🎃 Make Ups 🎃

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+ Texting you to meet up
+ 'Can we meet up at our usual spot?'
+ 'Sure, I'll be there,'
+ 'See you,'
+ Both of you showing up
+ Him immediately cupped your cheeks
+ Kiss
+ Then hugging
+ "I'm sorry Y/N,"
+ "I'm sorry too,"
+ "I know you wouldn't do that,"
+ "I wouldn't, I love you too much to cheat on you,"
+ "I love you too much as well to not care about you not being in my side,"
+ "Aw, I miss you,"
+ "Would you be my girlfriend again?"
+ "Sure thing, Lieberher,"
+ Kissing again

+ Him showing up at your hotel
+ You seeing him with bloodshot eyes
+ "What are you doing here?"
+ "Please take me back Y/N,"
+ He hugs you tight
+ You not hugging back
+ "Y/N you know I wouldn't do that to you,"
+ "I know Oleff,"
+ "Please be mine again?"
+ "Yes, noodle ass,"
+ Kissing passionately and sweetly

+ Him showing at your front porch
+ "Finn?"
+ Both of you saw having bloodshot eyes
+ You humping at him
+ Hugging him tight
+ "I want you back Y/N,"
+ "I wan't you back too,"
+ "So, are we back?"
+ "Yes, yes we are,"
+ Kissing each other passionately
+ With a little bit dominance
+ "I'm. sorry."
+ "Apology. Accepted."
+ Said in every kiss

+ Him seeing you walk on the city by yourself
+ Him grabbing you arm
+ "Y/N,"
+ "What is it Jack?!"
+ "Please take me back babe,"
+ "Then what? You'll say you will take our relationship serious?!"
+ Him looking down
+ "Second chances aren't my thing,"
+ "I'll make you change your mind,"
+ Him kissing you
+ Not kissing back
+ Eventually giving in
+ "Well, I'll take it back,"
+ "I love you, Y/N!"
+ "I love you too,"

+ You hanging out by yourself
+ At your spot
+ Him showing up unintentionally
+ "Chosen?"
+ "Well, I'm here,"
+ "Why are you here?"
+ "I rejected the offer,"
+ "Why? You know its a big opportunity for you,"
+ Tears started running down your face
+ "Well, your mostly my big opportunity,"
+ Him rushing to you
+ Hugging you you tight
+ Him wiping your tears away
+ "We're back, I hope you know that,"
+ "I always did,"
+ Kiss on the lips, more like a peck

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