Part 5: Weird Little Dog

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After Nathan got discharged from the hospital, Gen followed The Wanted's car as we were led to their separate apartments.

"Well, here's Nath's place," Jay said as he helped Nathan get his luggage out.

"Seems to look cosy enough," I commented.

"Hey, Jay. I was thinking maybe I could leave Elle here with Nath and I go to your place," I heard Gen say.

"Sure, I live just a few minutes from here," he didn't seem to awkward about it. In fact, he looked excited.

"Is she flirting with him?" Nathan asked me.

"Definitely," I nodded.

Gen, Jay, Nathan and myself had made an arrangement to go out for dinner that night. And then I was led into Nathan's flat.

"Shadow!" I yelled as he ran into the house before Nathan or I could even step foot in it. "Crap, I'm sorry."

"It's cool," Nathan chuckled. "And uh, excuse the mess."

"Nath, I grew up with 2 boys. This is nothing." I joked.

"Of course, of course. You want something to eat? Some tea maybe?"

"I'm good, thanks." 

I walked over to a shelf that had some photos framed up as Nathan brought his luggage up to his bedroom. There were photos of him with his mom and sister; both whom I have seen around the neighborhood before. A few group photos of The Wanted through the years - the kind of photos that would make the proud fans tear up.

"What is it now, Shadow?" I sighed. He was barking again, by the foot of the stairs.

"He probably just wants to explore the house," Nathan chuckled. "Go on, Shadow. Go crazy."

"So what do you do here for entertainment?"

"Y'know, typical guy stuff. Watching soccer, video games, eating."

"Ch, typical," I agreed, sitting on his sofa.

"What did you find, Shadow?" Damn, this guy was a natural with Shadow. I was the only other person he wasn't so stubborn with. Shadow came running toward us with a wallet and a long box.

"Is that yours?" I asked.

"Yeah," Nathan replied, just as confused as I was. "Oh! Yeah, I got you something." He added, picking up the box Shadow put on the floor.

"Wow," I said when he opened it to reveal a bracelet with a simple yet beautiful heart shaped pendant.

"Open the locket." Alright, locket. "I took that photo a few years ago. I was just about to leave for my audition and I found Shadow outside my house looking lost but adorable."

"He visited you before you left?" Visit? Yeah, that doesn't sound weird. A dog visiting someone. Not weird at all.

"Yeah..." Nathan said looking at Shadow who was opening the wallet.

"If he tears it apart, I swear I'll get you a new one." I said nervously as Shadow opened the wallet. He got a bite on something and pulled it out onto the floor.

"Our group photo?" Nathan said. It was the same photo Shadow kept staring at earlier that day; all 7 of us had a copy of it.

"You're one weird dog, Shadow," I commented as Jay's car pulled up in front of the flat.

"NathanTheWanted: Funny how a shadow keeps bringing you to people ;) x"

Most replies to that tweet were from concerned fans asking if he was drunk or high. But I knew he was perfectly fine and what he was talking about; my Shadow. How he kept bringing us together the way he did.

Shadow was being weirdly lonely-looking again and I had come to the decision I'd bring him to the vet the next day, even if it did mean driving an hour to the nearest one. I thought he was probably just getting old; a fact a refused to accept. He was always there for me and led me on crazy adventures, more than just meeting Nathan. I would feel so lost if I were to lose him.

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