and on about him. I liked him for a while now, ever since I met him from Soda.

Soda passed by the bathroom Door and crossed his arms, smiling.
"Lookin' good, Abby." he said playfully winking at me.
I knew The Curtis' ever since I was little.
Before anything, I think I should introduce myself. Im Abby and Im 16 years old. I have dirty blonde hair, and ice blue eyes. I have a pale complexion, just like Dally's. Im not short, nor tall. I'm just right, right for Dally, anyway. Ha.
I giggled about that joke I just made and remembered Soda standing there.
"Thanks. Means a lot." I answered him and he poked my side.
I smiled and punched his side playfully.
"He obviously likes you. Have a fun time with him. And oh, if anything getting heated, remember, use -" I stopped him before he went on.
"Oh my god! No! " I laughed loudly, him laughing too.
I exited the bathroom and he went off to his and Ponys room.
I went to the living room and sat on the couch waiting for Dally.
I touched my hair and made sure my bandana was on properly and my bun was still secured.
Suddenly the door flung open and there was Dally standing there. He was wearing a black shirt with his leather jacket and Dark blue jeans. He had a cigarette on his ear and a large grin plastered on his face.
"Hey, Abby." He greeted holding his hand out for me.
I took his hand and blushed.
"Thanks. You too." I said and he wiped his shoulders.
"Being a little cocky, eh?" I joked and he laughed.
Darry came from the kitchen and looked at us.
"You too have fun, not too much though, okay?" he smirked and we both giggled.
"Ill take good care of her." Dally said and I instantly felt my face heat up.

We exited the house and got into his red convertible.
"Where do you want to go?" he asked and I shrugged.
"Anywhere would be perfect." I suggested and he nodded.
"I got a perfect place." he smirked and I blushed. Gosh, he was like a roman god, beauty literally defines him.

After around 10 minutes in the car, talking about the most randomest things, we finally got to a restaurant.
My eyes lit up when they saw the place he chose. There were big white columns on the sides of the restaurant, glass windows that took up most of the walls space. It was stunning.
"This okay?" he asked sincerely.
I looked at him and nodded.
"Okay? It's perfect." I said and he sighed in relief.
"Lets go inside." he said while holding out his arm. I slid my arm in his, walking into the building.

We got placed to our booth by our waiter and thankfully, it was far away from people.
We both sat across from each other in a table for two, but not to far.
We looked in the menu to decide what we were going to eat, and finally I found something that sounded delicious.
"Do you know what your getting? Im getting the four cheese ravioli." I stated and he chuckled.
"Seriously?! I was getting the same!" he exclaimed and we both laughed.
"So we think alike too." He stated and nodded his head.
"You know what they say, great minds think the same." I winked at him and he bit his lip.
I blushed and a comfortable silence fell upon us.
I noticed him staring at me, and I did the same.
"What?" I asked playfully.
He chuckled and shook his head.
"Nothing, it's just, you're so beautiful." He said which made me fall for him even more.
He grabbed my hands that were laying on the table and licked his bottom lip before speaking again.
"I was meaning to tell you this before, but I was a little scared before. I really like you a lot. For a while now, actually. You're perfect for me. Were practically the same, and you're the only or who calms me down when I steam up. You're one of the first person I ever, well, loved." he said and I was so close to crying.
"That I the most beautifulest thing someone has said to me." I admitted, letting a tear escape.
"So, I was wondering, do you want to be my girl?" he asked softly.
Finally, tears that weld up in my eyes gave up and I nodded.
"Yes, I will be your only girl!" I said and he made a noise of relief.
We both stood up and hugged each other. I inhaled his scent of cologne with stale cigarettes, a delightful smell for me.
He wiped my tear with his thumb and smiled.
We sat back down and talked more. Our food came and we ate really fast, wanting to get back home to my house. When we were talking, we were trying to figure out ways to tell the rest of the gang about us.
"Are you ready to go?" he asked and I nodded.
He paid the bill as we went outside.

The night stars were outside and the wind blew through the warm air.
"The nights so gorgeous.." I said and he looked up at the sky.
"Y'know, after Johnny came out from the hospital, him and Pony made me watch the sunset. I didn't want to admit it, but it was beautiful. Just like you." he said flicking my lips playfully.
I giggled and he smiled back at me.

We got to his car and as he stuck his key in the engine, his car wouldn't turn on.
"Fucking shit.." He muttered. we both got out of the car and he kicked it.
"This piece of shit car! I knew something was wrong when Shepard gave it to me!" he said and I grabbed his hand.
"Listen, it's all good, okay? Don't worry, we could just walk home. It's not far, and it's a nice night out." I said to him and he sighed and nodded.
"Yeah, you're right." he said and we started off to go back home.
I lived two houses down from The Curtis' and it was only a ten minute walk. Plus, more time with my boyfriend Dally.

The neighborhood was quiet, with only the lamps glowing on us.
Our fingers were still intertwined, as we walked.
"I'm so happy to be with you." he said to me and I felt my face grow hot.
"I can say the same." I said feeling butterflies in my stomach.
"I remember when I first saw you at the Curtis' house. I instantly fell in love with you. It was exactly like love at first sight." he added. Man, I want him so badly.

We stopped in our tracks and he held my sides.
"Wait, can I Try something?" he asked and I nodded.
His hand went over to my face and he caressed my cheek softly.
His lips crashed onto mine and legit sparks felt as if they were flying around us. You don't know how long Ive waited for this. Nothing can ruin tonight...

After about two minutes or so, our lips separated and Dally's face lightened, something I never saw before.
Our foreheads still touched each other and I kissed his lips one last time.
"Gosh, that was-" he began to say when we heard a cars door slam multiple times.
Our necks snapped to where it came from and my heart dropped.
It was socs, five of them came out of the red mustang.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't Ol' Dallas." a blonde Soc said. They all had either canisters of liquor, or the bottles half-way empty.
Dally's grip tightened on my hand and I saw that his eyes were filled with pure hatred.
"Dally, they're drunk." I whispered in his ear and he just shook his head.
"And look, he has a girl." another one said.
"I call dibs on her." the blonde one said again while the others laughed.
I started to get pissed off and quite scared.
"You ain't gonna touch her!" He yelled and I felt myself about to cry. I just want to be home with Dally.

"Go get him!" the soc yelled and the four went towards him and started attacking.
I went to go throw some punches at them when that blonde dude pushed me to the ground, leaving my arm in pain.
He hovered on top of me and I struggled to get away from him.
"Hey there. What's a pretty girl like you hanging out with this piece of trash?!" he said, pinning my arms above my head.
"The only piece of trash here is you!" I yelled then I spat in his face.
"Fiesty, I see. I like fiesty." he said while laughing a demonic laugh.
"Get off!" I shouted and kicked him in his area.
I looked over at Dally who already had three of the socs knocked out cold on the floor, looking over at me.
"Get off of her!" Dally said throwing one last punch with the soc he was beating off, when he collapsed on the floor with the others.
The pig that was hovered over me was now fighting with Dally. I felt as if I was worthless, that I didn't help Dally.
I wiped away my tears and stood up to get that soc. Was nobody going to hurt me or Dallas..

I Jumped onto the socs back and pulled his hair and punched his face.
"I'm going to kill you!" I screamed at him punching him non-stop.
Dally helped by punching him everywhere, until his body collapsed on the floor.

Dally and I were left breathless and he walked over to me, hugging me, as if I was going to leave.
I cried in his shoulders, letting it all out.
"I just want to go home.." I said taking breaths of air.
He nodded his head and kissed my forehead.
"I am so sorry..." he apologized repeatedly.
I wiped my tears and shook my head.
"It isn't your fault, baby." I said gulping.
"Lets just go." he said picking me up bridal style.
I placed my face onto his chest and listened to his heart beat. It calmed me down and finally we got to my house.
The whole night we cuddled in my bed and relaxed, enjoying each others presence, and loving each other.

I hope you like it! And its really long too! haha! :)
If you want an imagine, just message or inbox me with what I need as said in the first chapter! ily :)

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